Chapter 16: The rescue mission

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We then cut to Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr driving through the Egyptian desert before stopping upon coming across the Constructicons in vehicle mode digging up the Star Harvester while the excavation site is heavily guarded by Decepticon drones who are keeping an eye out for any Autobot intruders. Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, Elise, and Simmons step out of the vehicles in awe of the giant machine as The Autobots transform into robot mode. the Autobots and humans both behind a nearby rock formation, Ironhide readying his cannons before Bumblebee tells Ironhide to stop saying that they don't know what that thing is or what it's capable of so they need to be cautious. Chip recognizes the device from the tablet he saw in the museum, saying that the Decepticons built that thing in ancient times. Spike asks Chip what it's for, and Chip tells Spike he doesn't know. Jetfire hears the humans talking and turns his head to the nearby rock formation, wondering where those noises are coming from. Jetfire tries following the noise followed by Bumblebee putting his giant metal hand on Spike's mouth, telling him to be quiet or else the big tall flying robot is gonna notice them. Ironhide suggests blowing his head off with his cannons, but Bumblebee tells Ironhide that's not a good idea, saying "he's not like the other 'cons. he's never attacked us or tried to harm us directly, he even hesitated to shoot Optimus. call me crazy, but I think he's nice". Ironhide rolls his eyes, telling Bumblebee "what do you expect us to do, make friends with that thing? news flash, he's working for the enemy team. once a 'con, always a 'con". Bumblebee reminds Ironhide that all beings have the capacity for change, and Ironhide snaps and tells Bumblebee "Optimus isn't here!". Bumblebee apologizes, and Arcee tells Bumblebee that Ironhide has a point, you can never be too careful with Decepticons while brandishing her crossbow. Bumblebee angrily asks Arcee "who's side are you on?" before Blurr tells the other three Autobots that he's getting closer and that they need to find someplace else to hide. Simmons turns his head to see a cave in the distance and suggests they go there, and Blurr uses his super-speed to carry Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and the humans to the cave without being seen by any of the Decepticons. once they are safely in the cave, Chip hears a loud beeping noise and recognizes it as Wheelie. Chip picks up his little orange robot buddy and hugs him super tight, telling him that he was worried sick. after that we cut back to Peru where Mirage, the twins, and the commandos are still being held hostage by Megatron. Mirage asks Megatron why he doesn't just kill them already and get it over with, and Megatron tells the Autobot stealth expert that he can't just yet, as he plans on using them as a bargaining chip to get the other Autobots to hand over their pieces of the Allspark. Sunstreaker then tells Megatron "when Prime comes back, he's gonna kick you skidplate!" followed by Sideswipe saying "yeah, he's gonna beat you till you're nothing but scrapmetal!" Megatron growls at the twins and tells them "I wouldn't be so sure of that". we then cut back to Egypt where we see the humans and Autobots exploring the cave, Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr's headlights lighting the way. Chip then comes across the severed head of Liege Maximo which freaks him out, followed by Bumblebee telling the others that they should see this, and points to the ceiling to see a painting of The Fallen etched onto the ceiling of the cave. Chip recognizes the robot in the painting as the same one on the tablet at the museum, followed by Spike commenting on how his face looks like the Decepticon insignia. Elise tells the others that she found some runes on the wall, and Spike, Carly, Chip, Kicker, and Simmons look at the runes and can't read them, not even Chip saying that they belong to some unknown language. Bumblebee however can read the runes, as they are written in Neocybex the native Cybertronian language. Bumblebee reads them, explaining to the humans that the runes say "the fallen's scepter is the key to the machine". the five teens are confused as to what "the fallen" means, and Simmons tells them that he did some research on this guy during his Sector 7 days and explains that according to legend The Fallen was one of the original 13 primes who was casted out by his brothers after he betrayed them. in other words, REALLY bad dude. we then cut back to Jetfire wandering the desert before Starscream and the seekers arrive on the scene and transform into their robot modes. Starscream asks Jetfire what he's doing here, reminding him that Megatron told him he's supposed to be overseeing the excavation of the star harvester. Jetfire apologizes, telling Starscream that he thought he heard some humans snooping around. Starscream asks Jetfire where they went, and Jetfire says he thinks they fled to the nearby cave. if they're lucky, the small flesh creatures could lead them to the next Allspark fragment. Starscream is intrigued by this proposition and orders Jetfire to follow the fleshlings and to not come back until he has the Allspark fragment in his possession. Jetfire enthusiastic about meeting the locals of Earth transforms into his SR-71 Blackbird mode and flies off towards the cave. we then cut back to the cave where Spike sees a glowing blue light and finds none other than the final Allspark fragment. Spike picks up the shard and puts it in his pocket before Simmons tells Spike that he hears the sound of a jet flying at high speeds coming straight towards them. Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr aim their weapons at the cave entrance while Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise hide behind the three Autobots for protection. only for none other than Jetfire to enter the cave, shocked to see Autobots here. and even more shocked when he sees the puny humans hiding behind the Autobots. Jetfire whips out his arm-mounted rocket launcher and shield, telling the humans "don't worry tiny flesh creatures, I will save you from your Autobot captors!" only for Spike to put his hands in the air and tell Jetfire that they're not captives. Jetfire is confused, followed by Spike telling him that the Autobots are their friends. Jetfire then comes to the conclusion that they've been brainwashed by the Autobot terrorists, saying that Megatron warned him of their treachery. Ironhide points his cannons at Jetfire's head, telling the gentle giant that they're not terrorists, it's the Decepticons who are the real terrorists, they're the ones responsible for the war that destroyed their home planet of Cybertron followed by Arcee tells Jetfire that the 'cons were also responsible for the death of their friend Cliffjumper. Elise tells Jetfire that the Autobots are trying to protect Earth from the Decepticons, all the while Simmons shakes his head saying "unbelievable, blackbird here is the biggest gullible idiot since my mother, and she watches CNN!" before we cut to the seekers in jet mode flying over the cave. Starscream radios Jetfire and asks him where he is and why he hasn't returned with the Allspark fragment he said he was after, which makes Jetfire nervous. Ironhide then tells Bumblebee "see? he's friends with Starscream! I told you he could not be trusted!" which hurts Jetfire's feelings. Bumblebee tells Ironhide not to jump to conclusions, saying that he needs to be more understanding. Starscream overhears the Autobots conversation with Jetfire and tells his fellow seekers that it appears his old friend Jetfire has gone soft. Thundercracker tells Starscream that Jetfire was always kinda soft to begin with, with Skywarp asking how he can be soft if he's made of metal. Ramjet tells Skywarp "it's an expression, dummy". Slipstream suggests they blast the cave and seal both the Autobots and Jetfire inside. Starscream tells his lover that's a perfect idea and the five seekers all fire a barrage of missiles that causes a massive cave-in. Blurr uses his super-speed to get Bumblebee, Arcee, and Ironhide out in time, but Jetfire and the humans are trapped inside. Wheeljack then contacts Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr to inform them that he's done fixing the plane and they can get out of this place now. Bumblebee tells Wheeljack they can't go back now, as the humans were trapped in a cave-in and they need to go back for them. Ironhide then asks Bumblebee "what if it's too late? what if they're dead?" followed by Bumblebee telling Ironhide that if there's a chance they're alive, he's gonna take that chance to save his friends before transforming into his Camaro mode and driving off through the desert. Ironhide crosses his arms and tells Arcee that Bumblebee can be a stubborn 'bot sometimes followed by Arcee telling Ironhide "true, but he's MY stubborn 'bot". we then cut back to inside the cave where Spike, Carly, Kicker, Chip, Elise, and Simmons wake up to find themselves still alive before looking up to see Jetfire holding up the cave ceiling for them. Spike asks Jetfire why he bothered to save them if he's a Decepticon, and Jetfire tells Spike that he can't just stand by and let innocent lives die. Carly admires Jetfire's kindness and valuing of the lives of others, telling him that underneath that 'con exterior he's just a big softie. Wheelie starts panicking and beeping loudly, and Chip tries to calm his little robot companion down by telling him that everything's gonna be alright. the ceiling then starts collapse on them and Jetfire even with all his strength can't hold it up for much longer. Jetfire opens up the jet cockpit on his chest and tells the humans to hop in. Simmons tells the five teens that they should do what the big robot says, since it's either that or die. the five then climb aboard Jetfire's cockpit followed by Jetfire transforming into his SR-71 Blackbird mode to fly out of the cave before it collapses saving the humans in the process. Jetfire then ejects the six humans into the desert below before transforming into his robot mode and scooping his newfound human friends up into his giant hands to ask if they're okay. however before they can answer the seekers arrive on the scene and transform into robot mode. Starscream tells Jetfire that he's shocked to see that he survived the cave-in before Jetfire places the humans back down on the ground. Jetfire asks Starscream what he's talking about, and Starscream tells Jetfire "I'm starting to question your loyalty to the Decepticons, Jetfire. prove you're still worthy to bear our insignia by vaporizing those puny flesh creatures, they are known collaborators of our Autobot enemies!" Jetfire looks down at his newfound human friends before whipping out his rocket launcher and aiming it at the humans. Bumblebee arrives on the scene and transforms into robot mode before ducking behind a rock formation, horrified to see Jetfire aiming his weapon at his human friends. thoughts race through Bumblebee's head: what if Ironhide was right all along? what if he was just like all the other Decepticons this whole time? Jetfire looks into Spike's horrified eyes and hesitates to shoot. Starscream asks why Jetfire "just do it already, kill those disgusting flesh creatures!", and Jetfire drops his weapon and tells Starscream "I'm an archaeologist, not an executioner. these humans did nothing wrong". Starscream then gets impatient "as your friend I respectfully order you to shoot!" Jetfire then tells Starscream "anyone who takes pleasure in harming innocent beings is no friend of mine, and I refuse to take orders from you or any Decepticon!" Starscream then tells Jetfire that he'll just to the job himself and aims his arm-mounted missile launcher at the six humans, Simmons huddling around the five teens (and Wheelie) to protect them. Jetfire tackles Starscream causing him to miss. Starscream calls Jetfire a traitor and orders the seekers to attack him. the seekers then all gang up on Jetfire and start beating him until he is badly injured, lying on the ground weakly. Bumblebee sees that Jetfire is in trouble and rushes to his aid, whipping out his stingers to electrocute the seekers one-by-one saving Jetfire's life. Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr arrive on the scene, Kicker having a happy reunion with Ironhide, Carly having a happy reunion with Arcee, and Elise having a happy reunion with Blurr. Bumblebee is just as happy to see Spike okay, followed by Spike telling Bumblebee that Jetfire saved them all, from both the cave-in AND Starscream. Jetfire struggles to get back up and looks at the Autobots and apologizes to them, telling them that Starscream lied to him about the war and that he's been fighting on the wrong side this entire time, going as far as to say that he should have heeded Optimus's words during the forest battle and that he wants to make up for it by joining the Autobots. Ironhide doesn't trust Jetfire, but Bumblebee helps Jetfire back up on his feet and welcomes him to the team, followed by Bumblebee introducing Jetfire to his girlfriend Arcee who tells Jetfire that he's not so bad for an ex-con before Blurr zips in and rapidly shakes hands with Jetfire and repeatedly telling him welcome to the team at fifty miles an hour. Elise tells Jetfire that he made the right choice joining the Autobots, they'd be glad to finally have some air support on their team. Bumblebee asks Jetfire if he can still transform, and Jetfire transforms into his blackbird mode. Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr transform into their vehicle modes for their human partners to hop in and drive back to the downed N.E.S.T. carrier with Jetfire following them from the air. Wheeljack greets his fellow Autobots happy to see them again telling them that the N.E.S.T. carrier is good as new, and on top of that he built himself a new invention out of some spare parts from the plane's cargo hold: the shock-blast cannon, a weapon that he believes could come in handy someday (if it doesn't explode, that is). the humans hop out of their Autobot partners followed by Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, and Blurr transforming into their robot modes with Bumblebee telling Wheeljack that there's something he'd like him to meet. Jetfire then swoops in and transforms into robot mode, Bumblebee introducing Jetfire to team prime's resident mechanic and inventor Wheeljack. the Autobot scientist is naturally distrusting of Jetfire, Wheeljack reminding the other Autobots that he's a Decepticon followed by Ironhide saying "that's what I said, but Bumblebee and the kids seem to trust him so i'm cool with it. but if he ever thinks about backstabbing us, I'll vaporize him with my cannons" Jetfire then holds his hand out to show three Allspark shards in his palm: the one from Shanghai, the one from the Arctic, and the one from Spike's pendant saying that he took these from the Decepticons when he was with them for safe keeping. Jetfire then tells Spike "I believe one of these belongs to you" followed by Spike putting his piece of the Allspark back in his pendant. Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, Blurr, Wheeljack, and the humans board the N.E.S.T. carrier followed by Jetfire transforming back into his SR-71 blackbird mode and they all take off and head for Peru all the while the seekers follow them in jet mode. after that, we cut back to Peru where Megatron is telepathically contacted by The Fallen who demands his apprentice to tell him why he hasn't collected the remaining fragments of the Allspark yet, scolding him for letting them slip into the hands of the Autobots. Megatron tells the Fallen he's working on that, saying that he has captured three Autobots and he plans on using them to get the rest of the Autobots to surrender the Allspark shards. Megatron then sees Jetfire and the N.E.S.T. carrier flying over Machu Picchu and smiles, realizing that his plan is all coming together. we then cut to the N.E.S.T. carrier flying over the Amazon where they are being flanked by the seekers who open fire on the vehicle, Wheeljack shouting "not again! I just got this thing fixed!" however help is on the way when Jetfire swoops in and fires a barrage of missiles at the seekers which kills Ramjet forcing the four remaining seekers Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream to disengage. the N.E.S.T. carrier and Jetfire both land safely in the Amazon rainforest where the Decepticons can't see them due to all the dense jungle and the Autobots exit the plane in vehicle mode with their human partners while Jetfire flies overhead to scout the area. Jetfire flies over Machu Picchu to spot Megatron keeping the three Autobots and commandos captive and informs the Autobots that he's found where Megatron is keeping their friends telling them that it appears Megatron is holding their friends for ransom and theorizes that he probably wants them to hand over the Allspark fragment. Bumblebee then tells Jetfire that they're on their way and the five Autobots drive through the jungle as fast as they can. We then cut back to Machu Picchu where Jetfire opens fire on Megatron in his SR-71 Blackbird mode knocking the Decepticon leader off his feet. Megatron gets back up and asks Jetfire what has gotten into him, and Jetfire tells Megatron that he has learned the truth, Optimus Prime is right and it is the Decepticons who are the real monsters, Jetfire declaring to Megatron that he fights for the Autobots now. Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, Blurr, and Wheeljack arrive on the scene and transform into robot mode, Blurr using his super-speed to swipe the Allspark shard from under Megatron's nose while Wheeljack stops the Decepticon drones with his time-freezing gun, Wheeljack shouting "hey, it finally decides to work!" before Bumblebee takes out the drones with his stingers. Arcee then frees Mirage and the twins by shooting their shackles off with her crossbow before shooting the locks off the cages freeing the commandos. Mirage thanks Arcee for saving him while speaking in a flirtatious tone, however Arcee tells Mirage that now is not the time. Megatron then transforms into his cybertronian tank mode and fires shots from his tank turret at our heroes, however Blurr uses his super-speed to get everybody safely back to the landing site of the N.E.S.T. carrier escaping Megatron's grasp just in time. The commandos are happy to see that the teens are okay. Burk bro-hugs Spike while Epps tells Carly that he's happy to know she and her friends are safe. Wheelie zips around Donnelly's legs while Simmons shakes hands with Lennox who asks the former Sector 7 agent where he's been this whole time. Simmons tells Lennox it's a long story followed by Lennox introducing Simmons to Graham, saying that he's from Britain and is the newest member of the commandos, all the while Jetfire is playing with some of the Amazon rainforest's local wildlife, Jetfire commenting on how beautiful and teeming with life this planet is, wondering why the Decepticons would want to destroy it. the commandos raise their weapons and aim them at Jetfire, but Spike assures them that the big guy's on our side now. After that, our heroes all board the N.E.S.T. carrier and take off before we cut to Megatron arriving on the scene in Cyber-tank mode before transforming back into robot mode to watch the N.E.S.T. carrier fly off into the distance, firing a shot from his fusion cannon at a nearby tree in a fit of anger. Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream arrive on the scene and transform into robot mode to report to Megatron, Starscream informing his master that Jetfire has defected to the Autobots. Megatron tells Starscream that he is very well aware of Jetfire's betrayal and he has taken their three Allspark fragments with him meaning the Autobots now have all the pieces of the Allspark. Starscream then tells Megatron that they should go after the Autobots and take back the Allspark, but Megatron tells his treacherous second-in-command and his lackeys not to waste their energy, saying that the Autobots may have the Allspark, but it won't matter anyway since soon this miserable planet will be reduced to ashes and their enemies with it.

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