Chapter 12: World tour, part 1

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We then cut back to N.E.S.T. where we see the carrier plane flying out of the Metroplex before flying all around the world to drop each of the Autobots out of the plane and into their respective locations: Wheeljack in New York, Bumblebee and Arcee in Greece, Ironhide and Blurr in Japan, and Mirage and the twins in Peru. Spike starts screaming for his life as Bumblebee skydives out of the plane in vehicle mode while Elise gets sick and vomits inside Blurr's interior which freaks the poor Autobot out. The Autobots all activate their parachutes and safely land before driving off in search of the Allspark fragments. We first cut to Chip and Wheelie riding in Wheeljack through the busy streets of New York, passing by famous landmarks such as the Empire state building which Chip is in awe of. Wheelie starts spinning his head beeping with excitement. Chip then tells the little robot "sure was fun, huh wheelie?" followed by Wheeljack asking Chip if he really built that little thing himself. Chip tells the Autobot scientist that he sure did, followed by Wheeljack telling chip that's impressive saying that his inventions end up blowing up in his face most of the time. Chip and Wheeljack start to bond over their shared love of science and inventing, with Chip asking Wheeljack if he's ever heard of the TV show "Mythbusters". Wheeljack tells Chip that's his favorite show, saying that he was introduced to the show when he first came to this planet during N.E.S.T.'s debriefing on Earth culture. Wheeljack goes as far as to say "Jamie Hyneman is my hero". Chip chuckles at Wheeljack's admiration for the walrus-mustached Discovery channel star before telling Wheeljack to stop upon driving up to the American Museum of natural history. Wheeljack asks Chip what the big deal about this museum is, and Chip explains to Wheeljack that the American Museum of Natural History is one of the largest natural history museums in the world and that he's always wanted to visit there. Wheeljack then detects an Allspark fragment signature coming from within the museum itself and Chip tells Wheeljack to wait outside for him while he goes in to find the fragment. Chip then stuffs Wheelie in his backpack before getting out of Wheeljack's white-and-green Mustang mode and entering the Museum passing by two massive dinosaur skeletons on display in the entrance hall. Chip then notices a banner advertising an "Ancient aliens" exhibit and thinks that he might have an idea of where to look for the shard. He then looks at the map and realizes where he must go. We then cut to Bumblebee and Arcee arriving at the ruins of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece where Spike and Carly are in awe of the mythical architecture before Bumblebee reminds them that they're here to find an Allspark fragment, not to sightsee. Spike gets out of Bumblebee's yellow Camaro mode while Carly hops off Arcee's pink motorcycle mode. The two Autobots transform into robot mode with Bumblebee telling Arcee that he's so glad that she got partnered up with him instead of that pompous jerk Mirage. Arcee tells Bumblebee that Mirage isn't all bad, he just needs to learn not to be so possessive of her and that she's just not that into him. Arcee puts her hand on Bumblebee's hand and Spike asks Bumblebee and Arcee if the two of them are a "thing". Bumblebee tells Spike "you can say that" followed by Arcee saying "it's complicated". Carly then sits atop a fallen column and starts sulking. Arcee kneels down asks her what's wrong, and Carly tells her that she feels like she's not ready for another Autobot partner. Arcee asks Carly what she means by "another" and Carly explains that she used to be friends with an Autobot named Jazz who was killed by Megatron. Arcee tells Carly that she understands exactly what she's going through, saying that she also lost someone she cared about: an Autobot named Cliffjumper, who was the commander of her squad that included Blurr, Mirage, Wheeljack, and the twins back on Cybertron before they came to earth to join team prime. She explains to Carly that during team prime's mission in Shanghai, there was a massive explosion caused by the Decepticons. Most of the Autobots made it out okay, but Cliffjumper didn't make it in time. Carly tells Arcee that she feels sorry for her loss, and Arcee tells her that the feeling's mutual. However this heartfelt scene is interrupted when a familiar Balkan MK7 arrives on the scene with Ravage hopping out of the back of the vehicle. The vehicle is of course Soundwave who transforms into robot mode. Bumblebee tells Spike and Carly to run. Spike and Carly run into the ruins of the Acropolis while Arcee provides cover fire with her crossbow. Spike and Carly have made it inside the ruins where they see the Allspark fragment sitting in the hand of a large statue. Carly recognizes the statue as that of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Spike then calls Chip to inform him that they found their Allspark fragment before asking him if he found his, and Chip says not yet before we cut back to Chip walking around the museum until he comes across the ancient aliens exhibition. Chip is in awe of all the strange artifacts on display until he comes across the Allspark shard contained in a glass case. However before he can remove the case and take the shard he hears a voice saying "what do you think you're doing, kid?" followed by Chip turning his head to see the exhibit's curator who turns out to be none other than Agent Simmons. Chip recognizes Agent Simmons as the former head of Sector 7 and founder of N.E.S.T., saying that he read up on him when Sector 7's files were disclosed to the public after the organization was disbanded. Simmons tells Chip that he's a smart young man, followed by BB-8 sticking his head out of Chip's backpack and beeping loudly. Simmons asks Chip who that little robot is, and Chip tells Simmons that his name is Wheelie and he's a robot that he built from a bunch of used car parts. Chip then asks Simmons where he's been here all this time, and Simmons tells Chip that after after Sector 7 was disbanded the alien artifacts that were once in their custody were given over to the museum, and Simmons felt like he had an obligation to protect the artifact collection so that they don't fall into the wrong hands. he gave leadership of N.E.S.T. over to Marissa Faireborn a year ago so that he could get a job at the museum to keep an eye on the artifacts. Chip then tells Simmons that he needs that Allspark shard, and Simmons tells Chip no-can-do as that's museum property. Chip tells Simmons that he needs to take the shard so he can give it to the Autobots, saying that they need it so that they can heal Optimus Prime. Simmons is surprised to hear this, asking Chip "you're with the Autobots?" and Chip says yes. Simmons lets Chip take the fragment and Chip takes the fragment out of the case and puts it in his backpack. Chip then notices an ancient Egyptian tablet depicting ancient Egyptians bowing down to a giant metal man standing in front of some kind of device. Chip asks what that is, and Simmons explains to chip that the tablet was discovered in Ancient Egyptian ruins by Sector 7's Archaeology team way back in the day. as for what's in the picture, no one knows what it is. but it's evidence that Cybertronians making contact with ancient Earth civilizations meaning they've been on Earth longer than previously thought. we then cut back to Greece where we see Arcee shooting at Soundwave with her crossbow until Soundwave knocks her over with a sonic blast from his shoulder cannon. Bumblebee confronts Soundwave and Ravage followed Ravage attacks Bumblebee by pouncing on the yellow Autobot and clawing at his back. Bumblebee then grabs Ravage by the tail and kills the Cybertronian panther by ripping his spine out. Soundwave then attacks Bumblebee with his tentacles, but Bumblebee dodges the tentacles and whips out his new stinger weapons that Wheeljack gave him to electrocute Soundwave. Bumblebee then grabs Soundwave by one of his tentacles and flings him into the side of the Acropolis. we then cut to Spike and Carly climbing up the Athena statue to grab the Allspark fragment. they successfully get the shard, but the collision of Soundwave hitting the side of the Acropolis causes the statue to fall over. Spike and Carly both leap off the statue and escape with the fragment before they regroup with Bumblebee who is carrying the injured Arcee over his shoulder. Arcee congratulates the two for managing to successfully get the Allspark fragment and Bumblebee tells Arcee to take it easy as she's still hurt. Spike is then contacted by Chip who informs Spike that he got the fragment. Spike tells Chip that he's got one too, and there's someone who would like to say hi. Simmons tells Spike "hi, how you doing" over the phone and Spike and Carly both recognize the voice as that of Agent Simmons. however before they can say anything five fighter jets swoop in and fire a barrage of missiles at the two teens who are saved by Bumblebee and Arcee. Bumblebee recognizes the five jets as Starscream and the seekers and that they've gotta get out of here FAST. Bumblebee and Arcee both transform into their vehicle modes for Spike and Carly to hop in and they drive away from the attacking jets before boarding the N.E.S.T. carrier plane and taking off.

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