Paintings and flowers

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"Blast it! I mush have taken a wrong turn once I got out of Teehee Valley; I didn't want to head toward the stupid mountain!" The purple thief glares at the river that lies before him. "Now I'm going to have to find away across, great," he grumbles as he begins to walk downstream to find a crossing point. His stomach gurgles and rumbles, the self proclaimed "Shadow Thief" rubs his ailing stomach with his gloved hands. "What I would give for one of those god-awful grilled mushroom sandwiches," he reminiscences from his time working for the toads in Fungitown. He left only a couple of days ago, sick of taking their orders, he took off across Teehee Valley heading for the castle or at least the town. Stupid toads couldn't even think about stealing something without them noticing! No matter, once I hit town I'll be able to steal everything I need! Again his stomach growls in hunger, "Oh all right, geez I guess I'll find some food." He comes around the river bend to find the shallow shoals allowing for passage. "Finally," he exclaims excitedly then stops suddenly noticing a green lump sitting on a rock just on the other side of the river; he grins and throws his fist in the air triumphantly. Looks like my luck has changed! Not only have I found my way across, but also some food as well. Frog legs sound delicious! Using his thieving skills, he stealthy stalks his prey and closes in, quietly sneaking up behind the rock. Slowly he creeps up into a kneeling position so his eyes rise just above the edge of the rock allowing him to see his target.

Wait a minute, he examines the blob closer, now looking nothing like a frog; he brings his hand up and pokes the top of the odd green thing. This isn't a frog! What the hell! He grinds his teeth angrily I wasted all this time and effort, not to mention getting my clothes wet, stalking this useless thing! What is this thing anyway? He stands all the way up then his eyes open in shock as he finds a man resting on the rock. Ahh! Wait, why does he look familiar? He scratches his chin in thought then clinches his fists angrily as the answer dawns on him. Green! Oh how I've wanted to get you back for your interference! Hold it usually Red is with him which make me wonder, is he around here? The thief quickly looks around and seeing no signs of the other man, pops his knuckles preparing to take his revenge. He walks around the rock now facing Luigi and blocking the sun. A cold feeling rushes over the younger Mario Brother causing him to wake; he stretches his arms and yawns then is startled by a voice. "All right Green, prepare for the beating of a lifetime!"

"Huh? What's going on," Luigi asks before he feels himself pushed off the rock into the cold water. The sharp pain of landing on the harsh rocks and the chilly shock of the water snap him out of his sleepy daze. A punch lands on his cheek then he is pulled up, putting him face to face with his attacker. "Popple?!"

"That's right Greenie, time to pay for all those beatings you and your pal put me through!" The stripe wearing thief punches Luigi in the face again, sending him back into the cold water. Popple throws another punch, but Luigi catches his fist and pushes him back into the river. They both stand and charge at one another; Luigi again grabs Popple's fists, preventing him from throwing a punch and knees the purple thief in the gut. Popple cringes and wheezes as the air is knocked out of him. Luigi then pushes Popple back down and jumps in the air anticipating on slamming the thief with a jump attack, but it fails when Popple rolls out of the way, leaving Luigi to land on the rocky riverbed with his bare feet.

"Ow," the green clad man groans with gritted teeth. Taking the opportunity, Popple swings his feet around, tripping Luigi then tackles him once more. Sitting on Luigi's back, Popple grabs a fistful of the plumber's hair and plunges his face down into the water. Luigi feeling like his lungs were burning as they are deprived of oxygen suddenly gets a cool wave of relief as his head rises out of the water. The cool air rushes to his lungs as he gasps for much needed oxygen.

"Having fun Green? I'm having a blast," Popple laughs as he again shoves Luigi's head into the water. Waving his arms frantically, Luigi tries to hit Popple and force him to let go, but cannot reach far enough back to hit the pest. His head bobs in and out of the water several more times before the green clad plumber decides on a new tactic; as his head again submerges into the river, he flails for a couple of seconds then goes limp. Popple raises and eyebrow skeptically when Luigi stops moving then he lets go of the man's head. It sinks lower into the water; a smug grin appears on the purple thief's face as he flips Luigi over, bringing his face back to the surface of the water. "And that's what you get for messing with Popple the Shadow Thief," he gloats as he stands up and claps his hands arrogantly together. "Now which way to the next town," he ponders. Suddenly his legs are pulled out from underneath him as Luigi springs alive from his playing possum tactic and knocks Popple off his feet and flat on the ground. The Mario Brother grabs the thief by the collar and begins pummel his face with a barrage of punches. After hitting Popple in the cheeks and mouth a couple of times, Luigi hits the thief's left eye causing it to immediately swell shut. The black eye is the last straw for Popple as he uses all his strength and slams his fists into Luigi's chest. The hit leaves Luigi breathless feeling as if a piece of metal slammed into his diaphragm.

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