The invasion

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The carriage rocks back and forth as the horse trots toward the hotel, the only sounds heard from inside are the clop of the horse's hoofs and Toadsworth lecturing. Peach and Mario look at each other as Luigi stares out the window, his blissful smile somewhat still intact. "Master Luigi that was ever so inappropriate! Not only did you make the princes seem deficient, but you also made the King appear foolish! Oh not something one wants to mend, poor Chizer will have so much work to do to clean this mess. Master Luigi, are you even paying attention to what I am saying?"

"Hmm, what," Luigi asks as pries his eyes away from the window to the elderly mushroom consul.

"Agh, you are impossible! Over there daydreaming while I am informing you of the consequences your actions have caused!"

"It was a dance! I can't help it if we got a little carried away..."

"Carried away?! Is that what that is called," Toadsworth retorts, "to me it appeared that you were doing more than getting a little 'carried away'!" The carriage stops and Toadsworth readjusts his glasses, "We will speak more about this in the morning. For now, you will accompany your brother in his room while I arrange my new sleeping arrangements." The four of them file out of the carriage into the hotel then to their respective rooms.

"Young lady, I am very disappointed in you," Thorne scolds while pointing his finger at Daisy. "This was a royal ball and you dance with this, this common person and enjoy it more than dancing with these princes I have brought into our home to eventually become a part of this family! You made me look ridiculous out there!"

"Well maybe this is ridiculous! Did you ever think of that? I told you before that I was not going to go along with this 'plan' of yours and I'm not starting now," Daisy huffs.

"Why are you so stubborn? I just want what is best for you and you defy me at every turn! Can't you for once do something without putting up a fight," Thorne asks exasperated.

"Sorry to disappoint you Dad, but I was not born that way. Maybe you should remember that I am not only your daughter but also a reflection of you. I am this stubborn because you made me so," Daisy retorts.

"Young lady don't you dare start pointing your finger and blaming me. You are responsible for your own actions thus you will pay the consequences. Starting tomorrow you will not leave this castle under any circumstances for an entire week."

"Are you serious? This is stupid, I'm going to bed," Daisy huffs as she stomps out of the throne room and up to her own. Thorne sighs irately as he sits down and rests his head in his hands. The servants quietly clean the throne room as Hyacinth sits next to her son waiting for him to talk to her.

"Mother, where did I go wrong with that girl," the king asks frustrated. Hyacinth merely laughs at the question; Thorne brings his head back up and glares at her, "what is so funny? I was being serious!"

"Son, you didn't do anything wrong; well you did handle the situation wrong, but nobody's perfect," Hyacinth jokes as Thorne looks at her cynically. "Just answer me this, why is it so important for you to have her marry a prince?"

"Because a prince is stability," he exclaims, "good family background, financial support just in case something goes wrong, prosperity for the kingdom, so many things a prince can provide!"

"That's nice and all but what about the most important thing," Hyacinth alludes as Thorne looks at her puzzled, "her happiness." The king looks away, down at the table in thought; Hyacinth stands and places her hand on his shoulder. "It's been a long day maybe you should get sleep on it."

Thorne smiles and places his on hers, "Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome, have a good night."

"Night," he replies as he watches her leave then goes to the kitchen to find Chizer. After making sure that clean up is on schedule so he could sit in on his throne the next day, Thorne turns in for the night.

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