Tanookis and tickling

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So sorry everyone for that long pause of my absence I've been pretty caught up in this whole new online school stuff that's been going on..To make it up I did two new chapters so-..Hope you enjoy them and have a good night/Day

Luigi flies overhead, glad his feet no longer are doing the work, still following the tracks in the sand. I'll catch up with Popple in no time at this rate, Luigi smugly smiles; his smile fades however when fifteen minutes later the sand disappears and bamboo forests appear. Dang it! Now what? Luigi stays his current course for a couple of minutes then notices a patch of bamboo that has fallen over. He flies lower and finds the jeep at the base of the plants, its front tires off the ground as its front end rests on the fallen bamboo. The raccoon powered plumber also notices the keys still in the ignition and pulls them out. So he's abandoned his vehicle and stuck on foot again. A grin appears on Luigi's face as he again takes to the sky and flies straight east.

Mario wipes the sweat off his brow as he and Peach step off the green. "I win," Peach exclaims excitedly as she tallies up her final score. "-5 to -3, good try sweetie," she pecks Mario on the cheek.

"I'll get you next time," Mario states smiling, "if it wasn't for the piranha plant at Hole 16, I would have had it."

"Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses," Peach teases.

Mario puts his hands on his sides defiantly, "Hey now, its true!"

"Sure it is," Peach continues to tease.

"Well then, be that way," Mario jokes. "I might not be able to beat you in golf, but I know a game I always win."

"Really now and that would be what?"

"This one!" Mario steps up beside her and begins to tickle her sides; she begins to laugh uncontrollably as she swats at Mario's hands.

"Mario! That's not fair (giggle) you know I'm extremely ticklish." The tickling and giggling continues until Peach falls to the ground in fits of laughter then Mario stops. He extends his hand and helps her up. "Fine you win that one," she admits and they both laugh. "I guess we should head back before Toadsworth begins to worry." Mario rolls his eyes, but agrees and they head to the castle.

Daisy walks up to the castle gates with the group of suitors in tow and smiles, Can't wait to get back and relax. She leads them all into the foyer where her father and grandmother are talking politics; both of them smile as the group enters.

"Have fun," Hyacinth asks.

"Yes, a couple of bumps in the road, but nothing major," Daisy responds with a smile.

"Well now that you're back, you can show them around the castle," Thorne encourages.

"Actually I'm kind of tired, if it is all right I would like to talk with grandma about dresses for the ball then relax until dinner," Daisy asks her father sweetly, hoping that she will get an approval.

"I understand; I'll have Chizer give them a tour," the king declares as the chibibo sighs not wanting another task. "Go ahead mom, see you at dinner," he addresses Hyacinth.

"Thanks Dad," Daisy smiles appreciatively then follows Hyacinth back outside to the courtyard. Thank goodness I got out of doing another tour, Daisy gratefully thinks. Now I can get this dress situation ironed out and then relax. The two ladies head over to the edge of the long pond and sit down on the grass. "So the dress, where shall we start the color, cut, or price?"

The scenery changes from the bamboo forest into green fields when he spots a purple man running, I gotcha now! Luigi swoops lower then notices where the thief is headed, a village full of nooks and crannies to hide, people to steal from, and possibly a shop to pawn the crystal he had stolen. Luigi swoops lower just behind and above Popple so he can hear him.

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