twenty seven

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He doesn't know what he expected, but somehow it wasn't to be immediately shoved against the nearest wall to be made out with. Of course he understands the frustration that the alpha must be feeling but this isn't the right way to express that. He had already noticed that the alpha liked to take out his frustrations on omega's during sex but he's not going to be one of those. Jungkook can either bottom or make him a cup of tea.

"Nah-ah." Taehyung says, pushing the alpha way. "I'm not going to let you top me."

Jungkook growls, punching the wall in frustration before going to sit on the couch, stubbornly staring his hands. He sighs. The alpha reminds him a little of a kid, getting mad and sulky when things don't go the way he wants them to. He doesn't blame him, part of him finds it endearing to see the alpha act so childish.

"C'mon talk to me." Taehyung says, sitting down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder only to have it shrugged off immediately. His words go ignored as it's clear the alpha's in a mood. He doesn't mind it, he'll just make the best of it.

"Are you mad cause I won't let you top?"

Jungkook snorts. "You're just fucking annoying, you've bottomed before why not do it again?!" The alpha is genuinely annoyed by this. He doesn't understand why an omega would prefer top to bottom. It's unnatural, they're made to carry pup's thus bottom. It doesn't have to do with personal preference.

"That was a bit harsh, and I don't like it Jungkook. I prefer top."

"Well me too! So why do you get to pick!" He yells angrily, jumping up from the couch and staring down at the omega with wide eyes. Emotions are rushing in from everywhere and he feels a bit overwhelmed.

"I'm not asking you to bottom, I'm just saying we won't have sex if I have to bottom. The same way you refuse, I refuse." He calmly explains, rising to his feet as well, feeling like Jungkook is growing a little too mad. He isn't afraid but no doubt the alpha will act up unacceptably.

"It's fucking dumb Taehyung! You and that Yoongi guys are both fucking dumb! It's like you do it to rile me up!"

"Jungkook stop yelling." He warns. "We don't do it to rile you up and we can discuss what makes you upset but I need you to calm down first." They're adults, yes the childish behaviour might've looked cute first but this is not acceptable for an adult. They should be able to talk things out.

"No you should listen to me for once!"

Taehyung nods his head. "I'm listening."

Jungkook is thrown off by the sudden cooperation. He had expected a fight not the omega actually listening. He isn't looking to solve anything, though he isn't really aware of that. He's looking for a fight, he want Taehyung to get mad so he can relieve his own anger that way. A little panicked by the sudden willingness he decides to take a different route and go on to straight up insult him, he just wants to get a rise out of him, anything.

"You think you're all fucking that Taehyung! You're not that fucking impressive you're—"

"Jungkook!" Taehyung's is a rather patient person but he won't just let himself get insulted. "You don't just go ahead and insult me, just tell me what is bothering you. Don't insult me again I won't just accept that!"

Jungkook's eyes light up a little. Finally he has some sort of reaction from the omega, guess this is the right path to follow. So instead of stopping he goes twice as hard. "Don't act so high and mighty you're noth—"

"Jungkook." Taehyung's eyes are now equally as angry as his, his voice raised for the first time in the entire conversation and it's as if something inside him flips over. He suddenly feels like a kid getting scolded by his mother.

"I'm here to help you! You felt upset and that's why I came. Not to get insulted and disrespected!" Taehyung snaps angrily.

Jungkook balls his fists. "Fuck you Taehyung! Leave me alone!" With that he stomps off, vaguely aware of how childish he's being but also still very angry. He slams the door to his room shut, dropping down on his bed where he lies down muttering how much he hates the current situation.

Though, his anger soon turns into sadness and guilt. He shouldn't have taken his anger out on Taehyung, especially since he came to make sure that he's okay. The last person who deserved this was Taehyung. He can't mindlessly blame it on his trauma either, it's still wrong to belittle someone like that on purpose. He knew what he was doing and he kept going.

Taehyung might be the only person he feels this comfortable around and he's already treating him like shit.

After an hour home sulking in his room he shyly peeks around the corner wondering whether the omega left or not. He did tell him to leave him alone which could be interpreted in two ways. Either 'go home' or 'give me a break' he hopes for the second. He's filled with relief when he sees the omega seated on the couch, though he does feel guilty as well.

He didn't get scolded as kid often but after getting scolded and being forced to apologise this is how he felt. A little silly and dreading the punishment that would come after. Though they were never too bed, usually he'd just have to join his mother on a walk through nature hoping it would inspire her. Or put all her paint in alphabetical or numeral order.

"You done sulking?"

He deserved that one. He doesn't feel angry any more, just a bit sad and very guilty. It's weirdly comfortable to feel something besides annoyance, anger or chaos. It makes him feel strangely normal.

Sitting down next to the omega he avoids his gaze. Though he feels guilty he refuses to apologise. It was only natural to act out when being irritated like that, Taehyung should know that as well. It's a bad reason, he knows it but he doesn't care. When he and Jimin fight they don't say sorry either, they just laugh and forget it happened.

"You really pissed me off." Says the omega, looking at him while he purposely looks away. "Are you going to say sorry?"

He should, but he won't. "No." How childish, he knows.

"Fine, then are you going to let me punish you."

OMEGA - TaeKookWhere stories live. Discover now