Chapter 5: welcome to N.E.S.T.

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We then cut to the N.E.S.T. carrier plane landing at N.E.S.T.'s top-secret headquarters located on the island of Diego Garcia, a massive futuristic multi-story building that N.E.S.T. calls "The Metroplex". General Witwicky and the commandos exit the plane and march past several N.E.S.T. agents who salute them while the Autobots Optimus Prime, Arcee, Mirage, Wheeljack, Blurr, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker drive behind them in vehicle mode while N.E.S.T. agents escort the captured Decepticon Soundwave to his prison cell for interrogation. the Autobots then enter the Metroplex's vehicle hangar where they are greeted by Ratchet in his Ambulance mode before transforming into robot mode to ask where Cliffjumper is. team prime then all transform into robot mode and Optimus tells Ratchet that Cliffjumper is dead. Ratchet asks what happened, and Optimus tells Ratchet that he was killed in action during the mission in Shanghai followed by all the Autobots slowly backing away as Optimus slams his fist into the ground in anger. Mirage tells Arcee that Prime is in a bad mood right now and Arcee begins to feel sorry for Optimus, telling Mirage that we all miss Cliffjumper, without him this team is one bot short. Ratchet then comforts the grieving Optimus, telling him "Cliffjumper was a valuable member of team prime, and i am very sorry to hear about his loss but you need to keep it together Optimus". Optimus then tells Ratchet "first Jazz, then Cliffjumper... how many of our Autobot brothers must die before this war is over and we all get to go home?" Ratchet then assures Optimus that he knows how he feels telling him "with my experience as a field medic, I understand exactly what you're going through. a feeling I know all too well... as the Autobot's chief medical officer it was my duty to save as many lives as I can, but I've lost just as many patients under my care as those I have saved. the horrors of war taught me a valuable lesson: not every life can be saved, but we can try saving the ones that can." General Witwicky then enters the hangar to request permission to speak with Optimus, however Ratchet tells General Witwicky now is not the time, saying "can't you see he's hurting right now? you may call us machines, but we're just as human as you organics are". Optimus then gets back up and tells Ratchet that he's fine, asking General Witwicky what is it he wants to tell him. the General then informs Optimus that somebody wants to see him, followed by Ironhide entering the hangar with Bumblebee. the two then transform into robot mode Prime shocked to see Bumblebee again, asking what he's doing here as he thought he wanted to stay and live with the Witwicky family. Ironhide then informs Optimus that N.E.S.T. was looking for a replacement for Cliffjumper and Bumblebee was the one they had their eyes on. Bumblebee then tells Optimus that it's good to be back and shakes hands with the Autobot leader followed by Optimus telling Bumblebee "welcome back, old friend". Arcee is happy to see Bumblebee, telling him that she's glad to see him. Bumblebee is shocked to see Arcee alive, as he thought she was dead. Arcee chuckles and tells Bumblebee that she's very much alive and the two share a romantic moment together. General Witwicky asks how the two know each other, and Ratchet explains that Bumblebee and Arcee have been partners since the war on Cybertron but were separated during the battle of Tyger Pax. Ratchet then goes on to explain that Arcee and Bumblebee share what is called a Conjunx Endura, a phenomenon when two Cybertronians share a bond with one another that transcends mere friendship followed by General Witwicky snarkily saying "so basically robot romance. got it". Arcee grabs Bumblebee by the arm and offers him a tour of the Metroplex all the while Mirage watches Bumblebee and Arcee bonding with extreme jealousy in his eyes. the twins taunt Mirage, Sideswipe saying "look at those two, a perfect Conjunx endurae" followed by Sunstreaker saying "how romantic" followed by Mirage pointing his rapier at the two telling them to shut their trap. we then cut to the Metroplex's high-security prison for Decepticons where we see Soundwave sitting in his cell heavily guarded by armed guards being interrogated by Lennox and the commandos. Lennox demands Soundwave to tell him what the Decepticons want with the Allspark fragments, Lennox holding the Allspark shard the Autobots recovered in Shanghai in front of Soundwave's face telling him "for the past two years N.E.S.T. has been tracking Decepticon sightings across the globe. we know what you're after, so don't play dumb with me". Soundwave refuses to speak which angers lennox who tells Soundwave that if he won't talk they'll MAKE him talk. Donnelly then flips a switch that causes Soundwave's cuffs to electrify and shock the Decepticon communications officer. Soundwave then reluctantly explains to the soldiers that the cube was merely a vessel, the Allspark is pure energy meaning it cannot be destroyed. he then goes on to explain that the Decepticons are after the shards to re-assemble the Allspark so that Megatron can resume his plan to restore Cybertron. Epps then crosses his arms and tells Lennox "that doesn't sound good" followed by Lennox handing the shard to a random N.E.S.T. agent telling him to put it somewhere safe. we then cut to Arcee giving Bumblebee a tour of the Metroplex where they walk by several human N.E.S.T. agents who compliment the Autobots as they pass by, Arcee explaining to Bumblebee that she and six other Autobots came to Earth about a year ago after they picked up Optimus's message that he sent into space at the end of the first rewrite to join Optimus Prime's team in their fight against the Decepticons. the two then enter the training room where we see N.E.S.T. agents doing target practice by shooting cardboard cutouts of Decepticons. Arcee then shows Bumblebee the obstacle course where we see Blurr running through the obstacle course using his super-speed to dodge every obstacle before running back to shake hands with Bumblebee fifty miles an hour. Blurr introduces himself to Bumblebee, saying that he's the fastest Autobot on Cybertron, Earth, or any planet for that matter and that he's happy to meet Cliffjumper's replacement (referring to Bumblebee of course). Bumblebee can't understand a word Blurr is saying due to how fast he's talking, telling the speedy blue bot to slow down. Arcee then tells Bumblebee that Blurr always feels like he's in a hurry, "slowing down" isn't in his dictionary which is sometimes to his own detriment. Blurr then asks Arcee how he did on his speed, saying that he's trying to break a new record and surpass his previous one to impress the new recruit. Bumblebee tells Blurr that he thought he was pretty fast. Wheeljack then enters the room to show Arcee and Bumblebee his newest invention: a time-freezing gun. Wheeljack demonstrates his invention by testing it out on Blurr, trapping poor Blurr in a time bubble slowing him down. Bumblebee then chuckles, making the remark "Now i can understand what he's saying". Arcee then tells Bumblebee that Wheeljack is the team's resident inventor and gadget man, always inventing new contraptions to help give the Autobots an advantage over the Decepticons. Bumblebee shakes hands with Wheeljack, telling the kooky inventor glad to meet 'ya. Wheeljack tells Bumblebee that Arcee has told him tons of stories about the yellow Autobot scout and that he looks forward to working with him. Arcee and Bumblebee walk past the twins Sideswipe and Sunstreaker who are both in an intense sparring match, the two fighting with their bare fists. Arcee introduces Bumblebee to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, saying that the two of them are team prime's resident troublemakers. Bumblebee notices that the two of them look a lot alike, and Arcee explains to Bumblebee that they're twins split from the same spark. Sideswipe then slams Sunstreaker into the ground. Sideswipe boasts to his twin saying "sorry brother, looks like I'm the better fighter" followed by Sunstreaker tripping his brother over with his foot before getting back up and telling him "you were saying, bro?" Sideswipe then tells Sunstreaker "no fair! you tripped me up that's cheating!" Sunstreaker shrugs and tells his brother "oops". the twins then butt heads before Arcee breaks up the two telling them that they're supposed to be fighting Decepticons, not each other. Sideswipe then asks Arcee who the new guy is, and Arcee introduces the twins to Bumblebee and tells them that he's Cliffjumper's replacement. Sunstreaker then puts his hand on Bumblebee's shoulder and tells him "between you and me, we are going to have SO much fun together". Sideswipe then tells Sunstreaker "uh... brother?" and points to a very angry Ratchet covered in oil stomping towards the twins asking who the heck poured a drum of oil on his head when he was taking a stasis nap, followed by Arcee saying it wasn't her and Bumblebee saying it wasn't him either. the twins then both look at each other before Ratchet gives the two an angry look which frightens the poor twins. Sideswipe tells Ratchet "i confess, it was us". Sunstreaker asks his brother "what the scrap is wrong with you?" and Sideswipe tells his brother that telling the truth is the right thing to do while Sunstreaker facepalms. Ratchet then whips out a wrench and tells the twins "you two are in SO much trouble right now!" and chases the twins around the N.E.S.T. facility until the two bump into Ironhide who points his cannons at the twins telling them "going somewhere?" followed by Ratchet repeatedly smacking the twins with a wrench. Bumblebee then tells Arcee that those two are something else, and Arcee tells Bumblebee "tell me about it". we then cut back to the commandos interrogating the imprisoned Soundwave where Optimus and General Witwicky both enter the room as Lennox demands Soundwave to tell him what this talk of "The fallen shall rise again" is all about. Optimus tells Soundwave to talk followed by Donnelly flipping the switch to electrocute Soundwave a second time. Soundwave then tells the commandos "this is not your planet to rule, The Fallen is the rightful emperor of destruction. he was responsible for the Decepticon's rise to power, and the one who sent Megatron to Earth in search of the Allspark. The Fallen was behind it all, pulling the strings from the shadows while Megatron led the Deceptions in their conquest of the universe. The Fallen will have his revenge, and nobody can stop him". Optimus turns his head, telling the commandos that this is worse than he could possibly imagine all the while General Witwicky has a terrified look on his face, fearing for the safety of his family. Epps then asks Optimus "so you're telling me Megatron was just a pawn, and there's some bigger meaner robot out there who was secretly in charge this entire time?" Optimus tells Epps that he had no idea, saying that the primes erased all historical records of The Fallen from the archives long ago. a N.E.S.T. agent enters the room to inform the general that four flying objects have been detected heading towards the Metroplex, and General Witwicky orders Lennox and his team to secure the premises, telling him that they cannot afford any Decepticons to enter or leave the facility. we then cut back to Arcee and Bumblebee who both bump into Mirage who says "hello, Arcee". Arcee introduces Bumblebee to Mirage, followed by a flashback scene explaining that after she and Bumblebee got separated during the battle of Tyger Pax she was rescued by another Autobot rebel group led by the late Cliffjumper (of which included Blurr, Wheeljack, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Mirage) who welcomed her into the crew with open arms. during the time she spent with them up until the point where they discovered Optimus Prime's message that led them to Earth, she and Mirage developed a close friendship that eventually blossomed into a Conjunx Endura that helped fill the void left in her spark after being separated from bee. Back in the present Bumblebee tries to be friendly to Mirage, holding his hand out to the white-and-blue Autobot stealth expert. Mirage slaps Bumblebee's hand, telling him to step away from his sparkmate. Arcee tells Mirage to back off, telling him that her and Bumblebee was her first sparkmate long before she met him. Mirage then whips out his rapier and challenges Bumblebee to a duel for Arcee's affection. Arcee tries to reason with Mirage telling him that he doesn't have to do this, however Bumblebee assures Arcee that he can take him and pops out his wrist-blade. the two then stare each other down followed by Bumblebee charging at Mirage who blocks Bumblebee's blade with his rapier. Mirage chastises Bumblebee for his combat skills being sloppy and unrefined. Mirage then turns invisible which shocks Bumblebee who asks where he went. Arcee tells Bumblebee to watch out and Bumblebee is suddenly attacked from all sides by Mirage who jabs at Bumblebee with his rapier without ever being seen. Bumblebee swings his fists around aimlessly demanding Mirage to show himself, and Mirage's invisibility wears off appearing behind Bumblebee putting the yellow scout in a headlock holding his rapier up to his neck. Arcee then steps in to break up the fight, telling Mirage that enough is enough. Mirage then drops Bumblebee and asks Arcee what she sees in this yellow bug, Bumblebee correcting Mirage by telling him "actually I'm a Camaro now". Arcee then tells Mirage that Bumblebee is a loyal friend and partner, one who cares deeply about his fellow Autobots. before Mirage can say anything before Mirage can say anything a massive tremor causes the Autobots and humans alike to fall over. Arcee then gets up and asks what the heck that was, and Bumblebee tells her he doesn't know. Bumblebee offers his hand to help Mirage back up, but Mirage insists to bee that he doesn't need his help and gets back up on his feet, telling Bumblebee never to touch him again. Ratchet, Ironhide, Blurr, Wheeljack, and the twins arrive to regroup with Bumblebee, Arcee and Mirage with Ratchet asking the other Autobots if any of them are hurt. Bumblebee tells Ratchet no but they arrived just in time. General Witwicky then sounds the alarm alerting all N.E.S.T. personnel to evacuate the premises, as the Metroplex is under attack by Decepticon flyers. Ironhide then cracks his knuckles saying that he's been itching for a good fight. we then cut to Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, Slipstream, and Jetfire flying over the Metroplex and firing a barrage of missiles at the building causing the power to go out including N.E.S.T.'s security systems allowing Soundwave to break out of his prison cell. the prison guards open fire on Soundwave, however Soundwave attacks them with his tentacles before escaping. Soundwave then uses his sonic cannon to blast a hole in the wall and comes across a secret room containing the shard of the Allspark inside a glass case. Soundwave is then surrounded by Lennox and the commandos telling the Decepticon escapee that they're not letting him go anywhere. Soundwave then swats away the commandos with one of his tentacles before using a sonic blast from his shoulder cannon to shatter the glass case. Soundwave grabs the shard and escapes with it. Lennox then contacts General Witwicky to inform him that the prisoner has escaped with the shard before we cut to Bumblebee and the other Autobots getting the N.E.S.T. agents to safety as their base is being attacked by the seekers. Jetfire in his vehicle mode lands on the landing pad outside the metroplex followed by Soundwave arriving just in time to board Jetfire's jet mode. Bumblebee and the other Autobots arrive on the scene and point their weapons at Soundwave demanding him to surrender. Soundwave then tells the Autobots "I think not" before hopping inside Jetfire's cargo bay while Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Ramjet, and Slipstream fly overhead and transform into robot mode mid-air to bombard the Autobots with missiles. Bumblebee and the others manage to jump out of the way in time, and Wheeljack tries to stop them with his time-freezing gun but the weapon is jammed giving Soundwave and Jetfire ample time to escape with the fragment. Optimus Prime then arrives on the scene and whips out his ion blaster to shoot at the Decepticon seekers who dodge the fire. Starscream tells the Autobots that they are too late and that they'll be back before the five transform back into jet mode and fly off. Bumblebee then slams his fist into the ground, blaming himself for not being fast enough to stop the Decepticons from escaping with the Allspark fragment. Arcee comforts Bumblebee, telling him that it's not his fault while Blurr says that not even his super-speed was fast enough to predict the con's every move. Bumblebee then tells his teammates that he was never fit to fill Cliffjumper's shoes. Optimus tells Bumblebee that his teammates are right, saying that he needs to have a little more faith in himself as part of this team, saying that he may not be Cliffjumper but he is still a valuable member of team prime. fate rarely calls upon us in a moment of our choosing, but when it does we must rise to the occasion.

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