Castle Polotics

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Hey Guys!, I hope your enjoying this story so far  Cause I just Love Writing it for everyone but anyone's yesterday as in (Sept,18) Was my birthday and oddly enough I felt pretty generous so here today I wrote two chapters to enjoy these two

They walk back to the castle and along the way Luigi wonders why Daisy had not corrected the nokobon at the drawing booth. He looks at her out of the corner of his eye, noticing her also lost in thought. Concern washes over his face, Something's not right here, but what? He notices her hand clutching at something on her chest again, like earlier when she won the mirror at the festival. Reaching his hand up, gently grasps her shoulder; she jumps in surprise and looks at him like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. "Daisy are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah just a little dazed I guess," she excuses, her fingers still fiddling with the necklace hidden underneath her dress's neckline. "Thanks for asking," she adds noticing his eyebrows knit in worry. "Did you enjoy the festival," she asks trying to change the subject and dispel his concern.

"Yeah it was fun, except for the dizziness from the coaster," the plumber replies with a slight blush upon his cheeks.

"I've never known someone with such a sensitive stomach," Daisy laughs. "I did tell you not to eat that funnel cake before getting on!"

"You did not," Luigi playfully defends. "You were the one that insisted on having the funnel cake!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot," the princess admits with a grin. The castle's main gate comes into view, "Are we already here, seriously?" The younger Mario brother follows her gaze and confirms the front door coming ever so closer. Two guards stand at their post in front of the door.

"Welcome back Princess Floral," one guard greets as the other opens the door.

"Thank you," Daisy nods as she and Luigi walk past them into the foyer. The door slams heavily behind them as they make their way to the east wing.

A satisfied grin grows on Prince Cashmire's face as he finishes off the last chocolate chip cookie on his plate placating his hunger. After gulping down the last drop of milk in his cup, he leaves the small island in the kitchen and heads for the stairs to the west wing when footsteps grab his attention. Following the sound, he heads up the stairs toward the east wing and continues to a hallway where he finds the hired security specialist escorting the desert princess to her door.

"Thanks for coming with me; I had a lot of fun," Daisy notes gratefully.

"It was my pleasure; I had a lot of fun too," Luigi replies with a smile and a twinge of red in his cheeks.

She replies with a sweet smile as she walks into her room. Luigi turns to walk back to his room when the brunette princess pops her head out the door. "You wouldn't want to go with me again tomorrow would you," she asks curiously while nervously biting her lip and strumming her fingers on the door frame.

"Sure," the green clad plumber agrees happily; "as long as I get to hang out with you I'm happy with whatever we do," he adds then blushing fully in embarrassment for saying his thoughts out loud.

"Good, cause I don't want to go back with anyone else, but my good luck charm." She steps back out into the hall and leans over toward the younger Mario brother planting a kiss on his cheek. "Night," she bids with a seductive smile then disappears into her room; the door closing behind her.

Luigi smiles drunkenly as he realizes what has just occurred. After a long day, this was the perfect night! Oh I can't wait for tomorrow! He begins to turn to head to his room when he feels pain rush from the back of his skull then his vision turns to black.

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