Chapter 7: Forest battle

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We then cut to Chip, Elise, and Wheelie arriving at the campus parking lot where they run into a Silver Porsche 911 Turbo (note: this is NOT jazz, he's still dead. this is just Carly's car. she chose to drive a car that looked just like Jazz's vehicle mode in memory of her fallen Autobot partner) and out step Carly and Kicker who introduce themselves to Chip and Elise. Carly then tells the two to get in the car and the four all hop in Carly's Porsche and drive off. We then cut back to N.E.S.T. HQ where General Witwicky informs the Autobots that Decepticon activity has been detected near the eastern United States, namely Princeton, New Jersey. Bumblebee is worried, since that's where Spike goes to College at. Arcee then asks Bumblebee if he's ready for his first mission with the new team and Bumblebee nervously says yes all the while Mirage scoffs at Bumblebee's feelings of insecurity. Optimus then tells the Autobots to transform and roll out and Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker transform into their vehicle modes and drive off. we then cut back to the four human teens driving down the highway where Kicker crosses his arms and ask how the heck the two of them know Spike, and Chip explains to him that he and Elise shared a dorm room with Spike at college. Kicker then tells Chip that he knew Spike since they were in high school. Chip asks Kicker what Spike was like, and Kicker tells Chip that Spike and him didn't have the best relationship starting out, explaining that he used to bully and pick on Spike constantly and treat him like trash. but after they met the Autobots the two began to develop a mutual respect for one another and eventually became friends. Elise then looks at Carly and asks her "so you're spike's girlfriend, huh? he's lucky to have a girl like you. smart, beautiful, resourceful. all traits that I wish I had". Carly asks Chip what her problem is, and Chip explains to Carly that Elise is a huge fangirl of the transformers and had a crush on Spike due to his connection with the Autobots and was heartbroken when she found out that he already had a girlfriend. Kicker then starts bragging about how he met this cute cheerleader during football practice, only for Carly to cut him off telling him to focus on saving Spike. Wheelie then pokes his head out of Chip's backpack and starts making those beeping noises, and Kicker is freaked out asking what the heck that thing is. Chip introduces Carly and Kicker to Wheelie, explaining to them that he made him out of some used car parts. Carly then asks Chip if he saw where Laserbeak was taking Spike, and Chip tells her that he saw Laserbeak flying towards an abandoned warehouse that's close by. Carly then steers the car left before arriving at the abandoned warehouse. We then cut to Spike being held captive by Soundwave at the abandoned warehouse being pinned to the ground by Laserbeak. Soundwave then demands the child to hand over the shard, however Spike refuses to give the shard to Soundwave telling him that he refuses to give it over to the Decepticons, holding his shard pendant close to his chest. Megatron then enters the warehouse, which makes Spike nervous. Megatron asks Spike if he remembers him, and Spike tells him "of course, how could I forget a face as ugly as yours?" which makes Megatron angry. Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise all arrive on the scene to see Spike getting interrogated by Decepticons. Carly then demands Megatron to let Spike go, followed by Megatron growling at the four human teenagers. Carly looks into Megatron's glowing red eyes and is frightened, having flashbacks to how he killed Jazz. Soundwave then deploys Ravage from his chest to attack the the four teens followed by Spike telling them to run. Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise run through the abandoned warehouse as they are chased by Ravage while Wheelie hops out of Chip's backpack and goes to save Spike by electrocuting Laserbeak forcing him to retreat back into Soundwave's chest. Spike thanks Wheelie, telling him that he's not such a piece of junk after all followed by Wheelie beeping in response. Meanwhile the other four teens are being cornered by Ravage before Spike and Wheelie come to the rescue by having Wheelie electrocute the Cybertronian panther. Kicker thanks Spike for the save, and Spike tells him "don't thank me, thank the robot". Spike, Carly, and Kicker have a reunion group hug while Chip, Elise, and Wheelie watch. Chip and Elise both decide to join the group hug and Spike welcomes them to the crew with open arms all the while little Wheelie spins around in excitement. Carly then asks Spike if he still has the Allspark fragment with him, and Spike notices that it's missing. We then cut to the injured Laserbeak landing on Soundwave's shoulder with Spike's Allspark fragment in his beak, followed by Megatron congratulating Soundwave and his pet bird for managing to retrieve the Allspark fragment, saying that The Fallen would be pleased. Wheelie then hops back into Chip's backpack while Elise starts rambling about how it was so cool that they manged to survive an up-close encounter with real-life Decepticons. Chip tells Elise that there's nothing "cool" about almost getting killed by robots from space. The five teens make their escape followed my Megatron transforming into his Cyber-tank mode to pursue the human teenagers. Spike and the others try to outrun the giant alien tank but when they get to the car Megatron fires a blast from his tank turret that blows up Carly's Porsche just to give her even more PTSD from Jazz's death. Just when the teens are about to get run over by Megatron's massive tank treads Optimus Prime shows up in truck mode to save the day by ramming into Megatron's vehicle mode allowing the five teens to escape while the two faction leaders crash into the nearby abandoned warehouse. They are then cornered by Soundwave but then Bumblebee shows up along with Arcee and Ironhide to shoot at Soundwave forcing him to retreat. Spike thanks Bumblebee for the save and the two have a heartfelt reunion, same for Kicker and Ironhide. Carly compliments Arcee's shooting skills, and Arcee thanks Carly before introducing herself. Carly shakes hands with Arcee, saying that it's nice to know the Autobots decided to add a girl robot to their group. Wheelie pokes his head out of Chip's backpack and is in awe of the gigantic robots towering over him. Bumblebee notices that Spike's Allspark pendant is gone asking what happened to it, and Spike tells Bumblebee that the Decepticons took it. The three Autobots transform into their vehicle modes telling the humans that it's too dangerous out here and they need to get to safety. Spike, Chip, and Elise hop in Bumblebee while Kicker hops in Ironhide. Carly looks at Arcee's bike mode and tells her that she's never ridden a motorcycle before, saying that she's so used to working on cars. Arcee tells Carly not to be scared and to just hop on. Carly then hops on Arcee's motorcycle mode and the three Autobots drive towards the nearby forest. We then cut back to the abandoned warehouse where Optimus and Megatron both transform into robot mode leading to an epic shootout between the two former brothers-turned-rivals, Optimus firing shots from his ion blaster while megatron uses his trusty fusion cannon. Optimus then dodges Megatron's blasts before tackling Megatron through the walls of the building leading the two to go tumbling down a hill into the nearby forest. Optimus and Megatron both get back up followed by Megatron taunting Optimus by telling him that this won't end up like last time, as this time he brought some friends along with him. We then see seven construction vehicles arrive on the scene to surround Optimus: an orange forklift (Dirt Boss), a yellow CAT wheel loader (Scrapper), a black Mack cement mixer truck (Mixmaster), a lime green CAT dump truck (Long haul), a yellow Volvo excavator (Scavenger), a beige CAT armored military bulldozer (Bonecrusher), and a dark green Liebherr truck crane (Hook). The seven construction vehicles all transform revealing themselves to be the Constructicons while Optimus draws his twin energon swords, exclaiming "I'll take you ALL on!" followed by Megatron ordering the Constructicons to attack. Optimus then fights the seven Constructicons at once, dancing around them causing the Constructicons to crash into each other and stumble. however he is easily overwhelmed from fighting multiple opponents by himself leading to Prime getting quickly exhausted allowing the Constructicons to gain the upper hand all seven of them ganging up on prime beating him to a pulp. Spike watches this fight from outside the window of Bumblebee's Camaro mode and jumps out of the car, Chip asking Spike what he thinks he's doing. The human teens then run after Spike and the three Autobots follow suit. Spike then calls out "OPTIMUS!!!" followed by Optimus Prime telling Spike to run and save himself. Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Arcee arrive on the scene and shoot at the Constructions injuring them one by one followed by Megatron showing up to mock Optimus for relying on his friends to get him out of this situation. Optimus then readies his energon swords followed by Megatron whipping out an energon sword of his own. The two then have an epic swordfight only for Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Slipstream, and Jetfire to arrive on the scene in their jet modes and transform into robot mode mid-air before landing on the ground. Starscream orders Jetfire to shoot Optimus. Jetfire whips out his rocket launcher and takes aim, telling Optimus "I will not let you harm this innocent planet, enemy Autobot!". Optimus tells Jetfire that he's got it all wrong, explaining to him that the Autobots are the good guys and that it's the Decepticons who are the enemy. Optimus's words cause Jetfire to question his allegiance making him hesitate to shoot. Starscream asks Jetfire what's taking so long and just to shoot already, but Jetfire puts his weapon down and refuses to shoot which angers Starscream calling Jetfire a coward. Ratchet, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker all arrive on the scene to shoot at the Decepticon seekers forcing them to transform back into their jet modes and retreat. Megatron then stabs Optimus in the side with his sword causing energon to leak out of Optimus's abdomen profusely. Bumblebee notices that Optimus has been injured and rushes in to help him, but Ironhide warns Bumblebee not to go near the battle telling him that's Prime's fight. Bumblebee doesn't listen and Megatron puts Bumblebee in a headlock with his sword up to the yellow bot's neck threatening to kill him if prime comes any closer. Optimus drops his weapons not wanting to risk getting Bumblebee killed, a weakness Megatron exploits blasting Prime with multiple shots from his fusion cannon while shouting "fall, fall!" causing Optimus to finally collapse onto the ground, Spike exclaiming "NOOOO!!!!" while Carly and Kicker drag him to safety as Megatron puts his foot on top of the downed Optimus's chest and lets out a loud victory cry while the Autobots and humans watch on in horror. Megatron tells the injured Constructicons "come, our work here is done" and the cons leave the burning forest and into the smoke. Cut to black.

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