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Just as he's about to forget about the omega and the strange thing that happened in the hallway that night— which he didn't tell Jimin about— the omega is back for more.

But to his surprise it isn't him he's looking for. He had expected Taehyung to ask him for help again, or anything that would divert attention to him but instead he asks for Jimin.

"Hey, is te short one in?"

He simply points to where— as if one que, Jimin enters the room. Head bobbing to some song while making his way over. What could that omega possibly need Jimin for? Name one thing Jimin can do that he can't.

"Oh Hey Taehyung." The short alpha greets. Taking out his headphones. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I heard you got accepted—"

"Yeah, you're the millionth one to ask. I did get accepted in all dance styles I applied for but I chose contemporary dance, so yes I can be your partner." The blonde finishes for the omega. It's not secret that he can dance, very well. So he had been asked as partner plenty of times already but he chose contemporary dance style which not many of the students are doing.

"Though Jungkook is in free-dance too, he could use a partner." Jimin says much to Jungkook's horror. He doesn't need a partner, and if he needed one then it wouldn't be Kim Taehyung.

"You're in... dance?"

He's a little offended by the way it was said. As if the last thing the brunette omega would believe is that he'd be in dance. He's quite the dancer and this omega shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"Yes, surprised?"

"Yes I am, you seem too uptight for dancing but guess I'm wrong, wanna be partners?"

Again he finds himself feeling offended. Uptight? Just because he doesn't whore himself out or drinks until he's puking every weekend doesn't make him uptight.

"I don't need a partner." He says bitterly.

"Yes, you do." The omega says, only annoying him more. He doesn't like this attitude, he shouldn't feel free to speak to him like that. He's the perfect alpha, he should be bowing his head and speaking respectfully, not this straight forward approach.

"You do, it's the third part of he minor. First it's technique, second is group, third duo and last solo." Jimin explains much to his distaste. Maybe he should've looked over the program before engaging in this conversation, now he just looks stupid and in front of an omega of all people. He could of course play it off as simply not wanting to partner with Taehyung but it would look like he's playing off his own mistake.

He doesn't have to think about it too long. In fact, the choice is made for him before he can even form a reply.

"Ah, focus on your school, it's important."

His eyes snap to the brunette, eye twitching as he wants to grab him and punish him for such words. How dare he say that? School is the most important thing to him, he works day and night on it. It's his first priority over everything else, he lives and breathes school and this dumb omega dares to say such a thing to him? He should put him back in his place, harshly and for everyone to see.

But before he can do anything Taehyung is talking again.

"I'll let our teacher know we'll be partnering up for duo and I'll add you to my group too, since you're not taking this too seriously and all I doubt you have one already."

He goes to stand up, grabbing the omega's chin harshly as he forces him to look up at him. Eyes narrowed as he stares into those beautiful ones that almost make him forget his anger, almost.

"Listen, omega." He starts. "You do not speak to me like that and make such wrong assumptions. I'm an alpha and you will treat me as such." He growls, expecting to see submission. After all the shorter is an omega and should know when he's pushed things to far. He is the alpha and if he's not treated as such by an omega, especially a slutty one he will speak up.

"Consider this a warning, speak this disrespectfully to me again and I will not let you off that easily." Staring down he finds it odd to not yet see a bowed head or teary eyes. Instead Taehyung looks rather bored with the occurring events.


He's thrown off by the blunt question, he had expected submission and an apology, not more of the same.

"See you in dance class, oh and bring a better fucking attitude." Taehyung snaps before taking off, not at all impressed by the alpha's display of dominance. Not at all affected by the stern look or alpha scent.

Jungkook stands frozen. His head racing. He should go after him, show him who's dominant but that would mean creating a scene and after what just happened, he's not sure if he wants to do that. Balling his hands into fists he watches the omega take a seat among his alpha followers.

Gritting his teeth he goes to sit back down, anger brawling inside of him as he wonders how an omega could be so bold? So unbothered by an alpha's dominance. They're created to obey ad serve alpha's, not doing that is unnatural and unsettling.

"That must've hurt." Jimin comments carefully, trying to lighten the mood a little but instead he receives a deathly glare that indicates he should shut up. So he does, wisely.

With a bruised ego Jungkook goes to get up, moving to a pretty omega boy seated a few seats away, all alone.

And as if he's completely switched personalities he smiles. "Hey."

The omega's eyes widen as he immediately bows his head. Voice soft and body already submitting to the strong alpha besides him, as he should.

"Hello alpha."

This, this is what it should be like.

"What are you doing after school omega?" He asks, authority lacing his voice in a natural way. After all he's speaking to an omega.

"N-nothing yet, alpha."

God he loves it, the little stutter as an omega nervously tries to control themselves, trying to deny the pull they feel towards an alpha.

"Want to come over to my place?"

It's easy being an alpha like Jungkook, every omega is at your feet and most alpha's are smart enough to challenge you.

"Yes alpha, I'd be honoured."

He smirks.

"Good boy."

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