Chance and discoveries

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Meanwhile in the hallway, the two buzzy beetles fly further past the east wing looking for anyone in command to tell what they have seen. As they approach the west staircase they find Bowser Jr. with some troops fighting off the castle guards. They fly over to Jr. as he blows away five guards with his trusty magic paintbrush stolen from E. Gadd. "Bowser Jr.! Bowser Jr. sir," one of the buzzy beetles cries out.

"Yeah what do ya want," the Darkland prince asks annoyed.

"We know where the King and princesses are hiding," the second beetle quickly replies.

"All right! Show me," Bowser Jr. demands then follows the winged beetles to the other staircase.

"Its right here, but the door is flushed with the wall," the first buzzy beetle notes.

"I'll find it," the small koopaling prince declares confidently as he begins to feel the wall. After a couple minutes of searching, Bowser Jr. begins to lose his patience, "Where is it? Stupid door!" In frustration, the Darkland prince slams his fist against the side of the staircase and suddenly the door swings open from its hiding place. "Yeah! I told you I would find it," the young koopa gloats. "Now go get twenty soldiers so we can take our hostages!" The buzzy beetles swiftly fly off to gather the necessary troops while Junior waits excitedly and impatiently by the secret passage's door.

"How long do you think we'll have to stay down here," Prince Cashmire asks anxiously. "We've never been invaded before, so this is a first for me."

"Well this could last anywhere from three to forty-eight hours," Thorne replies knowingly. "We suffer invasion attempts at least twice every five to ten years; however, it has been more frequent these past couple of years."

"Seriously? That's insane! No one invades the Tarpon Kingdom; no one," Cashmire exclaims shocked.

"Well every kingdom is different. I believe we get invaded because of our location and size," Thorne postulates. A loud banging on the door jars the king and company from their conversation.

"King Thorne open this door! We know you all are hiding in there with my mama so come out or we'll bust the door down!"

"How did they find us," Pine asks frightened as he holds onto Toffee's arm and shakes off memories of being kidnapped by the koopalings and being held prisoner in a morphed, darker version of Jewelry Land.

"Oh dear, I hope that door holds; we can't let hem get the princesses," Toadsworth warns anxiously.

"That door is made out of solid steel, there is no way they will break through," Chizer guarantees. A loud series of bangs ensue after he finishes his sentence and a large hole appears in the door. "Maybe they can," Chizer gulps as he watches the door gradually get blown apart. "I knew we should have invested in the steel-titanium alloy door!"

"Mama!" Bowser Jr. ecstatically exclaims as he rushes in after the Darkland troops knock down the rest of the door. "Yeah! Now we all can go watch Dad beat up that nasty Mario once and for all!"

"There is no way that butt ugly Bowser is going to beat Mario, he hasn't in the past and he won't today," Daisy growls at the small koopa.

"Hey who is this mouthy woman," Junior asks vexed at being talked back to. "Oh yeah, you're that princess that hit me in the nose! You're the mean one," he pouts. "Well you're not as pretty as Mama, but maybe Dad will let me keep you as my nanny," Bowser Jr. grins.

"I am nobody's nanny you little twerp," Daisy fumes and wavers her fist threateningly at the Darkland prince.

"Hee hee hee, now bound their hands together and chain them together by the waist, but keep the girls and the king separate. I want to show Dad myself," Bowser Jr. commands. The mish mashed group of troopa koopas, goombas, and hammer heads do as they are told and tie the hostages up. The troops then follow their prince to the throne room, dragging their prisoners behind them.

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