
5K 301 30

As they are walking to the last lecture of the day Jungkook finds himself dreaming of going home. Wishing he could take a long relaxing bath and make some home work in the peace and quiet of his own home. He can almost feel the weight fall of his shoulders, like it does everyday when he gets home.

The worries of that day seem to slide right of the second he gets home. He'll make himself a cappuccino and bask in the silence—

A hard shove rudely awakens him from his thoughts. Back in reality he finds himself stumbling over, crashing into a body smaller than his. Instinctively his hands reach out to catch the smaller body that he knocked over with the force of his own.

With wide eyes he states into a set of equally as beautiful ones.

"Watch it." An alpha snarls but he doesn't pay much attention to it. Instead he helps the omega in his arms stand up straight, feeling a little hypnotised by the presence.

Maybe it's those gorgeous eyes that seem to be a little hypnotising, or it's the kind smile that does nothing but make the omega even more pretty than he already is. Or it's the scent, that dangerous scent.

He finds himself straightening up a little as well, looking straight into those dangerously pretty eyes as he speaks.

"I apologise, are you hurt?" It's a simple question but it's enough to get him a little confused over his own reaction. Why would he care about the omega's well being? It wasn't his fault that Jimin felt the need to shove him, he was a victim of the shorter's dumb actions as well.

"No, thank you."

Of course he sounds like that. An angelic voice to go along with the body. No doubt he's kind as well.

"That's enough." An alpha says and Jungkook releases the omega before straightening his clothes a little. "See you around." He doesn't wait for a reply and instead walks off, allowing the anger to catch up to him as his eyes scan the hallway. Looking for a certain blonde that he wants to break in two, and not in a good way.

He's understanding enough to allow the elder his curious rants, hell he even join them sometimes but he isn't about to be a pon in this game. Yes, he knows Jimin doesn't have a great sense of smell but that's not his fault.

"I'm going to murder you." He grits, taking his seat next to the blonde. His words aren't said in a joking way, he will actually hurt the elder. But in a completely consented way.

"I can't smell his scent! I needed to know."

It's a shitty argument. Just because you have a good reason to do something stupid, doesn't make it less stupid.

"Use me again and I'll hurt you, consent or not." Jungkook growls, leaning back as he glares at the front of the class. Focusing on his breathing as he tries to control his anger. Meanwhile the shorter rants about having good reason's to do such things. He really doesn't give a crap, he made clear he didn't want to be part of it and Jimin purposely went against him.

He would never actually beat Jimin up, or break his bones. They have achieved a level of friendship in which he's careful enough to not snap him in half when he gets mad, though Jimin sure does test him. Maybe it's a positive thing, it helps him learn to control the anger inside.

It isn't like he mindlessly starts beating in on someone when they annoy him. No. He'll speak up first but when they get cocky with him he will easily switch to violence. It isn't uncontrolled punches either. He knows how to fight and practices quite often. He throws punching that he knows will knock his opponent out of the field. He doesn't fully knock them out, just makes sure they give up.

Though, when they don't. He isn't afraid to knock them out either. Got him arrested once.

He watches as the omega he bumped in to enters the room, laughing at some alpha's words. An elegant laugh that he doubts is a real one.

He wonders if this act he's putting on is because he's insecure or because he's got something to hide. Playing the role of mr. Perfect to hide whatever is underneath. Maybe he is an omega slut after all, just with a classier act. But then again, why would—

He shouldn't be thinking about this. That omega isn't any of his business and it never will be. He isn't looking for sloppy seconds.

"What was his scent like?"

Being nice would be telling Jimin— the elder having a bad sense of smell making faint scent's hard to smell, which is why he let Jungkook do it, but he doesn't feel nice. He wants to irritate him as much as he did him. So instead he ignores the words. Eyes only snapping to the side when the fellow alpha starts whining and nudging him.

Yes, he puts up with Jimin's antics pretty well, but even he does have a limit, and he reached it.

"Fine." With a childish huff the blonde focuses on the front of the class where the teacher is getting ready to start the lecture.

Taking out a pain he finds his eyes locking with a certain omega's. The two of them holding each other's gaze a second too long for it to be casual. Taking out his notepad he finds himself feeling even more annoyed than before.

That dumb omega better not start thinking he has a chance with him cause then he'd have to go to the process of being flirted with and rejecting him. It isn't too much work but no doubt he'll get irritated by it.

If that happens he'll definitely hurt Jimin. All consensual of course.

He doesn't really hurt Jimin when he's mad. Like he said, he'd never just beat him up but he does force him to train with him. And though Jimin is a good fighter and becoming an even better one every step of the way, he's not as good as Jungkook. The taller alpha seems to be born with a gift to absolutely demolish his opponents and even with friendly sparring the hits hurt when they land.

Considering he's way better than Jimin, they usually don't spar. Only when Jimin messes up, he can force him to train with him. Which is pretty much, hurting him with consent.

And yes, when he's irritated he tends to go a bit harder but he never truly hurts the shorter.

He just makes sure to leave a bruise or two.

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