Chapter 7

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Victorias POV

12 o'clock.

I walk into the gymnasium in an ash and green tank top and sweat. I move my ankle around the pain almost gone. I stretch around as I lightly jog over with the rest of the class as Coach Miller, seems to be telling the class something.

" because of that both you and the other class would be having this period together," he says and as if planned, the doors burst open to reveal Max in a dark blue Nike track suit behind him the members of his class, including my arch enemy Clare Thompson. Stop anime talking.

Joana comes to my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as she glares at Clare, "This class just got a whole lot different," she says with pain in her voice.

My eyes drift to Max as he shoots me a glare, if looks could kill I'd definitely be 6 feet under, Clare picks his hand in hers, standing in her tiptoes to kiss his cheek before giving me a glare of her own.

"I say bring it on." Joana looks to me with a grin and for once I wouldnt mind a game of dodgeball. The whistle blows signaling the beginning of class.

I scan around the crowd to look for Sam, I keep on looking and I finally spot him, in grey sport shorts and a blue shirt, talking to Bryan who is leaning against the wall looking pretty nonchalant in a simple navy blue shirt and black sports shorts both looking too immersed to have heard the whistle until Jacob, one of our classmates informs them.

Ten minutes till class ends

9....10. I stand up straight after completing my final push up, my shirt soaked with sweat clinged to my body and I'm grateful I decided to tie my hair into a bun. I look around as the rest of the classes who hadn't finish wrap it up.

Sam always finished first in everything and I still don't get why he wouldn't try out for the school football team, okay that one is because of Max but why not or any other sport.

My eyes meet Bryan's shaking me from my thoughts as for a brief moment his eyes look empty, hollow like the person within isn't even there and this causes the hair at my back to stand up, and just as quickly as I it came, it is replaced by his usual nonchalant and bored look.

Even though he did finish up almost last in every drill, he doesn't seem to be bothered the least bit at everyone's judging eyes.

The sweat in his shirt causes it to cling to his body but it doesn't shown too much of his frame, not that I'm interested after all he wasn't interested in mine.

Did you want him to be? my conscience teases me as I roll my eyes and turn to meet Max saying something to coaches ears, sparing me quick glances while doing so.

A hand drops on my left shoulder causing me to jump. I look over my shoulder to see Sam's face, with the warm smile he had since the first day we met...and yes I did bump into his chest and as Joana would say, it's a miracle how I have such a popular status and yet I keep bumping into a boys chest.

I smile back at him before giving him a once over at the shirt which clings dangerously to his skin, like a second layer of skin emphasizing his muscular frame underneath.

Knowing I can't resist the burning that would soon come to my cheeks with these thoughts I turn to face coach who just blew on his whistle.

"Usually we would have our dodgeball exercise being done between both boys and girls but because of time, it'll be between classes," coach says as he instructs someone to get all the dodge balls from a store room.

"Um sir what about us girls, surely you won't want the boys to go against us? They can be a bit too brutal" A girl at the back says, recalling one match that ended a little bloody.

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