Chapter 12

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Joana's POV

Dang parents give you a lot of work, I say inwardly as plop unto the bed. An involuntary smile creeps up as I think of the psycho workaholics I was with not too long ago.

I take my phone out from my pocket and skip through the contacts till it I reach one, hope she picks. I press the call button and it...goes to voice mail.

I sigh deeply as I think of my crazy best friend not only is more boyish than she shows, and needs me to pick out her daily look to avoid a fashion disaster but has lasted longer than someone else.

Victoria, you better call me or text me back within the next two minutes or you're dead, I text her as I place the phone back down on the bed. I take some of my hair into fingers and gently stroke it, feeling the thin long silky feeling, buzz.

I snap out of my trance and take out my phone and turning around so that I'm lying on my belly.

Me: one and a half minutes. Not bad timing

BF³L: I'll have you know I just finished bathing I wasn't in a rush to talk to you.

Me: Ow really, well sure talk to you when the sun dies

BF³L: Pls, by the time that happens I'll be long dead

Me: Probably from lack of food, I tease remembering when she had no food for three hours and she pretended to have fainted from hunger.

BF³L: Nah that ain't possible, I hear them calling for me miles away

Me: If you had to ever choose a superhero who would it be

BF³L: Daredevil or Supergirl duh

Me: Supergirl I get it but why him? He's cool and all but wouldn't you want to be able to see me every day

BF³L: I already had too much of that last year, plus that way I can hear and smell my food better no matter the distance....but you know I love you

Me: Yeah yeah. So whatcha in such a hurry for?

BF³L: Have to meet our school bad boy for my grade

Me: Which one the gorgeous model one or the alley cool one?

BF³L: The one you've been hitting on

Me: Knew it'll be him. Get his number for me

BF³L: Get it yourself Cupid. I've gotta go, see ya Hun

Me: You're a cruel friend. Get me something though.

I end our conversation, having the last words. buzz, Hehe you're not going to get the last laugh, she texts and I can't help but roll my eyes at her antics. You are nuts but what would I do without you.

I get off my bed and I can't help but admire my room. From the lovely white four-poster bed on the wall complemented with the white and red pillows.

The fresh air from the window brushes against my face from the window at the right a little bit further down near the red circular couch that doubles as a mini-bed.

A chandelier hangs above it in its golden majesty with the bathroom door at my left side and the study table in front of my bed.

I have it all but do I really, I remember something and it takes me out of my trace, "Wait hold up I need to see what you'll wear to meet him," I text her knowing that she'd probably have gone with a shirt and baggy sweats or something, its fine if she goes with that, but its too lazy on her part.

After about a minute she sends a picture of herself in a blue shirt and black trousers with her brown jacket and with a bit of help from choosing some choice jewelry and footwear.

"But why trainers? The heels would have been so much hotter," I whine over the phone.

"Because I don't want to, it's cold and you know how my feet are, and lastly the last time I met him in heels I had to chase him and you can guess how well that went," she says in a hurried tone as she closes and locks some doors behind her.

"Blah fine but you owe me new shoes," I blurt out as I hear a car being unlocked.

"Yeah sure but hang up because if I get arrested you owe me five," she says and I just roll my eyes at her, "How about three whole Manga and anime series sets?"

"I was hoping you'd say that. Bye now" she says a little more pitchy than normal, "Bye sugar muffin."

"Where?" She asks a little too serious that I'm afraid she'd jump out looking for it. I end the call before throwing my phone onto my bed.

I get off the bed and walk over to the walk-in closet and look at myself in the mirror. Walking into the bathroom where my day starts.

Bryan's POV

12:45. The time on the clock in the hall reminds me and causes me to groan along with my stomach.

I take out some clothes and toss them on the bed from the wardrobe and open the bathroom door stepping into the shower and turn on the heater.

About ten minutes later I walk down to the garage in my jacket, a red shirt under and black sweats with sneakers. I run my hand through my hair to make it neatly messy and put on the helmet and open the garage door.

Stomach guide me to my destination, the lovely place of delicious goodies and pastries, and all the time breakfast, the Café.

It doesn't even take me up to three minutes with my rumbling stomach to reach there, only 5 minutes late from my meeting time with Victoria. New record for less tardiness.

I park my bike at a vacant spot and put my keys into my pocket holding on to my helmet. I look around for her car but I don't see it around.

I guess this is payback or something?? I walk into the building my helmet in my left arm, pressed on to my body.

As empty as usual. I walk over to the counter where the girl I met on Monday just puts some cash into the register. She looks up to meet me and her eyes instantly light up.

"Will you be getting your usual?" She asks already writing it down, "Yeah but with something extra," I say as I lean in more. "What more would you want?" She leans in slightly just an inch between us.

Having already placed the helmet on the counter, I place one palm on her left cheek feeling the soft warmth underneath as her eyes darken.

I lean in even closer until my lips are at her ear, "Fries and an extra drink of your choice would do," I say as I pull back leaving her slightly red but disappointed.

"Ow and one more thing," I say as she lifts her head from the paper, kissing her gently on the cheek and place a twenty-dollar bill on the counter as I take one of the table cubes and my helmet, making sure to show her the number before leaving to my table.

You just had to get her hopes up, I question my actions but I just bypass it and wait for my food.

It doesn't even take up to ten minutes before everything comes in from of me in a nice warm and decorated platter just that the bread had been exchanged for a burger and the fries more than I expected.

I shoot her a look hoping that she didn't think the money was for this, "Cook said that you might want your afternoon lunch a little more," she says with a smile as she places the drink down, walking away but not without looking back at me with a wink.

I look at my food and thank the heavens that the cook gets me and I take in one fry, it's salty crunch together with the ketchup makes me smile inwardly.

This meal is too good to rush through, gotta take my time. Speaking of time, I check the time on my phone and read 1:13, she's late.

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