Chapter 1: Battle at Shanghai

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We then cut to present day approximately two years after the first rewrite where we see a carrier plane with the N.E.S.T. logo fly over Shanghai. aboard the carrier we see Lennox lecturing a squad of Autobots in vehicle mode about their mission: a fragment of the Allspark has been detected near the port of Shanghai that has recently been a hotspot for Decepticon activity and they need to find it before the Decepticons get their hands on it, once it's all clear the N.E.S.T. agents will come in and extract the fragment and take it back to base all the Autobots got to worry about is stopping the Decepticons. the back door of the plane opens up and the Autobot squad led by Ironhide consisting of Arcee (a pink motorcycle), Cliffjumper (a red Challenger with black racing stripes), Wheeljack (a white Mustang with green racing stripes), Mirage (a white Ferrari convertible with blue racing stripes), Blurr (a blue Bugatti), and the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker (a pair of Lamborghinis, one red and one yellow) drive out of the plane and skydive down towards Shanghai. Ironhide's squad then all activate their parachutes before landing safely on the streets below. Ironhide then orders the team to move out and the squad all drive through the streets of Shanghai maneuvering their way through traffic. we then get another bit of narration from Optimus prime: "in the last two years an advanced team of new Autobots has taken refuge under my command. together, we have formed an alliance with the humans. a secret but brave squad of soldiers... a classified strike team called the Network of Earth Security and Transformers, otherwise known as N.E.S.T. for short. we hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes hiding in countries across the globe, we believe they are after the shattered pieces of the legendary Allspark that were scattered across the planet's surface two years ago). we then cut to Ironhide and the crew arriving at the port of Shanghai before they all transform into robot mode, Ironhide telling the squad that he can smell Decepticons close by. Cliffjumper crosses his arms, making the sarcastic remark "easy for you to say mr. overized arm cannons" followed by Ironhide telling Cliffjumper that Optimus put him in charge for a reason, since he is the most qualified to lead the team on this dangeorus mission while Arcee tells Cliffjumper to calm down. Wheeljack then whips out one of his inventions: an Allspark energy detector, wheeljack explaining to his teammates that he designed this device to detect Allspark energy that will lead them to the location of the fragment. Ironhide tells his team to be careful as this place is crawling with cons, Ironhide saying that he can smell their vile stench from a mile away. Blurr then starts zipping around with excitement, rambling out about how he finally gets to kick some Decepticon skidplate at fifty miles an hour. Ironhide tells Blurr to slow down, telling him that he'll give away their position and that N.E.S.T. meant for this to be a covert mission before telling the team that he expects them to be on their best behavior, Ironhide looking at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker with a menacing scowl followed by the twins exclaiming in fear "we will!" followed by Mirage flirting with Arcee by telling her "don't worry, I won't let the Decepticons hurt a beautiful face like you", speaking in a thick Italian accent (befitting Mirage's Ferrari alt mode) followed by Arcee rolling her eyes at Mirage's chauvinism. the Autobots then transform into their vehicle modes and enter the port, all the while they are being followed by Soundwave in his Balkan MK7 mode flanked by two Decepticon Honda Civic compact cars, one blue and one red. we then cut to the Autobots driving through the port followed by Ironhide instructing the team to split up in order to cover more ground: Arcee will go with Mirage, Blurr and Cliffjumper will go with Wheeljack, and the twins will go with him just to be sure they don't get into trouble, much to the dismay of both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker who complain about how they don't like being babysat followed by Ironhide telling the two to take their complaints and shove it up their tailpipe followed by the Autobots splitting up and going in separate directions. we cut to Arcee coming across a group of dock workers who have been bound and gagged by the 'cons as hostages, followed by Arcee transforming into her robot mode assuring the workers that she's here to help whipping out her laser crossbow to fire a blast that cuts them free of their bonds. after the dock workers are freed, one worker tells her "you're an Autobot aren't you? my daughter is a big fan of you guys". Arcee is flattered telling him to tell his daughter hi for her and that her name's Arcee. however Decepticon drones show up and take aim at Arcee who tells the workers to go promising that she'll hold them off. once the workers escape Arcee aims her laser crossbow at the drones to snip them taking the cons out one by one. however more drones keep coming and fire at Arcee who dodges their blasts with her agility before taking aim. the drones however are suddenly taken out by an unseen force that slices through them one by one which turns out to be Mirage using his cloaking ability while wielding his rapier sword which is soaked with the energon of the fallen drones. Arcee thanks Mirage for the save. Mirage tells Arcee it is his pleasure in a flirtatious tone which makes Arcee roll her eyes. after that we cut to Wheeljack and Cliffjumper being chased through the port by drones in vehicle mode, followed by the two transforming into robot mode to confront them. Wheeljack whips out his wrenches while Cliffjumper whips out his sledgehammer and the two pummel the drones with their melee weapons however more drones show up to corner the two followed by Wheeljack whipping out a remote to press a button revealing another one of his inventions, a pair of tiny remote-controlled turret drones that fly around and circle the Decepticon troopers firing from all directions, however the cons manage to blast them out of the sky with Wheeljack going "not again!" at yet another one of his inventions getting destroyed. Blurr then arrives on the scene transforming into robot mode before crashing through the Decepticon drones with his super-speed leaving only one left. the lone surviving drone then takes aim at Blurr, however Blurr is too fast for the drone as he dodges each of his blasts before running literal circles around the drone pelting it from all sides with blasts from his laser rifle followed by finishing off the drone by slicing it in half with his retractable arm-mounted energon blades. Wheeljack compliments Blurr on his super-speed, saying that must have been a new record. Cliffjumper rolls his eyes saying "I could have taken them" under his breath followed by Wheeljack radioing Ironhide to tell him that his Allspark energy detector is getting a reading in close proximity to Ironhide's current location. meanwhile Ironhide and the twins are confronted by a familiar Balkan MK7 and the two Honda Civics. Soundwave then transforms into robot mode before whipping out an Allspark shard, asking the Autobots if it's THIS they're looking for. Ironhide and the twins then transform into their robot modes, Sideswipe whipping out his twin katanas while Sunstreaker whips out his twin pistols. Ironhide demands Soundwave to hand over the shard, telling him that he's outnumbered. Soundwave then crosses his arms and tells the Autobots "I don't think so" followed by the two Honda Civics transforming into their robot modes, Soundwave introducing the Autobots to his new lackeys: a pair of Decepticon twins named Rumble (the blue one) and Frenzy (the red one). Ironhide however isn't intimidated, telling Soundwave that they're now even, three Autobots against three Decepticons, pointing his cannons at Soundwave all the while Sideswipe and Sunstreaker stare down Rumble and Frenzy before the twin Lambos charge at them weapons in hand followed by a pair of robotic tentacles extending from Soundwave's back to grab both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker by the head, however the two manage to free themselves with Sideswipe cutting off one tentacle with his katanas while Sunstreaker shoots the other tentacle off with his pistols. Soundwave then orders Rumble and Frenzy to commence "Operation: Annihilation" followed by Rumble and Frenzy both transforming their arms into piledrivers to create a massive tremor knocking the twins off their feet as well as causing a shipping container suspended by a crane to fall and explode. Soundwave, Rumble, and Frenzy transform back into their vehicle modes and escape. the exploding container causes a chain of explosions forcing Ironhide to order his team to evacuate. the Autobots all transform back into their vehicle modes and drive away from the explosions as fast as they can. Ironhide, Arcee, Mirage, Blurr, Wheeljack, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker all manage to make it out of there safely, however Cliffjumper couldn't make it in time and is killed in the explosion. the Autobots all transform into robot mode and watch in horror as the port is engulfed in flames before the firetrucks arrive to put out the fire, Ironhide slamming his fist into the ground angry over how he wasn't able to save Cliffjumper while Mirage comforts Arcee. Ironhide then Radios Lennox to inform him that the Decepticons got away, and they lost an Autobot informing Lennox that Cliffjumper is dead. Lennox understands and contacts N.E.S.T. HQ to request for "Big Buddha" to be delivered to team prime's location. General Witwicky tells Lennox permission granted followed by Lennox opening the back door of the carrier plane to deploy none other than Optimus Prime who skydives out of the airplane in truck mode before transforming into robot mode and activating his parachutes to radio his fellow Autobots telling them that he's in pursuit before cutting his parachutes and landing on the streets of Shanghai transforming back into truck mode to chase after Soundwave, Rumble, and Frenzy down the freeway while Optimus is flanked by N.E.S.T. agents in their Humvees and motorbikes. however Rumble and Frenzy transform into their robot modes and use their piledrivers to create yet another tremor causing the bridge to crumble forcing the N.E.S.T. agents to stop in their tracks at the now-broken bridge allowing Soundwave to escape with the fragment. Optimus tells the agents that he'll take it from here followed by driving off a ramp in truck mode before transforming into robot mode mid-air and landing on the other side of the broken bridge. Rumble then hits Optimus in the chest with his piledrivers knocking him towards Frenzy who hits Optimus in the back with HIS piledrives knocking Optimus off his feet. Soundwave then shows up and transforms into robot mode to radio Megatron to inform his boss that him and his associates have acquired the Allspark fragment while Rumble and Frenzy ready their piledrivers. Optimus then gets back up on his feet and gets in a fighting stance whipping out his energon swords to slice off Rumble and Frenzy's arms so they can't use their piledrivers. the three Decepticons try to run off and retreat until the other Autobots arrive on the scene to stop them in their tracks with Ironhide using his arm cannons to kill both Rumble and Frenzy by blowing their heads off telling them "that was for Cliffjumper" while the other Autobots surround and point their weapons at Soundwave to prevent him from escaping. Soundwave tells the Autobots they'll never get their hands on this shard followed by Optimus sucker-punching Soundwave causing him to fall over knocking the Allspark fragment out of Soundwave's hand, Optimus saying that this shard belongs with the Autobots while N.E.S.T. agents arrive on the scene to collect the shard and apprehend Soundwave. the N.E.S.T. carrier plane lands in front of them followed by Epps, Burke, Donnelly, and a British N.E.S.T. agent named Graham to takes the place of Fig on Lennox's squad who all point their guns at Soundwave, Graham telling Soundwave not to think about moving a muscle. Lennox then exits the carrier plane to congratulate the team on a job well done, all the while the commandos load the captured Soundwave into the back of the plane to be transported to N.E.S.T.'s special prison designed for holding Decepticons. Soundwave then tells the Autobots that this is only the beginning, uttering the ominous words "the fallen shall rise again" as he is taken aboard the N.E.S.T. carrier plane all the while Optimus looks at the Allspark shard deeply disturbed by Soundwave's words. a swarm of Transformers fans then surround the Autobots and start taking pictures of them with their phones and asking for Autographs. one fangirl then flings a pair of panties in Ironhide's face causing him to scream "ah! get this thing off my face!" followed by the twins laughing at ol' Ironhide's misery. Arcee then tells giggles and tells Ironhide "it means she likes you" all the while Blurr zips around Prime shaking the boss truck's hand 50 miles an hour telling him that he's so glad to see him and that without Prime they'd be gonners. Arcee then comically pushes Blurr out of the way and asks Optimus where Bumblebee is, saying that she thinks he's kinda cute with that lovely yellow-and-black paintjob which makes Mirage jealous. Optimus then tells Arcee that Bumblebee is busy at Mission City, Nevada picking the kids up from School.

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