Chapter 18: I rise, you fall

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We then cut to Egypt where Megatron sees Jetfire and the N.E.S.T. carriers flying overhead, ordering the other Decepticons to open fire. Megatron, Soundwave, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Slipstream, the Constructicons, and the drones all open fire on the N.E.S.T. carriers hitting both of them causing them to spin out of control. N.E.S.T. agents, the commandos, the five teens, and General Witwicky all parachute out of their vehicles to safety while the Autobots Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker all drive out of the falling carrier planes before transforming into robot mode mid air and activating their parachutes to land safely into the Egyptian desert below. Ratchet asks Bumblebee where Optimus is, and the Autobots turn their heads to see the Carrier planes hit the ground and explode. But out of the smoke and fire we see Optimus Prime flying through the sky riding on top of Jetfire in his SR-71 blackbird mode like a surfboard dodging fire from the Decepticons while the Autobots and N.E.S.T. agents cheer him on, Epps exclaiming "Yeah, that's our Optimus baby!" followed by Megatron ordering Starscream and the seekers to shoot them out of the sky followed by the four seekers transforming into jet mode to open fire on the two leading to an intense aerial dogfight, Optimus covering for Jetfire by blasting the seekers with his ion blaster while Jetfire dodges the incoming fire, Prime shooting Starscream out of the sky forcing Skywarp, Thundercracker, and Slipstream to disengage and go help their downed leader followed by Optimus leaping off of Jetfire before transforming into truck mode mid-air to drive through the desert, crashing through several Decepticon drones as he makes his way to the Star Harvester. General Witwicky contacts Director Faireborn telling her to send in the F-22s while the ground troops try to keep the Decepticons busy until the jets arrive. N.E.S.T. agents driving land vehicles like Tanks, Humvees, and Missile trucks open fire on the Star Harvester only for The Fallen to use his telekinesis to stop the projectiles in mid-air and deflect them back at the ground troops killing several N.E.S.T. agents in the process. General Witwicky and the Commandos are horrified to see what The Fallen is capable of, but help is on the way when the F-22s arrive to open fire on the Star Harvester, however The Fallen stops the jets in mid-air and use his telekinesis to fling the jets into each other causing them to explode killing even more N.E.S.T. agents. General Witwicky and the Commandos watch the planes explode, saying that he severely under-estimated the threat and that he hopes his son is okay. Lennox puts his hand on General Witwicky's shoulder and assures by saying "he'll be fine general, he wouldn't have agreed to join us if he didn't know the risks. he's a real soldier". we then cut to Spike and Bumblebee both running through the desert side-by-side with Spike blasting his way through hordes of Decepticon drones while Bumblebee covers for Spike electrocuting the drones with his stingers while General Witwicky, Carly, Kicker, Chip, and Elise watch in awe before Wheelie suddenly hops out of Chip's backpack and starts zipping around the battlefield the little robot rolling for his life dodging the explosions and gunfire as best he can, Chip rushing after his robotic companion while trying to not get himself killed. Chip eventually catches up to Wheelie but the two are suddenly attacked by Laserbeak, but Wheelie saves chip by electrocuting the Cybertronian condor. Soundwave then shows up and attacks Chip picking up the poor human with his tentacles, but Elise arrives on the scene to shoot at Soundwave, telling him "let him go you big bully!" before Chip tells Elise to get out of here. However Blurr shows up to save the day crashing through hordes of Decepticon drones with his super-speed before using his wheel feet to run circles around Soundwave slicing off Soundwave's tentacles with his wrist-mounted Energon blades causing him to drop Elise who is quickly caught by Blurr, Elise thanking the Autobot speedster for saving her life. Ironhide, Ratchet, and Kicker open fire on Soundwave injuring the Decepticon communications officer. We then cut to Arcee blasting her way through Decepticon drones alongside Carly, Arcee hitting multiple targets at once with her Crossbow while Carly provides cover fire. Bumblebee and Spike arrive on the scene to blast the remaining drones before Spike has a happy reunion with Carly while Bumblebee has a happy reunion with Arcee, both couples happily re-united. however this happy moment is cut short when more Decepticon drones arrive on the scene forcing Spike and Carly to fall back. however the drones are suddenly impaled by an invisible sharp object. It's Mirage using his rapier. Mirage turns off his cloaker before Bumblebee asks Mirage why he bothered to save him, and Mirage tells Bumblebee "just because I saved you doesn't mean I like you. I did it because Arcee really cares about you, letting you die would have deeply upset her which is something neither of us want" followed by Arcee telling Mirage "aw that's so sweet". We then cut to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker being surrounded by the Constructicons in vehicle mode before the seven transform into their robot modes cracking their knuckles as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker draw their weapons. Sideswipe agrees to take out the four on the left (Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul and Dirt Boss) while Sunstreaker takes the three on the right (Scavenger, Bonecrusher, Hook). the twins then charge at the Constructions, Sideswipe attacking Scrapper, Mixmaster, Long Haul, and Dirt Boss with his katanas while Sunstreaker shoots at Scavenger, Bonecrusher, and Hook with his twin pistols. The Constructicons are severely beaten by their fight with the twins, however Megatron from across the battlefield shouts "Constructicons! Combine and form Devastator!" followed by Dirt Boss saying "finally!" as the twins get in a battle stance. the seven Constructicons then all combine and form the gargantuan Devastator, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe absolutely terrified of the towering giant. Devastator tries to stomp on the twins but before they can get crushed by his massive foot they are saved by Blurr who opens fire on Devastator with his laser rifle before using his super-speed to get the twins to safety. the five teens, N.E.S.T. agents, General Witwicky, and Lennox's commandos are shocked to see the gargantuan transformer stomping towards them, all the while The Fallen laughs evilly watching as the Autobots and Humans cower before the mighty Devastator, Megatron telling his master that it appears the battle has been tipped in the favor of the Decepticons, with The Fallen saying "indeed, my apprentice". Wheeljack then whips out his shock-blast cannon and aims it at Devastator, however when he pulls the trigger it explodes on his shoulder severely injuring Wheeljack as an homage to the G1 episode "heavy metal war". the downed Wheeljack shouts "oh not again! help! I need a medic!" followed by Ratchet arriving on the scene to help patch up Wheeljack's wounds. Devastator then stomps in and roars at the Autobots and humans alike while Blurr and the twins regroup with Bumblebee, Arcee, and Mirage. the twins tell Bumblebee that there's no hope they can beat that huge thing, however Bumblebee tells the rest of the Autobots that they may not be able to defeat it, but they can slow it down. Bumblebee, Mirage, Arcee, Blurr, and the twins all transform into their vehicle modes to drive circles around Devastator causing the titan to become disoriented and stumble. We then cut to Optimus arriving at the base of the Star Harvester before transforming into robot mode and whipping out his energon axe, followed by Megatron whipping out his energon flail telling Optimus that he may be back but he is too late, saying that with this Star Harvester the Decepticons will soon destroy this pathetic planet that Optimus cares so much about before clashing their energon weapons once more before Optimus grabs Megatron's energon mace to slam him into the ground, Optimus telling him that he won't let him hurt Earth or its people while pinning him to the ground. however the fight is interrupted when The Fallen teleports off the top of the star harvester and onto the ground below before using his telekinesis to push Optimus off of Megatron before Jetfire transforms into robot mode to help the downed Optimus back up on his feet. Ratchet and Wheeljack both arrive on the scene for Wheeljack to inform Optimus and Jetfire that he and Ratchet were working on a little pet project trying to replicate the Decepticon's combiner technology that he's been meaning to test out, he calls it "powerlinking" allowing two transformers to become one. Wheeljack then whips out a contraption hooked up to the Allspark that fires a ray of Allspark energy at Optimus and Jetfire that engulfs both of them in a blue aura causing the two of them to combine to form Jet Optimus, their two minds becoming one. Jet Optimus then shoots up into the air before flying towards Devastator blasting the giant from all sides while Bumblebee, Arcee, Mirage, Blurr, and the twins transform into robot mode to cheer on their leader. Devastator then fires a barrage of missiles from his back only for Jet Optimus to dodge the projectiles. Devastator's chest then opens up to reveal a giant vortex grinder inside that sucks in several N.E.S.T. agents and vehicles and grinds them up by in his belly while Bumblebee, Arcee, Ironhide, Blurr, and Wheeljack shield their human partners to prevent them from being sucked in. the twins are almost sucked into the giant's vortex grinder, however the two are scooped up by Jet Optimus who flies them to safety while the other Autobots and the commandos provide cover fire. General Witwicky is suddenly pulled in by Devastator's vortex causing Spike to leap out of Bumblebee's arms and rush towards his father while Bumblebee calls out to spike, warning him to get back here as it's far too dangerous. but Spike refuses to leave his father's side grabbing onto his hand before he can get sucked into Devastator's vortex grinder. General Witwicky tells his son to let go, telling him to not worry about him and save himself. General Witwicky looks at Bumblebee and tells him "take care of Spike for me" just as Spike suddenly loses his grip of his father and shouts "NOOOOO!!!" as General Witwicky is being sucked into Devastator's chest. it is then revealed that General Witwicky was holding an armed grenade in his pocket the whole time. General Witwicky closes his eyes and smiles before the grenade goes off and blows up Devastator from the inside causing the titan to collapse forcing the Constructicons to separate, all the while Spike watches the explosion before getting down on his knees and crying while the other four teens along with their Autobot partners and the commandos watch with sorrow. Bumblebee kneels down comforts Spike by telling him that his father was a great man who sacrificed himself for the greater good. the now-separated Constructicons battered and bruised by the explosion get back up only for Jet Optimus to swoop in and slays the injured Constructicons one by one ensuring that General Witwicky's sacrifice was not in vain. The Fallen then raises his scepter into the air and shouts "I claim your sun!" however before he can slam it into the ground and activate the Star Harvester Megatron tells The Fallen to look and we see Jet Optimus flying towards them. The Fallen then uses his telekinesis to fling boulders at Jet Optimus, however Jet Optimus dodges them one by one before The Fallen flings an even BIGGER boulder at Jet Optimus, however Jet Optimus easily blasts it apart before tackling The Fallen and pinning him to the side of the Star Harvester. the two then tussle over the scepter, Optimus telling The Fallen that he will pay for betraying the Primes. Megatron then tries to help his master by blasting Jet Optimus with his fusion cannon, only for Jet Optimus to fire a powerful blast from his back thrusters that sends Megatron crashing into a nearby wall. Jet Optimus then whips out his Energon sword and slices The Fallen's left arm off causing him to drop his scepter before hitting him with a barrage of bullets from his minigun while the injured Megatron lies on the ground before Soundwave arrives on the scene to help his injured master back on his feet before Starscream and the seekers fly in and transform into robot mode, Starscream asking Megatron who's winning while Megatron scowls and clenches his fist. The one-armed and injured Fallen then gets down on his knees followed by Optimus saying "I rise, you fall". The Fallen then gets back on his feet and tells Optimus "no... it is YOU who will fall!" followed by The Fallen using his Telekinesis to inflict pain on Jet Optimus. however The Fallen is suddenly impaled by his own scepter saving Optimus and Jetfire's skidplates in the process. The Fallen's assailant turns out to be none other than Megatron, Optimus and Jetfire both shocked to see Megatron turn on his own master. Megatron then tells The Fallen "you told me that in order to prove myself worthy of succeeding you as the emperor of Destruction was to slay a prime, well... you were a prime once, weren't you? then I guess that makes me a worthy successor". The Fallen then tells Megatron "you fool..." before Megatron responds by saying "looks like the student... has now become the master!" before Megatron tells Optimus "now prime, finish him off!" Optimus now realizes what Trion meant by "only the power of two can defeat the one", it meant him and Megatron working together to defeat The Fallen. Optimus then whips out his Energon axe to finish off The Fallen by slicing his head clean off. once The Fallen's body falls to Megatron's feet, Megatron picks up the scepter and tells Prime "now that he's out of the way, our alliance is now over" followed by Optimus shouting "Megatron no!" but it is too late as Megatron exclaims "goodbye, brother!" and slams the scepter into the ground activating the Star Harvester. the other Autobots and N.E.S.T. agents watch in horror as a giant red beam shoots into the sky, followed by Megatron letting out a loud evil laugh as the sky grows dark. everybody has lost hope, getting down on their knees shocked to see that they have lost all the while Soundwave, and the Seekers (including Starscream) lift their fists into the air and chant "glory to the Decepticons!" followed by the ground cracking forcing the Autobots and N.E.S.T. agents to fall back. Jet Optimus and Megatron duel over the scepter followed by Jet Optimus activating his thrusters to launch both himself and Megatron into the air, however Megatron stabs Jet Optimus in the side with The Fallen's scepter causing him to drop both Megatron and the scepter. Megatron saves himself from falling by ramming The Fallen's scepter into the side of the star harvester using it as a brake allowing him to land on the ground safely before Jet Optimus lands on the ground to duke it out with Megatron, the two trading blows in a brutal fist fight. Bumblebee then watches Optimus's fight with Megatron and is inspired by prime's courage, and Bumblebee then gives a rousing speech to Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Wheeljack, Blurr, Mirage, and the twins "Optimus never gave up on us, we shouldn't give up on him. who's with me?" the other Autobots then shout "yeah!" followed by Bumblebee telling the other Autobots "then let's get in there!" followed by Bumblebee leading the rest of team prime transforming into their vehicle modes and driving towards the star harvester. Megatron notices the Autobots coming towards him and transforms into his Cybertronian tank mode to take aim at the Autobots, firing blasts at them forcing the Autobots to take evasive action. Jet Optimus then flies in and grabs Megatron's tank turret causing him to shoot upward before Megatron transforms into robot mode to punch Jet Optimus knocking him down. Megatron then points his fusion cannon at Optimus's head, telling him "I'm going to enjoy killing you a second time" only for Bumblebee to transform into robot mode to jump on Megatron, electrocuting him with his stingers. Megatron then grabs Bumblebee and tosses him aside, followed by Bumblebee shouting "get him, guys!". Wheeljack uses his time-freezing gun on Megatron freezing him in place only for Ratchet to use his buzzsaw to slice off Megatron's fusion cannon followed by Ironhide blasting Megatron with his cannons. The twins then attack next, Sideswipe slashing Megatron with his katanas while Sunstreaker shoots at him with his pistols. Arcee then shoots Megatron with her crossbow, followed by Blurr hitting Megatron from all sides with his super-speed causing him to stumble and finally Mirage using his invisibility to sneak around and grab the scepter from Megatron's hand. Mirage then tosses the scepter into the air followed by Jet Optimus launching into the air before firing a barrage of missiles from his rocket launcher to destroy the scepter causing The Fallen's evil energy to leave the weapon de-activating the star harvester returning the world to normal followed by Optimus and Jetfire separating due to being exhausted from the battle, Jetfire collapsing to the ground, telling the Autobots "we did it, we saved the planet". The star harvester starts to crumble causing pieces of the device to fall all around the Autobots. Optimus then helps Jetfire back up in his feet, telling him that they need to get out of here or else they're gonna get crushed under the falling debris. Megatron also gets back up, telling his former brother that this isn't over. Jetfire then grabs onto Megatron and tells the other Autobots to run while he buys them time. Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Blurr, Wheeljack, Mirage, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker all transform into their vehicle modes and drive off dodging the falling debris while the humans all evacuate on foot. Meanwhile Jetfire uses his thrusters to tackle Megatron through several pieces of falling debris while Megatron tries to pry Jetfire off of him, asking what the heck he's doing. Jetfire then tells Megatron "making sure you never hurt anyone again!" before Jetfire closes his eyes and crashes through the crumbling star harvester which results in a massive explosion that is witnessed by the Autobots, Decepticons, and humans alike. Starscream then smirks and announces to his fellow Decepticons that Megatron and The Fallen are both dead meaning that leadership of the Decepticons has now fallen to him before ordering everyone to retreat. Our heroes watch as the dust clears while Spike comforts a crying Carly while Wheelie makes sad beeping noises. Bumblebee then tells Optimus "I can't believe he's gone" followed by Optimus telling Bumblebee "Jetfire loved this planet and the creatures that inhabit it, to the extent where he gave up his own life in order to protect it. He lived a Decepticon, but died an Autobot, and his sacrifice shall be remembered" followed by all the Autobots and Humans saluting their fallen comrade.

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