Raging emotions

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Luigi solemnly looks at the floor as the hourglass minions drag him down the corridors behind the prince. He is exuberant in the fact that Daisy is now safe and Galibrath's plans have failed, but he cannot help but wonder what his fate would be; he shudders at the thought of what the Mirror world prince is going to do to him. I have survived a lot, but this just might be the end of the line, the younger Mario Brother worries. This is not the way I expected it to end, but I guess I have very little choice in the matter. I regret nothing, but wish I could have done more with my life. Finally he is led back to the armory where this all began and the prince addresses him.

"You insolent, ignorant peasant," Galibrath screeches. He slaps Luigi then turns away to pace back and forth. "Ruining my plans just like the damn woodcarver did so many years ago! Bah, now I will never get out of this cursed mirror world! I will live here forever as ruler, but you will die and leave this existence for a better one," he ends on an envious note.

Suddenly a horse female voice interrupts, "Prince Galibrath I summon thee!"

"Oh fantastic, that vexing hag is calling on me once more," the prince sighs irritably then snaps his fingers. The large tapestry hanging on the wall rolls up revealing another mirror, through it Kammy Koopa and Bowser sit in his throne room waiting for a response. "You called for my presence?"

"My master King Bowser wants a status report. Have you been able to combine the royal Floral bloodline with your love's old flame," Kammy inquires.

"I am afraid our deal is now null and void," the prince bluntly states.

"Null and void," Bowser roars furiously. "After all the work my minions and I did to set up the opportunity for you to free yourself and now you want to forget your end of the bargain? I don't think so flaky," the king states with fire spouting out of the corners of his mouth.

"Not by choice," Galibrath sternly answers, "my plans were thwarted.

"By who," Bowser impatiently asks.

"Bring him forward," the prince orders and the minions hold Luigi beside their ruler.

"The other Mario Brother," Bowser snarls.

"Don't you know my name by now? LUIGI," the green clad plumber spells out aggravated for the forgetful King of Koopas. Can't believe this guy, I stomp on him numerous times with Mario and yet he can't even remember my name! Should have figured he was in on it though, but why make a pact with Galibrath? What's there to gain for him?

"Damn Mario Brothers always ruin everything, but on the bright side that's one down, and one to go," Bowser smirks at his right hand sorceress. "I suggest prince that you enjoy disposing of him. Make him suffer," the Koopa King purrs evilly then turns back to Kammy and signals for her to cut off communication.

"Make him suffer," Galibrath repeats then turns to his captive. "Yes, well I had my own idea of what to do with you, my irritating protagonist. I shall make your last minutes in this life torturous and make you pay what you owe." The mirror prince turns toward the door and waves his minions forward. "Gentlemen to the Creation Chamber," he orders as he leads the group into the corridors once more.

"We can use this failure to our advantage," Bower exclaims excitedly.

"How your Vileness," Kammy inquires unsure.

"Simple, we strike when our enemies are at their weakest! Mario will be grieving over his brother's loss and surly he will have Peach by his side to console him. We just have to figure out where they are and attack," Bowser divulges.

"Your Wickedness if I may ask, how is striking now be anymore beneficial than any other time before?"

"Stupid hag weren't you listening? Mario will be devastated, feeling rather inadequate and not up to snuff; I will attack while his spirits are down and remind him of his failure thus getting the upper hand and crushing him with defeat finally," Bowser raises his fists in the air jubilantly.

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