Chapter 4: Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire

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We then pan up to outer space before we cut to the Nemesis on Saturn's moon of Titan where we see The Fallen sitting on his throne asking Megatron why Soundwave isn't back with the Allspark fragment yet. Megatron tells The Fallen that he doesn't know, saying that he should have been back hours ago fragment in hand. Ravage then sits in The Fallen's lap while Megatron scowls at his master. The Fallen strokes the metallic spines on the Cybertronian panther's back and tells Megatron that he's very disappointed in his disciple's choices in followers, saying that he already sensed the deaths of the Decepticons Rumble and Frenzy at the hands of the Autobots. Megatron then tells The Fallen that Soundwave was probably captured by the Autobots and their disgusting human allies. The Fallen closes his eyes and tells Megatron that he is correct, as he senses that Soundwave is being held on a facility on the planet Earth. Ravage then hops off The Fallen's lap before Starscream enters the throne room to present The Fallen with four new Decepticon flyers known as the seekers: a pair of twins named Skywarp and Thundercracker, along with two other flyers named Ramjet (a conehead) and Slipstream (a female seeker) who all kneel before their master. Starscream explains to Megatron and The Fallen that he discovered the four of them during his detour to the planet Neptune about a year ago, which is where we learn that the Decepticons have been spending the past two years searching the galaxy for new recruits to induct into the Decepticon cause, slowly growing their army in preparation for the day they will strike back at their Autobot foes. The Fallen then tells Megatron that he senses another Allspark fragment has awakened on Earth, this time in the Arctic. this brings back bad memories for Megatron, not wanting to remember all those years of helplessness stuck in the ice for a millenia. Megatron then orders Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Slipstream to go to Earth and search for the fragment and bring back Soundwave while they're at it. the five Decepticon seekers all transform into their jet modes and blast off. Megatron then asks The Fallen what about him, saying that he's still the leader of the Decepticons. it is then we then learn that Megatron may command the Decepticon armies but he is merely the Apprentice and The Fallen is the master and one true emperor of destruction. The Fallen then tells Megatron that the only way to prove himself worthy of becoming his successor is to slay a prime, and there is only one left: Optimus Prime. Megatron then snarls and turns his head away in shame, reminded of being stripped of his honor after his defeat at the hands of Optimus Prime two years ago. we then cut to the seekers in their jet modes flying over the Arctic (Starscream in his F-22 mode while Skywarp is a MIG-25, Thundercracker is an SU-37, Ramjet is a J-20, and Slipstream is an F-35). the five jets then transform into robot mode upon coming across Megatron's crashed pod where he was found by the late Archibald Witwicky. Starscream looks at the crash site and tells his fellow seekers that this brings back memories. Skywarp asks Starscream what he's talking about, asking if he's been here before. Thundercracker crosses his arms and tells Skywarp that Starscream is clearly hiding something that they're not supposed to know. Ramjet then wonders what it could be, and Slipstream tells him "zip it conehead" saying that it's probably something very personal, Slipstream putting her arm on Starscream's chest hinting at a romance between the two Decepticon jets. Starscream then tells the others to shut their vocal processors while he's trying to concentrate. Starscream walks across the frozen landscape and comes across the glowing Allspark fragment inside a glacier. Starscream then punches through the glacier to grab the fragment which ends up causing the entire glacier to crack and collapse revealing a large sleeping transformer inside. Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Slipstream are in awe of the sleeping giant, all wondering just what he heck it is. Starscream recognizes it as Jetfire, explaining to his fellow seekers that the two of them were old friends before the war but went their separate ways to pursue different paths in life, Starscream choosing to become Megatron's air commander while Jetfire chose to become an archaeologist. Starscream then looks at the Allspark fragment and pushes it into the chest of the frozen giant re-awakening him. Jetfire looks around and asks where he is and what happened, and Starscream tells him that they're on the planet Earth, telling Jetfire that he's happy to have him back and the two shake hands followed by Starscream introducing Jetfire to his fellow seekers. Starscream asks Jetfire how he got stuck in the ice like that, and Jetfire tells Starscream that he doesn't remember much outside of getting swept up in a cosmic storm while searching the galaxy for evidence of alleged Star harvesters that the fallen had built on several planets which probably led to him crash-landing on Earth's surface. Starscream then smirks and takes advantage of Jetfire's ignorance by feeding lies into his former friend's head, telling him that the Autobots are warmongering monsters and the Decepticons are heroes trying to protect the universe from Autobot tyranny. Jetfire is heartbroken by Starscream's story, as he hates the idea of war showing that Jetfire is a gentle soul in spite of his massive size towering over Starscream and his fellow seekers. the four robots then come across an Arctic military base where Starscream tells Jetfire he'd better scan himself a vehicle mode since they're trying to keep a low profile at the moment. Jetfire however is distracted by the fleeing humans asking Starscream what those small creatures are. Starscream then tells Jetfire that those creatures are called humans but says they're primitive disgusting creatures that are not worth their time and Starscream tells Jetfire to hurry up and scan a vehicle mode. Jetfire then scans a nearby SR-71 blackbird jet before transforming into his new vehicle mode and Starscream welcomes Jetfire to the seekers with open arms and the six transform into their jet modes and take to the skies.

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