Chapter 13: My name is Optimus Prime

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We then cut back to the Astral plane where Optimus and Alpha Trion watch as Sentinel Prime gives young Orion Pax and Megatron a tour of the temple of the primes. he shows them into a room known as the vault containing several cybertronian relics of primes past where we get cameos from displayed legendary weapons such as the Star saber, Skyboom shield, and Requiem blaster. Orion is fascinated with a mystical glowing cube on display, asking his new teacher if this is the legendary Allspark. Sentinel tells him that it's the real deal, explaining to Orion that the Allspark was what gave birth to the Cybertronian race. Sentinel Prime then opens up his chest to show Orion and Megatron the matrix of leadership inside, explaining to his two apprentices that the matrix of leadership contains the knowledge and wisdoms of all the past primes, Sentinel going on to say that he is an old bot looking to retire and that only one of them shall inherit the matrix and become is successor. Megatron acts all arrogant and rubs in young Orion's face that it's gonna be him, saying that he's the strongest and most experienced of Sentinel's two pupils. the two look at each other in the optics before we cut to a montage of Orion Pax and Megatron training together both succeeding at every trial Sentinel puts them through earning his respect while strengthening the bond between the two students, Orion coming to see Megatron as a big brother figure. the brothers then have a drink at the Cybertronian bar known as Maccadam's oil house. Orion asks Megatron why he wants to become Prime, and Megatron tells Orion that he's the Descendant of Megatronus one of the original 13 primes thus the matrix is his birthright. Orion tells Megatron he understands that, but what he wants to know what he plans to do when he becomes prime. Megatron tells Orion that once he becomes prime he will abolish Cybertron's current caste system and liberate the lower working-class from oppression. Orion admires Megatron's noble intentions, followed by Megatron asking Orion what he would do if he were to inherit the matrix and become prime (which he finds unlikely). Orion tells Megatron that he doesn't know himself, saying that he never chose to become Sentinel's student the Institute for Higher Programming chose it for him because they saw something special about him, but he doesn't know what's so special about himself saying that he's just a simple archivist and scholar. Megatron tells Orion that your assigned function shouldn't dictate who you are, saying that he believes Cybertronians should choose their own destinies which is why Megatron finds functionism to be inherently problematic. Orion and Megatron have a toast to their brotherhood before returning to the temple of the primes. we cut to Sentinel meditating in the meditation chamber surrounded by statues of the 12. the statues eyes glow followed by Sentinel being visited by the ghosts of primes past who tell Sentinel that they believe that Orion Pax is the reincarnation of the 13th prime. Sentinel asks if they're sure, and the ghosts tell Sentinel that they've known for quite some time and that it is Orion's destiny to inherit the Matrix of leadership and become the next Prime. Orion overhears the entire conversation from the other side of the door and is shocked to learn the truth about who he is and his destiny. Orion is troubled by this revelation, as it is too much for him to bear. Orion returns to his personal quarters in the temple to process everything he has learned before we cut to Megatron's personal quarters where we see Megatron getting a visit from the ghostly image of Megatronus Prime AKA The Fallen (he's still in stasis on Titan at this point but he can still astral project himself from halfway across the galaxy). Megatron is shocked to see The Fallen's spirit standing before him, and The Fallen proceeds to fill Megatron's head with lies saying that Sentinel favors Orion Pax over him and intends on having Orion replace Megatron as his new apprentice. Megatron denies this at first, saying that he was Sentinel's first student and a descendant of the prime bloodline making him the rightful heir to the matrix of leadership and the prime title, but The Fallen assures Megatron that it's all true telling him that as we speak Sentinel is grooming little Orion Pax to become his successor sowing seeds of Jealousy and Hatred in Megatron's mind driving a permanent wedge between Orion and Megatron's friendship. Optimus is shocked to learn that it was The Fallen who turned Megatron against him, wishing he knew this back then so he could have stopped it and they would have still been brothers. Trion tells Optimus that no matter how hard we try we can't change the past, but what we can do is change the future for the better. Trion beckons Optimus to another portal to a massive ceremony being held in Iacon city to celebrate Orion Pax who is about to be knighted as the next prime. Several Autobots attend the event, and amongst the crowd we get brief cameos from classic bots like Inferno, Hound, Trailbreaker, Bluestreak, Tracks, Brawn, Gears, Huffer, and Beachcomber along with future team prime members Ratchet, Ironhide, and Jazz. Sentinel bestows Orion Pax with the Matrix of Leadership, granting him the title of Optimus Prime. Megatron watches from the sidelines, ranting to himself screaming "it should be me! it should have been me! I should be the one standing there getting Sentinel Prime's blessing and being given the matrix of leadership! I should be the new prime, not Orion! it is my birthright!" the Fallen's spirit then appears before Megatron again (but only Megatron can see him). The fallen tells Megatron "I see your master has betrayed you. I should know, as I too was betrayed by the primes. once they were considered my brothers, but then they stripped me of my title, casted me out, forced me to spend the rest of my disgraced existence wandering the cosmos! and then came Sentinel Prime, HE was the one responsible for enforcing Cybertron's new functionist regime! the mistreatment of the lower class workers, the abuse you had to endure as a mining worker in the slums of Kaon, all your suffering was Sentinel's fault... and to make matters worse, he denied you of your rightful place as Cybertron's new ruler!" Megatron is speechless, unable to comprehend what he just learned. Sentinel Prime, the very bot who took him under his wing and trained him in the ways of the primes, was responsible for the very establishment he vowed to fight against. The Fallen then tells Megatron "don't you see? the primes are our enemies! join me and become my apprentice, and I will teach you how to become more powerful than any prime". Megatron then gets up and walks away while the newly-appointed Optimus Prime gives his former brother-in-arms a sorrowfull look, Megatron's spark burning with anger turning his optics from blue to red. the burden of being Cybertron's next leader weighs heavy Optimus's spark making him question his worthiness of the Matrix of leadership, saying that he's not a leader just a simple archivist and scholar. he's not fit to run an entire planet, this must be a mistake. Sentinel places his hand on his young pupil's shoulder and assures him that there are no mistakes and that it is his destiny as the last of the primes to lead their people into the future. present Optimus relives his memories watching his past self, feeling personally guilty for Megatron's fall from grace. Trion tells Optimus that history tends to repeat itself. The Fallen was manipulated into betraying the primes by Liege Maximo, and then Megatron was manipulated into betraying the primes by The Fallen. wherever there is good in the universe, there is always evil to challenge it. if it had not been Megatron, some other dark force would have come in to challenge the light. we just need to learn to rise up to the occasion and take a stand.

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