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Days go by slow and Jungkook finds himself hanging out with Kinjo more and more. Getting to know one another on a purely friendship level. He learns a lot about the kid's childhood and it's honestly utterly depressing to say the least. Not only did the kid miss out on many things he's also very unfamiliar with things that come natural to Jungkook.

When the semester is coming to an end Kinjo decides he trusts Jungkook enough to move in. So between the exams they move the omega into the large apartment.

Kinjo is a year below him, very smart, and kind hearted. Over the past weeks he's also slowly grown more comfortable around Jungkook. Now confidently calming the alpha by his name and even making eye contact when they speak.

Jungkook likes it it. Seeing the kid open up to him little by little. And though this started out for purely selfish reason's he's glad they're friends. Originally he just wanted to learn about omega's and their education but this is more than he could've asked for. Kinjo also gets along very well with Jimin which only makes things easier. The small omega went from having no friends to two powerful alpha's constantly by his side.

Jungkook thinks it's good for the omega to learn that alpha's aren't scary. Especially when friends, friendship levels the playing field between ranks. It might be good for him too.

"The new semester starts tomorrow." Jimin sighs, sipping on his tea while Kinjo is watching Netflix with wide eyes. Something he wasn't allowed to do at home, thus never did. Looking at the date on his phone Jungkook sighs.

Taehyung had almost slipped his mind, almost had he forgotten about the omega who set all of this in motion. Who made him question omega's nature and wonder about what they are thought about alpha's.

No doubt he'll be beyond annoyed once more. Taehyung is the exact opposite of Kinjo, yet, he finds himself being more attracted to the disobedient omega than to the picture perfect one. How could that be? Doesn't that go against his nature?

"I'm already tired of Taehyung." He sighs, taking a seat on the couch as well, watching as Kinjo puts the movie on pause, turning around with a serious look on his face.

"It's my first night here, I want to thank you—"

Jungkook stops the omega mid bow and pulls him up on the couch with ease. Almost knocking over Jimin's tea in the process. "Don't bow for me, we're friends."

Kinjo laughs adorably before almost automatically cuddling into the alpha before blushing. "Sorry, it's automatic."

"Come cuddle with me." Jimin says, opening his arms to invite the omega. Kinjo gladly accepts while Jungkook smiles.

The omega really seems happy.

He refused to tell his brother and parents about him housing an omega for free. They wouldn't believe him and insist of coming over to meer him. They'd no doubt be over the moon that for once he's doing something for someone else and not just himself. Though this started with selfish reasons too.

"You're quite the cuddle bug." Jimin comments as the omega presses play again, humming distantly as he focuses on the TV again. They watch in silence until the younger falls asleep.

Jungkook carries him to bed and when he returns Jimin is quick to ask questions.

"So he's really moving in?"


"Why does that surprise me?"

"That's your business." Jungkook says, sitting back down. He just feels protective over the omega, he can't help but want to care for him. It's in no way romantic, he just feels the strong need to protect him.

"You know he's your responsibility now right? You can't just decide you're tired of him and throw him out."

He nods. "I know that, it's just..." he pauses. "Part of this is for selfish reason's. He helps me understand omega's in a way I couldn't before."

Jimin frowns. "Does this have to do with Taehyung?"

No reply, the silence in the room is enough for the blonde to conclude it is. Jimin decides not to ask about it, whatever the obsession with Taehyung is, he doesn't want to end up in the middle of it.

Jungkook leans his head back, staring up at the ceiling as he chews on his bottom lip. Kinjo told him about his childhood a lot and all he can conclude is that it was horrible. He didn't know omega's were raised like that and frankly, he's against it. But then what? Does that mean he has to speak up about it?

"Jimin." He looks at the fellow alpha. "When you were younger did you get in trouble a lot?"

"So much, I was a horrible kid. Drove my parents insane."

He hums. Thinking back on his own childhood he does remember always playing with fellow alpha's or beta's, never to rarely omega's.

But if omega's are generally raised like that, how does it come Taehyung is an omega like that? He seems unnatural. He doesn't flinch at the display of dominance and no matter what you say, it's unnatural for an omega to have zero reaction to it.

He's done some research on it. Research said that omega's like that often have the omega and alpha gene, which is very rare and almost never happens. When that happens you either get a submissive alpha, a dominant omega and sometimes there's no effect at all. It could also happen they turn out very normal.

But he doesn't know about Taehyung's genes. If the omega has two omega genes then what makes him so different from every other omega? How can he be so unbothered while other's would cower in fear? What's the difference.

As children they're thought about the nature of the ranks, what they stand for and what they should act like. So much that even their classes are apart to remind them about the rank difference.

But what if the rank's are not so much nature, but nurture instead?

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