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"There's always alpha's around him, why? What can he possibly offer to all of them?" Jimin asks as they lean back on the steps, the late September sun warming their skin.

"Just talk to him or leave it, I'm getting tired of your nagging." Jungkook sighs not even bothering to open his eyes, knowing exactly what's displayed in front of them. He doesn't care about it.

Ever since the first day of this school year, Jimin had been nagging about one of the new students. An omega going by the name of Kim Taehyung. No one really knew why, but the news of the omega's presence had spread like wild fire. For whatever reason what unclear but it probably has to do with the fact that there's always alpha's swarming around him.

He doesn't care tho. Yes, he's an attractive boy but that doesn't mean he goes to follow him around. Maybe he'd try and speak to him if it weren't for the continues presence of multiple alpha's. But even then, he wouldn't have blinked an eye if he were to be denied.

"I'm not interested in him, just wondering what is going on."

Which could be true, Jimin has always been a bit too curious for his own good. Which shouldn't be a bad thing, but it does lead to some annoying and repetitive conversations. Though, he's too relaxed to get irritated.

"Maybe it's his scent." He offers, hoping he'll just start thinking it over and mumbling about possibilities that make sense. Which as reoccurring event in their friendship, usually leaving Jungkook some piece of quiet.

But not today. Today is one of those unfortunate days that Jimin has decided to share every single thought with him. No matter how obvious he makes it that he isn't happily participating in the conversation. But does he tell him to stop? No. He likes Jimin, as a friend, so he'll take some of these bullshit rants every once in a while to at least act a little bit like a friend should, instead of shutting him down every times he talks.

"You think so? Have you ever smelled it?"

Of course he hasn't. Scent's aren't too obvious, it's only when your close by someone that you can smell it, or when someone is releasing it. On a normal day to day basis, you smell only few scents. Which is usually in crowded busses or anywhere else you're forced to stand toe to toe with strangers. In school people are usually far enough apart to go to the same classes for four years without ever knowing anyone's scent.

It's only when strong emotions take over that the scent is released but to keep that from happening people usually avoid confrontation in public areas.

Of course there's the asshole alpha's and the slutty omega's that let their scents roam free. Which can be a bit of a pain sometimes.

He's always been sensitive to smell, disliking most of the scent's he's ever smelled. It doesn't nauseate him or anything. He doesn't get physically sick but just very agitated. He's a very dominant alpha and being surrounded by the scent of other alpha's irritates him. Which could be linked the fact that he has only one friend. One person's scent he can accept around him, Jimin's.

"No I haven't." He finally says, returning his thoughts back to their conversation. Wondering if this is going anywhere. For the past two weeks Jimin has been trying to figure it out, yet no satisfying conclusion came from it. What makes him think he'll come up with one now?

"Don't you think that's weird?" The shorter runs a hand through his blonde locks, concentrating on the omega across the field.

"No, he's attractive. So what?" It's quite an easy concept. A attractive omega who doesn't mindlessly flaunt his scent is going to catch the attention of asshole alpha's. Alpha's that are willing to see if they get a shot at such a 'classy' boy. Which is ridiculous. The second their hands touch his skin it's over, the shiny new toy isn't fun any more and they're off to find a new one. So why bother in the first place?

"No, that's not it. There's plenty of rumours that he's slept around. If they were just here for his looks they would've ditched him already. I also noticed it's not just all alpha's, it's a group of alpha's that doesn't really mix up, no new recruits and no one leaves. Isn't that odd?"

It is odd. Especially for horny twenty-something's but he simply doesn't care enough to think it over.

"I don't know Jimin, and frankly I don't care. Just go up to him and ask, he doesn't look like the shy type." Finally he opens his eyes, eyes turning to the large clock at the building's entrance. Seeing they have another fifteen minutes left.

He sure hopes the topic will change soon because he's getting irritated. He isn't good with emotions, he gets angry too quickly and doesn't know how to handle minor inconveniences well. He usually overreacts and reacts too strongly.

It's a reoccurring problem that's helped him het into fights more than once. Though he always wins. His wolf is dominant and strong. He doesn't like to be messed with, he also doesn't like to loose.

Luckily most people can tell by the look on his face. Which is why they leave him alone. He's had enough fight's to be known around school as possibly the strongest on campus and rejected enough omega's to crush everyone's hopes of getting with him.

He isn't looking to date, he's here for an education.

"I feel like there's more to the story. We have a few lectures with him, I want to know what his scent is and you—"

"No." His eyes snap to Jimin's, the glare making clear that he wants no part of the elder's plans. He's not a pon in his game of curiosity. This isn't his business and he likes to keep it that way.

"I'll buy you a new manga."

He chuckles dryly at the dumb offer. They're in an elite university, filled to the brim with trust-fund babies. The only ones who don't splurge on unnecessary items with mommy's and daddy's credit card are the kids that got in solely on a scholarship.

He can afford a manga.

"I said no." He doesn't doubt the fact that the shorter has something up his sleeve. The bribe was too weak and he has given up too soon for there to be nothing. Thought he doesn't know what yet, so he remains silent and pretends to leave things as they are.

But he doesn't doubt that Jimin is about to make him very, very mad.

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