Chapter 15: Revolution

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We then cut back to the Astral plane where see Optimus and Trion step through another portal, this time shortly after Orion Pax became Optimus Prime. the two watch as Megatron gives a rousing speech to an audience of several Cybertronians, Megatron exclaiming "my brothers and sisters, I have gathered you here to tell you the truth: it was Sentinel Prime who established the functionist regime, the primes were oppressing the lower-class this entire time while promoting themselves as benevolent leaders, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. in reality, those like us, the lower-class workers of Cybertron, bots like Sentinel don't care. they're too busy living it up in their fancy temples and palaces while we are stuck living in the filth-ridden slums forced into labor for them while being treated like scrap. they just want to oppress us! but no longer will we stand by and be forced to live in servitude to the upper class. join me, and together we shall fight for the equal rights of all Cybertronians, the revolution against the tyranny of the Primes has now begun!" followed by the audience cheering on Megatron who basks in the glory of his praise from his newfound followers. a squad of Autobot security officers in riot gear try to arrest Megatron and his followers by brutally beating them into submission, but Megatron's group rebel against the system by fighting back and killing the security bots by violently ripping them apart limb by limb splattering energon all over the ground, and Megatron paints a symbol with the energon of the dead security bots on his chest in the shape of his master The Fallen's face which would eventually become the Decepticon insignia. Megatron's group cause a massive riot in the streets of Cybertron, all the while young Optimus and Sentinel watch the chaos unfold from outside the temple of the primes. Sentinel tells Optimus that he knew something like this would happen, saying that he established the caste system to bring order back to Cybertron, but he never intended for it to cause suffering on this scale. Optimus then tells Sentinel that he now understands the philosophy that freedom is the right of all sentient beings, and Sentinel congratulates Optimus for seeing what he could not, Sentinel telling Optimus to promise him that he will be a better prime than he was and fix his mistakes, and Optimus tells Sentinel that he will try his best. Megatron's anti-prime movement makes waves all over the metallic planet, many Cybertronians watching live broadcasts of the chaos taking place. some bots are horrified and see Megatron as a terrorist and a monster, while others see Megatron as a hero and revolutionary fighting for freedom this dividing Cybertron's people into two different factions: those who remained loyal to the primes became the Autobots, and those who agreed with Megatron's ideology became the Decepticons. we then cut to Megatron and the followers he has amassed including Starscream, Soundwave, Barricade, Blackout, Demolishor, and an army of Decepticon drones all marching towards the temple of the primes before we cut to the spaceport where we see Sentinel boarding the Autobot starship known as The Ark. Optimus asks Sentinel where he's going, and Sentinel tells Optimus that Megatron is coming and he intends to destroy the sacred temple, he must not get his hands on the spacebridge technology which is why he plans on taking that technology into space in order to keep it out of the wrong hands. Optimus understands, and Sentinel tells Optimus that he needs him to stay here and protect the temple of the primes before Blasting off in the Ark and leaving Cybertron never to be seen again. present Optimus watches his past self say goodbye to Sentinel and tells Trion that's the last he saw of his old mentor. Trion comforts Optimus telling him that Sentinel's methods of establishing order on Cybertron were misguided, but well meaning. he was a good student, teacher, and a good friend. we then cut to past Optimus running to the temple to confront Megatron and his newly-formed Decepticons, Optimus telling Megatron he's gone too far and that this senseless violence needs to stop. Megatron tells Optimus that he is a fool, saying that the dynasty of primes is a corrupt system that are responsible for the classism present in current Cybertronian society and he has started a revolution to liberate Cybertron from oppression by tearing down everything they built. Megatron offers his hand to Optimus, telling him that they're still brothers and that together they can help destroy the prime regime and their Autobot loyalists. Optimus refuses to take Megatron's offer, telling him that his loyalties lie with the primes, the Autobots, and democracy, going as far as to tell Megatron that he is no longer his brother. this angers Megatron, drawing his energon mace while Optimus draws his energon axe leading to the two brothers clashing while the Decepticons proceed to fire their weapons at the temple of primes repeatedly until the building starts to crumble. Optimus watches in horror as the temple is reduced to a pile of rubble before his optics, and Optimus gets down on his knees distraught over seeing such a sacred place get destroyed. Megatron then plants a flag with the Decepticon insignia on it in the pile of rubble where the temple of the primes used to be and lets out a victory cry while the Decepticons cheer. Present Optimus looks away not wanting to re-watch the sacred temple get destroyed, and Trion tells Optimus that Megatron wanted equality for all Cybertronians, but in his pursuit he became the very thing he fought against. the oppressed became the oppressors, and thus began the war. Trion beckons Optimus through yet another portal to the final days of the war on Cybertron, where we see a massive battle taking place on the planet's war-torn surface. we then transition to a shot of the tower (the same tower we saw in the Cybertron prologue in the first rewrite) which serves as the Autobot resistance's base of operations where we get a meeting between members of the Autobot resistance led by Optimus Prime who is having a discussion with his teammates Ratchet, Jazz, Arcee, Ironhide, and their at-the-time newest recruit Bumblebee on battle strategies. but suddenly the Autobot Cliffjumper enters the room to inform Optimus's team that him and his team found something while searching the wreckage of the temple of primes, and Cliffjumper places a container on the table which he opens revealing that it contains the legendary Allspark inside. Cliffjumper explains to Optimus's team that he believes the Decepticons are after the relic, and whatever their reason is it can't be good so they must make sure it never falls into Decepticon hands. Optimus tells his team that he has a plan: to launch the Allspark into space in order to keep it out of the hands of the Decepticons. the other Autobots object to this, saying that if they do that all hopes of restoring their dying planet will be gone. Optimus then tells the Autobots that it would better than letting the Decepticons use it for evil. no sacrifice, no victory. we then get a montage of moments from the first rewrite, such as the opening battle on Cybertron, the Allspark being launched into space, the humans first meeting bumblebee, the Autobots arrival to earth, and the final battle for the Allspark in Death Valley. after that they return to the black void where Trion tells Optimus that he has done great things as a prime, and will continue to do great things in the future. Optimus asks Trion what happens next, but Trion can't answer as the future isn't set in stone and that Optimus must make his own destiny, that's what it means to be a prime fighting for the freedom of all beings in the universe.

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