Singles or doubles

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The five head for the castle, Toadsworth leads with the two princesses giggling behind him, and bringing up the rear are Mario and Luigi. Luigi watches the ground, lost in thought. How can this be? She's a princess, I mean not that it is a bad thing, but what are the chances? I cannot win over a princess! She probably has droves of guys at her door...oh this cannot be happening. He looks up at the women in front of him; Daisy leans over to Peach and whispers something in her ear causing Peach to burst out laughing. Luigi gulps, again getting that feeling he had at the train station, a mixture of awe and bewilderment. He lowers his eyes back to the ground, not knowing what to think. Mario notices his brother's steady gaze at the ground, knowing that something is wrong, nudges him.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, just tired," Luigi lies.

"Tired already? It's only one o'clock!"

"It's been a long day for me."

"Well, it's about to get longer Mr. Mope," Mario teases, "as we are going to have some fun at the castle since low and behold you are actually here. Not a small feat if you ask me!"

Luigi sighs, "I'm not that bad, am I?" Mario laughs in response. "Okay, so maybe I don't hang out at the castle so much, but it's not like I have a need to! Besides what are we doing anyway?"

"We will be having a picnic in the courtyard and hopefully we'll play some tennis afterwards," Peach interjects.

"What she said," Mario agrees.

"Tennis? Whoa, whoa, I am not playing with Toadsworth again. He can't hit the wide side of a barn much less a tennis ball," Luigi gripes.

"I will have you know Master Luigi, that back in my day I was a superb tennis player," Toadsworth responses.

"Back in the day," Luigi retorts. Toadsworth glares at him fiercely as if calling for a lighting bolt to strike Luigi dead where he stands. The princesses giggle quietly as Toadsworth responds.

"I have other matters to attend to anyway, not that I would not enjoy disproving your bantering, but I will not be playing. I will probably check upon all of you later I suppose, watch to see how well you play." The group starts across the bridge into the castle and enters the foyer. "Well I am off," Toadsworth notes as he turns toward them, "Mon T. should have all the food ready for your picnic in the kitchen. I will check upon you all later, enjoy." With that said he leaves for the guard hut once more while the plumbers and princesses make their way to the kitchen.

After collecting the food and needed supplies, the four head out to the courtyard. The sun glistens off the water giving the star statue that erupts from the center of the fountain a subtle glow. Peach leads the group over toward the castle's flowerbeds, which are in full bloom; Daisy smiles as they approach the beds as it is her favorite spot in Peach's castle. Peach spreads out the blanket and each person claims a corner then begins devouring their sandwiches. The princesses continue to catch up with one another as Mario occasionally jumps into the conversation while Luigi remains quiet, not sure what to say. They all begin eating watermelon that Mon. T sliced for them as Peach and Mario finish telling their latest tale about Bowser and the Shroobs. "You all went back in time? That's pretty amazing, I wish I had adventures like that," Daisy responds.

"No you don't," Mario notes, "You've had one and it wasn't fun remember?"

"Well yeah, but I was the damsel in distress, that's never fun! I want to actually do something, help someone, you know be the hero!"

Mario laughs, "It's not as easy as it sounds; you sure you are up to it?"

"Of course I am up to it! I can handle myself," Daisy shoots back.

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