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"They're something." Jungkook warns as they drive up to the gates of a enormous mansion. The kind that even has Taehyung's jaw dropping. He thought his parents were rich but this beat's all.

"I'm still wondering how we went from shouting to one another to this." The omega mumbles while Jungkook scan's his iris and finger print to open the gate. They drive up to the front door, parking the car by the fountain.

The doors are thrown open and out comes running a tall woman with colourful clothing and a bright smile.

"Darling!" The second Jungkook sets foot outside his car he's enveloped into a hug by what Taehyung assumes is the alpha's mother.

"Mother." Jungkook confirms.

"Oh how lovely, you brought a friend. How have you been, it's been ages since you came by. Are you eating enough, you look a bit tired I will make you some food, introduce me to your friend dear." The woman rambles chaotically, Jungkook smiles, part of him missed the chaos that is his family. And though he missed it, he sure hopes his brother isn't home.

"This is Taehyung, he goes to school with me. Taehyung this is my mother, Jeon Koa."

"Call me Koa, dear. How lovely to meet you. My Kookie doesn't bring friends home ever, come in I'll show you around." The woman says smiling brightly.

Jungkook has always admired his mother for the seemingly endless joy she radiates, even as kid he and his brother would have to screw up really bad to get her angry at them. She truly knows how to look at the bright side of life.

Leaning in a little closer he softly speaks up. "Whatever you do, don't ask about the art."

He watches the omega frown but nod as they enter the house, taking of their shoes and coats. Their bags they put in a closet so they're out of sight.

"Junio is not home right now, I'll text him you're here and he'll be here soon." Says Koa as they walk through the large hall with what only could be described as modern art on the wall. Taehyung finds himself looking at the paintings, they look familiar. Maybe he's seen them in an art gallery with his parents.

"Ah! I see your looking at this painting!" Koa says excitedly as she looks up at the same painting, it's a wild display of colours. They overlap, cross in a chaotic way. The bright colours —with not a hint of darkness to be found, look like an explosion.

Jungkook face palms as he shakes his head.

His mother excitedly telling about the painting. "This one portray's overstimulation, the feeling of absolutely exploding from the inside as orgasm after org—"

"Mom!" Jungkook says sternly, a frown on his face.

"Kookie dear, sexuality is very normal—"

"Oh my god." Jungkook walks off while mumbling to himself. Meanwhile Taehyung blushes a little as he goes to follow the alpha, now understanding why he shouldn't ask about the art.

"I'll go get your brother!" Koa says, sprinting off before her son can stop her, knowing Jungkook will protest.

"This is not what I expected." Taehyung says while Jungkook plops down on a couch, rubbing his face tiredly.

"I told you, my family really is something, I'm the odd one out." He shakes his head a little. "I don't know where I went wrong either."

He does, he knows where it went wrong but he isn't ready to face that part of his life yet. He doesn't feel strong enough to let out the weaker side he's hidden for so long.

"I don't—"

"KOOKIE." A loud yell followed by Jungkook being body slammed hard enough for the couch to topple over, two alpha's now rolling over the floor as Koa laughs at her son's play fighting.

Jungkook groans and throws his brother off, the elder landing with a thud and a pained moan.

"It's unfair, I should be the stronger one. I'm older."

Jungkook scoffs. "You're an idiot." But his words are accompanied with a grin as he gets up, putting the couch back up. "And you'll never be stronger than me."

"Oh you brought an omega friend, is this your new fuck toy?"

The question is absolutely shameless and catches the omega of guard, Jungkook doesn't seem bothered by it. Probably used to the blunt question's his family seems to find 'normal'.

"We don't sleep together no."

Koa smiles. "Now play nice boys, I'll make us lunch and call your dad, he's missed you Kookie." With that she walks off, humming a song while the two brother's start wrestling again.

You'd almost forget they're adults.

When Jungkook has won once more he sends his brother away, promising to catch up some more later.

"Fine but if you leave without saying something again I'm making mom force you to let me move in with you."

Jungkook sighs. "I think I'd rather die than live with you."

"Mean, you're a mean person."

"Bye Joon."

'Joon' walks off leaving them to themselves. "That's my brother, Namjoon."

"Ah, he seems nice."

Jungkook scoffs. "He's a pain in the ass but a good guy." With that he's silent for a second. "You want to see my room?"

He doesn't wait for a reply and just starts walking off, assuming the omega will follow. Walking through the maze they call a house they end up in front of a door. "This is my room, though the room I have in our home in the city is different." Opening the door the most plain room is revealed, surprising the omega a little. Usually someone's bedroom isn't this plain.

"Boring." He mutters.

"Yeah, I'm not as crazy as my family."

Sitting down on his bed he watches the omega look at his manga collection with wide eyes. Those books are one of the few things that give away his interests.

"This poster seems a bit random." Taehyung says while tapping the plain black poster.

Jungkook chuckles. "Tear it down."


"Tear it down."

He watches the omega hesitantly tear the paper down, revealing a drawing he once made when he was convinced he'd marry a certain anime character. When that dream died he had put up the poster.

"Wow. You can draw?"

"Sort of."

Taehyung turns to him, smiling brightly.

"You Jeon Jungkook, are full of surprises."

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