Unexpected company

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Sorry for the delay,let's get the ball Rolling once again ,Shall we

"Are you going to speak to me," the salt and pepper haired king asks his daughter after twenty minutes of silence.

"Where's Grandma," Daisy asks coldly. "I'd rather speak to her."

"She is out with Madeline for the day," Thorne replies irked. "Look I am sorry for how I acted. Mario was right, I should allow you all some grieving time, but you know me Daisy. Emotions are not my strong point. Always been taught that a king with his heart on his sleeve is one with a target on his back and a short reign in store. Your mother was much better at this than I. I miss her you know," Thorne solemnly states. "And I wasn't going to allow some chump take you away from me. I love you and I would be devastated if I lost you too."

"I know Dad, I miss her too," Daisy agrees. "It'll be okay, just give me sometime. I love you too Dad, even though you can be so stubborn and impossible sometimes," the Floral princess lightheartedly jabs.

"Well I am the one whom you get your bull-headedness from," Thorne quips with a smile. The tension is relieved for a brief minute before the throne room doors are flung open and a dirt covered noboken runs in.

"What Thorne asks furiously. "Who is responsible?"

"I don't know your majesty; I only saw them briefly before I came to warn you. A fleet of aerial pirate ships with canons firing down upon the villagers is all I saw," the noboken describes.

"Its Darkland Dad! Peach told me about these ships, she was kidnapped and held hostage at the center of the universe by Bowser and his son on one of those ships," Daisy briefly explains.

"That scale-faced fiend is back to finish the job he debacled the first time! Sound the alarms and call the troops to arm," the Floral King orders. Minutes later the siren wails, calling all guards to report for duty in the throne room. As the troops assemble, Daisy runs up the stairs to Peach's room and pounds on the door.

"Daisy what's going on," Peach asks confused as she covers her ears to block out the siren's wails.

"Bowser is attacking again," the desert princess informs.

"We have to get you two somewhere safe," Toadsworth proclaims panicked. "I cannot afford to lose one of you to that fire-breathing brute once more!"

"Neither can I," Chizer chimes in. "We should consult the king on where to hide." The chibibo advisor springs up and runs down toward the throne room once more with Mario, Toadsworth, and the princesses in tow.

"Ha ha ha, smash it all," Bowser laughs, enjoying the carnage that he is unleashing upon the outskirts of Floral Village.

"Dad when are we going to hit the castle," Bowser Jr. asks as the stone building comes into view.

"Soon son, just need to drop off some of the land troops first," Bowser answers patting his son on the head. "Kamek release the first two ships of ground troops," King Koopa orders to his right hand wizard.

"Yes sir," Kamek confirms as he teleports to the first ship.

"Kammy! Signal for the first half of flyers to stay back at the village with Kamek then follow us with the rest to the castle," Bowser orders to his faithful right hand witch.

"Right away, your Wretchedness," Kammy confirms as she flies off on her broom back to the trailing group of flyers.

"To the castle," the Koopa King commands as he leads the flagship toward their target.

"Wake up young hero," a cast of strange, dreamy voices order. "Wake up."

"Ugh, what...where am I," the green clad man asks aloud as he staggers up. He opens his eyes only to cover them again as the light is blinding, all he can see is five rough silhouettes. "Who are you?"

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