The Big Ball

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The younger Mario Brother nervously fiddles with his tie as he looks at himself in the mirror. He breathes deeply trying to calm down, but is not successful as panicked thoughts run rampant in his head. What am I going to do? I mean I've been to a ball before but they were always ones hosted by Peach! I know what to do at Peach's balls, but this is different. I don't know who will be here, except the royal family of course, but that is a problem all in itself! How do I talk to Daisy with all those prince guys around her and her father probably sitting not too far away? I don't want to meet the wrong end of the shovel again. What do I do? His thoughts are temporarily silenced as the door opens behind him and Madeline steps in. He looks at her using the mirror; she is in a navy dress and overcoat that matches her shell with a blue hat that has no rim, like a formal cap worn by a British woman. "You look great Madeline," he compliments.

"This old thing, oh please I have worn this dress to so many balls I cannot even remember wearing anything else. But you look handsome, that green bowtie is the perfect touch of color to add spice to the outfit especially against that silver vest under the black jacket," the blue shelled nokobon notes. He smiles as he wrings his hands. "What's the matter? Oh wait let me guess you're nervous?"

"Just a little," Luigi admits, the panicked thoughts piercing his mind once again.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be fine," she reassures.

"I hope so," he mutters apprehensively.

"Well are you ready to head out?" He nods and turns to his right, where his cap sits on the chair; he reaches for it when a clawed hand smacks his own. He exclaims out in pain and withdraws his hand, frowning at Madeline. "No hats, unless they are of the formal sort," she scorns. Luigi drops his head in defeat then follows her out of the house toward the castle.

Mario straightens his red tie in the mirror and carefully tucks it underneath his charcoal gray vest. "Are you ready Toadsworth," he asks loudly hoping that the elderly toad can hear him through the bathroom door.

"Yes Master Mario," he replies after opening the door. The toad consul emerges in a chocolate brown tuxedo with matching vest and bow tie. "You look superb Master Mario, even better with the jacket and hat I believe." Mario smiles as he slips on the black tuxedo jacket and puts on his black top hat with a thin line of red around the bottom that matches his tie. "Simply spectacular, you and Princess Peach will be the belles of the ball." Mario grimaces, not liking the idea of being one of the belles of the ball, but understands what Toadsworth is getting at. "Anyway, shall we go retrieve the princess and be on our way," the elderly toad asks as he heads for the room door. Mario follows him out the door and knocks on the door next to theirs, Peach's room.

"I'm coming," Peach frantically replies from inside.

"Princess Peach we must get going if we are to arrive on time," Toadsworth warns then the door suddenly opens.

"I know I just had to fix my hair," Peach explains as she steps into the doorway. Mario's eyes widen; the blonde princess is wearing a strapless red dress with a collar that connects the front to the back. Her normal gloves are replaced with a more formal pair of white gloves that are cut at an angle just above the elbow. The bottom of skirt matches the gloves and pearl earrings she is wearing as the bottom six inches of the skirt is white creating a stripe, breaking up the large amount of red. "Mario?" He shakes his head, snapping out of his stare. "What do you think?"

"Mamma Mia! You look fantastic," Mario exclaims as Peach blushes a little causing Toadsworth to be slightly uncomfortable.

"Well let's get going," Toadsworth pushes, pulling the couple toward the staircase leading to the lobby. Once out the doors, the trio packs into a carriage which takes them to Floral Castle. The entranceway to the castle is decorated with paper lanterns strung from the castle gates to the front door. The carriage stops in front of the gate and Peach, Mario, and Toadsworth file out onto the cobblestone walkway.

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