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Days pass and Taehyung hasn't made a single attempt to get to him which only confirms his thoughts. The omega was playing his game along, the moment Jungkook stopped fuelling it, everything stopped. It was him all along and now he wonders what the hell is wrong with him.

He can't be like that, like those alpha's who submit to an omega. He isn't like that. He's strong.

"You've been taking home a lot of omega's recently." Jimin comments quietly. Sending his friend a concerned look while Jungkook is deep in thought, forgetting to reply to his friend.

His mind is still on Taehyung, who besides in the group chat discussions hasn't talked to him whatsoever. He truly left him alone after concluding he wasn't into his lifestyle.

It's been his own worries that haven't allowed himself to let go of things. Somehow the only conclusion he keeps ending up on is the one that the only way to he a perfect alpha is to have every omega at his feet.

It's irritating him tremendously to see the omega so unfazed but guess he can't help it, omega's are the weak ones after all. He must be used to failure.

He needs this feeling to go away. The feeling of being a failure and weak, and yes, also the feeling of curiosity. He won't deny it. Part of him is a little curious to see whether the omega could pull it off. See whether someone that weak could actually rise to the top. It's shameful thought, what alpha could ever think about submitting to an omega?

His eyes slide to an omega girl he's been with a while ago, looking her up and down before concluding she could never even try to dominate him. She was as submissive as one could. His eyes slide to a boy he's shared the bed with. He was even more submissive than the girl was.

Back on Taehyung he leans back, tapping his pencil against the paper as he keeps thinking about things he shouldn't.

He's already so obsessed with the omega, they've barely had any conversations. God knows what might happen when they have to see each other every day. What if he—

He can't be thinking like that. He should ignore his curiosity and lay low for a little while. Give himself the chance to relax.

"Jungkook!" Jimin shakes him rather harshly, a low growl escaping his throat involuntarily.

"What the fuck is up with you lately?"

He just glares.

"Whatever it is, fix it!" The shorter snaps, unaware of the fact he's only fuelling and already out of control fire.

But Jungkook remains calm, he can't afford to loose his temper against Jimin. The blonde is the only person who tirelessly puts up with his shit.

Getting up he grits his teeth, annoyed by everything. Something will set him off, he knows that, it's only a matter of time before someone does something stupid.

His thoughts are rudely interrupted by loud voices and the murmur of a crowd. Turning to look ar what's going on he sees an omega on the floor, pressed against the wall in fear as an alpha leans over him.

"What do you mean no?!" The alpha asks, her long black hair making her look even scarier. Though he has to admit, she's pretty. Though not pretty enough, she's obviously a weaker alpha. How dare she act up when she's weak?

"I-I can't I don't have time—"

"Then make time."

Jungkook is annoyed. She shouldn't act like this. Yes, omega's should obey their alpha but only if it makes sense. You can't force an omega to make your homework just because you're an alpha. Being an alpha should mean you can do those things yourself. He for example is a strong alpha, he does his own work and when they're older he'll make money for both himself and his omega. If you need someone as weak as an omega to do your work then you're no real alpha.

"Stop this." He sighs, pushing through the small crowd. Teacher's should really do something about these little brawls but they don't, leaving it up to alpha's like him.

The girl looks up, faltering a little when she sees him. After all, everyone knows Jungkook.

"If you need an omega to do your work for you, you're weaker than them." His eyes are cold and he's not looking for things to escalate, though part of him hopes she'll want to fight him. It could make him release some pent up anger.


"But what? An alpha provides their omega with a home, money and love. If you can't even provide yourself the determination to make your own homework, how will you ever care for an omega?" He pushes, shaking his head as he watches her crumble. She's looking around, as if looking for someone.

He doesn't know what gave it away, maybe the gasp in the crowd but he's fast enough to dodge the fist aimed at him.

"Leave her alone!"

He blinks. Sniffing the air to come to the conclusion that their scents are all over one another. He quirks up an eyebrow.

"Two alpha's, how...odd." Two alpha's together isn't unheard off but it's rare. Alpha's simply aren't drawn to one another and when they are they're usually just weak ones.

"Two alpha's." He says. "And still you need an omega to do your work?" How pathetic. "Leave, if I see you bother an omega again you won't get away with it that easily."

The alpha's wisely choose to leave and the people watching quickly scatter. Turning around he crouches down and offer's a hand to the omega.

"If they bother you again, come to me."

"T-thank you alpha."

How polite, bowed head, soft voice. Such an obedient omega. He tilts his head a little.

"What are you doing after school?" He asks, helping the boy stand up. Watching as he trembles a little, probably intimidated by such a strong alpha.

"Nothing yet, alpha."

He nods his head a little.

"How about coffee?"

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