twenty three

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i fell asleep i'm so sorry here's the third update and thank you for making me laugh (:

"Jungkook." Taehyung sounds breathless. "Can I come in your mouth?"

He hums right before it's being shot down his throat. Pulling off he coughs loudly, he hadn't expected it to come that fast after the question.

"That was even better than last time, you did so well."

He likes the praise. He loves it.

"I'd love to return to favour but—"


"Let me finish." Taehyung says sternly, immediately shutting the alpha up. "But, I don't give blow jobs. Now I know plenty of other ways to make you come but it's what you're comfortable with."

Jungkook silently curses the omega. He just wants to come, nothing more nothing less. Now he'll have to think about what other things he wouldn't mind besides a bj.

"What else is there?"

Taehyung grins. "I'm pretty good with my fingers."

Immediately he shakes his head, that's about a million steps too far.

"How cute, c'mon I'll jerk you off." Taehyung says as he zips up his pants before patting his lap, inviting the alpha to come and straddle him.

"W-what?" He asks feeling shy and a bit nervous. "In your lap?"

"If you want, you can also sit on my face."

He shakes his head and quickly before shyly getting up and straddling the omega. Blushing when he looks down at the bulge in his pants.

"Aren't I heavy?"

"No." Taehyung says, not waisting a second and immediately undoing the alpha's pants. Jungkook let's him, eager to cum. Only to stop right before Taehyung can reach in his boxers, he grabs the omega's wrists with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

He blinks, unsure of what's wrong. He then shrugs. "I don't want to see it." He mutters only for the omega to pause and nod. "Okay move to one leg."

He does, straddling just the one leg before being pulled down, face hiding in the omega's neck. "Better?"

He nods his head, enjoying the mango scent. "Thank you."

"Can I continue?"

He nods.

"I wanna hear you say it." The brunette whispers softly.

"You can continue." Jungkook feels his boxers being pulled down, eyes screwing shut as he takes a nervous breath, unsure why he feels like this is the first time doing something sexual ever.

"You're being really cute right now." Taehyung informs him and though he shouldn't, Jungkook smiles. He likes it.

Slowly Taehyung starts moving his hand, gradually speeding up. Jungkook doesn't need much to come, he's never been this aroused in his life. He's quick to find his breath speeding up, hands shyly grabbing Taehyung's shirt and holding it tight.

"You're quick." Taehyung teases, somehow able to tell that the alpha is already close.

"Shut up." He mutters. Blushing a little at the words. Finding himself bucking his hips to meet the pace of the brunette's hand.


Jungkook smiles again. The omega really does have a way with words. He knows exactly when to say thing that'll make him feels things he didn't know he was capable of feeling.

His stomach tightens and he bites his lip, ready for his release and refusing to let any noises escape. But right when he's about to come Taehyung stops, without a warning he releases his hand, leaving Jungkook to groan in frustration. "What the fuck?"


The warning tone comes as a surprise but he doesn't comment on it. He doesn't understand why he wouldn't be allowed to curse but he assumes it's something the omega just doesn't like.

"Why did you stop?"

"Don't bite your lip, I want to hear you." Taehyung says before wrapping his hand around his dick again. "Don't be shy."

Jungkook shakes his head. He feels different, the situation is different and no doubt that the sounds he'll make, will be different too.

He sucks in a breath when Taehyung reaches inside his pants with his free hand to cup his balls. "C'mon, I would love to hear you."

"Taehyung." He whines, the tone in which surprises him.

"Okay, okay, I'm just teasing." Says the omega before getting back to work. It doesn't take long for Jungkook to come undone, biting his lip until it's bleeding to keep himself from making any noise. When he comes he collapses against the omega, Taehyung doesn't mind.

"You did so well."

He smiles as he opens his eyes. A little startled when he looks at the clock, seeing it's already half past five.

"Fuck!" He curses, knowing Kinjo will be home any minute now.

"Kinjo always gets home around right now!" He explains, putting his dick back in his pants, and opening the window's release the smell.

"Oh, do you have a shirt for me? You kind of came all over mine."

Jungkook nods, dragging the omega to the bedroom and hastily giving him a shirt. Looking as stressed as ever. "Kinjo can't know, nobody can know you can't tell anyone—"

"Jungkook!" His face is grabbed. "Calm down. I won't tell anyone and if Kinjo asks about it you tell him I gave you a blow job."

The alpha relaxes a little. "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just that—"

"You don't have to say sorry, now go put on a movie and we'll pretend that we've been watching that all day."

Jungkook nods and hurries off, putting on a random movie and starting it halfway. Taehyung is quick to follow him as together they sit on the couch. An awkward distance apart.

Silently watching a movie they barely understand since they skipped half of it. Waiting for Kinjo to enter.

When the younger omega finally does they turn to look at him. Kinjo smiling as he comes to introduce himself.

"Hi, I'm Kinjo, Jungkook's housemate." He says politely.

"Hi Kinjo, I'm Taehyung, Jungkook's classmate."

Jungkook watches as they make small talk, slowly moving on to bigger topics. They seem to like one another and easily get along, Jungkook finds himself growing tired and dozing off.

Right before he falls asleep he scoots over a little, unaware of his actions he heavily leans on Taehyung and falls asleep.

He feels safe.

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