Chapter 9: Megatronus

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Optimus and Trion step through a portal and end up on Cybertron during its golden age, Optimus feeling nostalgic seeing his home planet all peaceful and pristine before the dark times. Trion explains to Optimus that they are on Cybertron eons in the past, Optimus asks how and Alpha Trion that the astral plane is located inside the Matrix of Leadership, the very relic that resides inside Optimus's chest that contains the knowledge and power of all the past primes. what they are seeing is The Matrix playing back memories of past events experienced by the previous primes. Optimus asks which prime's past memories are they watching, and Alpha Trion tells Optimus that they are watching none other than the memories of Megatronus Prime, otherwise known as The Fallen. Optimus turns his head to see a massive regal-looking building, recognizing it as the temple of the primes. Trion compliments Optimus on his knowledge of Cybertronian history, followed by Optimus telling that it's where he trained with his mentor and the prime that preceded him, Sentinel Prime. Optimus notices all the members of the Council of Primes sitting outside the temple hanging out and sharing Energon drinks, only for Optimus to spot a young Alpha Trion chatting with his apprentice Sentinel (before he was a prime). Optimus is shocked to learn that Alpha Trion and Sentinel knew each other, and Trion tells Optimus "of course we knew each other, Sentinel was my apprentice just as you were once his". Trion then points to one prime brooding in the corner and tells him that's Megatronus Prime, otherwise known as The Fallen. Optimus's eyes widen, shocked to see that The Fallen used to be such a respected individual among the Primes before he went bad. Trion explains to Optimus that Megatronus was once a stoic and proud warrior, before he let his spark become corrupted by evil. we then see Prima, the the leader of the Council of primes and the first holder of the Matrix of Leadership, call in the rest of the Council for a meeting. after that we transition to a scene inside the temple where the 13 primes sit around a table to discuss their meeting. Prima tells his brothers that Cybertron is undergoing an energy crisis and that they need to find a solution to this issue, saying that without enough Energon to sustain themselves Cybertronian society could collapse. Vector Prime suggests that their race should attempt to consume less Energon in their day-to-day lives, while Quintus Prime suggests that they stockpile on the Energon reserves they have until they can find a more efficient way to produce more. Alchemist Prime concurs, saying that finding a more efficient method of producing Energon would be the best option for the survival of their race. Micronus Prime makes the suggestion that they upgrade themselves into smaller bodies to require less Energon, while Alpha Trion suggests that they should all put their suggestions to a vote. Prima asks his brothers if they have any other suggestions before they decide on a vote, and the black-hearted Prime known as Liege Maximo raises his hand and suggests that they should use the power of the machines known as Star Harvesters to siphon the energy of stars to produce enough Energon to sustain not only Cybertron and all of their colony worlds as well. Solus Prime (the only female in the council) objects to Liege Maximo's idea, saying that Star-harvesting technology is too dangerous, being capable of destroying planets and even entire solar systems meaning the destruction of many innocent life forms throughout the galaxy. Onyx Prime agrees, saying that it is a foolish idea. Things escalate as the council of primes start to squabble amongst themselves, and Prima reluctantly agrees to let Liege Maximo to ahead with his idea, but on one condition: to NEVER use the Star harvesters on planets with life on them, which is forbidden. Optimus and Trion observe the meeting before exiting the portal and returning to the empty black void. Optimus asks Trion what happened next, and Trion explains to Optimus that the Council agreed to let Star Harvesters be built on countless uninhabited planets across the cosmos and the Energy crisis was solved allowing the Cybertronian race to continue to prosper, but little did the Council know that a sinister plot was at hand by one of their own. Trion beckons Optimus to another portal where they end up on the planet Torkulon from the prologue where we see the same scene of the family of tribal aliens coming across the Star Harvester. Optimus asks Trion what a Star Harvester is doing on a planet with life on it, saying that he thought using them on inhabited worlds was forbidden. Trion tells Optimus that Liege Maximo never intended to uphold the council's agreement. Trion goes on to say that Liege Maximo had a silver tongue, he was a devious manipulator who plotted to overthrow the Council from within through turning his brothers into unwitting pawns to further his selfish ambition of becoming Cybertron's one and only ruler, Megatronus being one of those pawns. we then see the Nemesis hover over the planet's surface while both Liege Maximo and Megatronus stand atop the hull of the Nemesis overseeing the construction of the doomsday device. Megatronus asks Liege Maximo why they are building a Star Harvester on an inhabited planet, reminding his brother that the council forbids it. Liege Maximo tells Megatronus that he doesn't care what the Council says, going as far as to say "the Council are a bunch of stuck-up old fools with their heads permanently stuck up their exhaust ports, they care so deeply for the lives of lesser creatures with all this talk about freedom and peace. we Cybertronians are gods, we should not be concerned for other forms of life that are beneath us. In desperate times like these, sacrifices must be made in order to secure the future of our glorious race". Megatronus asks Liege Maximo if he truly believes that this planet's people are worth sacrificing for the sake of their planet's survival, and Liege Maximo tells him "Believe me brother, the lives that are about to be claimed by the Star Harvester's destructive power will be worthy sacrifices for the good of Cybertron, a small price to pay for salvation". Megatronus begins to understand his treacherous brother's point of view, as Megatronus wants what is best for his people and is willing to do whatever it takes to save Cybertron from the current energy crisis. Megatronus agrees to help his brother with his plan, and Megatronus hops off the Nemesis to slam his staff into the ground, activating the Star Harvester destroying both the planet and the entire star system in the process. Optimus watches in horror as the planet is destroyed, asking how a once-benevolent prime could do such a thing. Trion tells Optimus that Megatronus was seduced to the side of evil by his brother Liege Maximo's manipulation, but what came next would continue his downward spiral into darkness. Trion beckons Optimus through yet another portal where we see the scene from the prologue where Megatronus is facing judgement for his crimes by the council, all the while Liege Maximo smirks as Megatronus is stripped of his rank and casted out by the very Primes that he once called his brothers. Alpha Trion tells Optimus that Megatronus took the fall for Liege Maximo's crimes (no pun intended) allowing Liege Maximo to remain with the council and continue scheming against his brothers while Megatronus was forced into exile. it was Liege Maximo's betrayal that furthered Megatronus's disillusionment with the primes, leading to him vowing revenge and becoming the one now known as The Fallen.

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