Chapter 6

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Victoria's POV

Ten minutes before PE

It's been 20 minutes since break started and Bryan is no-where to be seen. I've got to find him before he tells someone, I say inwardly as I walk around the school. Of course, I know this place is too huge to look for him but still.

Even though I know he didn't really see anything the fact that he seems close to someone in particular and may say something is what I'm worried about.

That and I want to give him a piece of my mind. Yet... my mind drifts as I realize the drastic change in personality, kinda creep, the guy took me out of trouble and landed the bitchiest person in the entire school into trouble and seemed to ignore me like I wasn't even there.

I guess he wasn't as I saw him to be, recalling his attitude and his new look which fit the new attitude. Im not one to judge a person fully by looks and first impression but Im no fool either.

My ankle begins to feel sore when I arrive at the school gym. Of course it's the day I would walk a lot that you'd let me wear heels.

I say inwardly blaming Joana Entering the part of the building that was big enough to be our auditorium, I walk over to one of the lockers at the far end.

I pull at its handle, happy that it isn't locked, and take out an ointment for my leg. "This better not gets worse in PE," I say as I turn around to get to the girls' locker room to change.

I bump into someone's knocking me over. You really have to stop bumping into hard chests and leading on your butt, my inner self scolds.

I raise my head and I'm met with the sight of a doubled over Maxwell Peters, the star quarterback of our football team, the boyfriend of the queen b ex.

He stretches his hand, flashes me a warm smile, his pearl-white teeth emphasizing his light yellow eyes and brunette hair styled up that would have almost anyone in competition.

I take his hand, his fingers firmly wrapped around my hand as he gently pulls me up. On my feet, I realize just how annoying it is that he's a good head taller than me at somewhere around 5ft 11".

"Thanks, I say out of courtesy even though it makes me feel a little sick, could you let go of my hand?" I ask still finding it slightly uncomfortable after all these years. Then again they didnt make it easy.

He reluctantly let's go of my hand after a moment, "It's just that I missed you and your love," he doesn't even give me time to let the words sink as he holds my waist and pulls me for a kiss.

Before his lips get to make contact with mine, my fists get to give him the "love" that he missed letting him release his hold on my waist to place his hands on his slightly swollen cheek.

If there is one thing Im good at in combat, its throwing a good single punch. Thank you overprotective Dad.

I half glare half-grin at him, my insides screaming with joy and although my fist hurt I wouldn't mind doing that again, the look of shock in his eyes too good to miss.

He straightens up, his face reddening with rage as a smile curls up his lips, it's sinister look sending a shiver down my spine, "Fierce, thats something new. It's only right that I show you how fierce I can also..."

His words die short as a sound turns out heads to the side. Clap, clap, clap sounds in the room as Bryan takes a slow step towards us stopping barely a meter behind Max.

Dramatic much and how long has he been there?? I ask myself as I stare at his blank visage. "Well I was in a bad mood this morning, a this is a pretty interesting sight," he says as he places his hands into his blue jeans.

His body seems to draw the light, his shirt sparkling and the jacket seems to absorb that sparkle, with his messy out of bed hair giving him a look of a fallen angel if he had wings.

He looks over Max's shoulder and at me, an amused look in his eyes, "We going or not? You obviously don't want to be here and we've got PE and I don't know where the locker rooms are," he says walking over to my side and yanks me while we hurriedly walk away from Max.

"Hey! Who told you you can take her away?!" Max shouts about three steps away and knowing him he wouldn't minds having a fight as long as no one is around to say anything.

Bryan stops, his grip on me even though it had hurt in the beginning is loosened as he shoots me a look when I wince. That look was one of the few looks that didn't have boredom traced in it although I could tell they weren't too genuine.

Looking over his shoulder he utters, Brain cells but I doubt you can understand that, he says his features not even flinching while I struggle to hold down my shock and laughter.

"And considering she's not your property and she didn't object to me in the first place," he looks to me and leaves my wrist.

"Unlike you who seem to have had it rough," he adds, mocking Max for the slight swelling in his cheek. Sure it is small and I'm kinda shocked that he realized but it's still there.

And who do you think you are? Max asks with malice. Just you ordinary fucker who just doesnt give a fuck. He says flipping his middle fingers behind him in an X.

Ill get you punk, and you as well Tori. Shutting the door on him and his wounded pride, I turn to my side only to realize Bryan some good steps away. "Don't I know where the locker room is," he says his back turned to me.

I wasnt going to help you in the first place, I say still holding a grudge from earlier, or maybe seeing Max treating me like that is what is stirring me up.

That is one thing we agree on. He walks at a normal pace and joins the crowd of students rushing to class.

Hey Tori, Kevin classmate calls out. I turn around and meet him looking at me worriedly, his eyes trying to look into me.

Like what you see? I tease, taking a step closer. Quite the opposite really, he bites back. I roll my eyes at him and he takes a step back.

Whats that for? I ask. In case a certain someone came I wouldnt want him getting any ideas. I struggle to contain my blush knowing he means Sam.

Hows Zoe? I change the subject to ask about his little sister. She is being the usual pain in the ass, speaking of that." he stops to look at me. "You seemed red, was it about the new guy? he asks.

The bell rings and I couldnt have been sadder and happier. Happier cause I could dodge him but sad becauseSaved by the bell....his pun.

Well have to run and so do you, literally, He utters as he pats my back. I sigh and breathe as we take our paths to our lockers.

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