Fair Games

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The days slowly pass in the castle, at least from Daisy's perspective as she roams around the castle and village, provided with her father's permission and the accompaniment by either one or several of the princes. She does not mind hanging out with them; at least some of them, but of course the person she would rather hang out with seems to be off limits to her. After her near kiss, her almost kiss, her so-close-yet-so-far kiss she has noticed that Chizer is keeping a much closer watch upon her green clad friend. A guard now roams the hallway almost constantly and from sunrise until sunset the chibibo vizier had Luigi working, supervising, or checking upon something; basically keeping him busy and unavailable to her. Despite this new development, Daisy is ecstatic as today is the kickoff for the Floral Festival which she has been looking forward to for months. I can't wait to go out to the festival tonight; to experience the food, music, rides! Not to mention a break from the usual castle humdrum. She excitedly smiles at the thought when Chizer knocks on her door and peers in.

"Princess Daisy, dinner is served," he informs.

"Alright, I'm coming," she answers as she hops off her orange bed and heads over to her dresser to brush her hair before heading to the dining room. As she enters the large eating quarters, she notices all of the courtiers are already sitting down; each of them slouched over with an exhausted tinge of red to their cheeks and sweat cooling on their brows. Daisy takes her normal seat across from her grandmother as her father enters and takes his seat at the head of the table. As soon as he sits down the servants quickly enter and place dinner on the table and vanish just as quickly.

"It has been quite a busy day hasn't it," Thorne asks aloud as all the guys begin to devour their food as if they had not been fed in days.

Daisy glances down at the suitors and notices that one seat remains empty; a state which is quickly becoming commonplace. "What has everyone been doing all day? It's been really quiet around here today, except for that banging I heard earlier while I was in the kitchen," she asks curious as to the princes' behavior.

"I took the boys down to show them some of the more humbling work of a king," Thorne grins mischievously as the suitors sigh exhausted.

"Humble more like back breaking," Waluigi grumbles irately.

The king throws an annoyed glare toward the purple clad man and continues, "We took a trip over to the Chai River Dam construction project."

"Oh yeah, the new dam for the Hydroelectric Energy Plan you started last year right," Daisy asks, surprised she remembered the name.

"That's the one," Thorne smiles. "Looks like you have been paying attention after all."

Daisy sheepishly grins as she recalls numerous occasions of sitting at the table drifting off into daydreams as her father droned on about some royal matter; the scolding she would always get when he caught her daydreaming. 'How are you going to be a good queen if you do not heed interest in the needs of the kingdom and the people? What am I going to do with you?'

She shakes the thought from her mind, "So what exactly did you guys do down at the dam?"

"Well I discussed the progress of the project and possible altercations to the design while..."

"While we slaved away draggin rocks and shit everywhere," Cashmire complains vexed aloud.

"There will be NONE of that language in my castle understood," King Floral scolds the Tarponion prince.

"Sorry your majesty," Cashmire quickly apologizes and cowers in fear of further wrath from the Sasaraland king.

"The princes assisted the workers, which is to remind them that they serve not only to lead a kingdom but to serve to the people and their needs as well," Thorne emphasizes as he glares disapprovingly at Cashmire.

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