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Entering the dressing room it's him and Taehyung again. He doesn't even acknowledge the brunette's existence, silently he gets changed and sits down, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

"Good morning."

He merely hums in reply, refusing to look at him. He needs to be strong, he needs to be strong, for Kinjo. Kinjo who trusts him to protect him.

"What's up with you today?"

He ignores the question but grows tense when the omega gets up and walks a little closer. He can't get himself to move when fingers tilt up his chin, forcing him to look at the one thing that makes him weaker than anything else ever has.

"Don't tell me you're in a mood because of what happened?"

"No." He doesn't push the hand away, he doesn't feel strong enough. How could he be so weal? He needs to he stronger, needs to do better. He can't let himself down again. He won't survive it.

"So it's just a bad attitude then?" The question sets him on fire. He wants to push Taehyung further, see what happens when the omega snaps but he can't, he won't let that happen.

He can't. He won't.

With all his strength he raises his arm, pushing the hand away from his chin.

"We did stuff once, don't get ideas, omega."

The word is said with venom, meant to belittle the brunette. Remind of their ranks and who's in charge. 

Taehyung raises his hands, a frown on his face. "I see how it is. Guess I misunderstood."

Jungkook nods, watching as the omega goes to sit down. He feels a little empty inside, part pf him wanting to walk over and get down on his knees to beg to be with him, but he can't. He won't allow it.

God how he wishes Jimin was in his class, then at least he'd have someone to distract himself with. But instead he's here, trying to push down his anger which he's failing it. He can feel his fingers twitch in annoyance, he wants to punch something, a wall. But he can't, so he remains seated until they're making their way to the right room.

His patience being tested once again when Taehyung purposely bumps into him. He grits his teeth but ignores the omega's action's once more. But when they're working on a technique that puts less strain on your ankles he snaps when once more Taehyung bumps into him. Accidental or not, he snaps.

"Watch your fuck steps!" He snaps, pushing him off with a little more force than he intended too, his voice with a little more anger than he originally wanted to display.

"Shut the fuck up, honestly Jungkook." The omega snaps back, surprising everyone in the classroom, people staring with wide eyes as they wonder what will happen next.

"Both of you! Out!" The teacher says with a frown, you guys are adults and this behaviour is unacceptable. You're out for today, and if you don't bring a better attitude for tomorrow you can find a new minor, am I clear?!" She's obviously not open for discussion, so both boys glare at one another before making their way out and to the dressing room, knowing the'll have to go home. Jungkook curses as he realises he has no one to ask to record for him. He doesn't have anyone's cellphone number, only Taehyung's and his lap dogs but they sure won't help him after what happened. Not that he wants the omega's help, he's an alpha, he can solve his own problems.

"I'll ask them to—"

"Shut up." The words left his mouth before he realises, the two standing across from each other in the dressing room, frustration clear on their faces.

"Jungkook! What the fuck did I do to you?!" Taehyung snaps angrily, eyes filled with anger but also sadness. "What did I do that makes you act like this?!"

He stands frozen, the words he wants to say not coming out cause he knows it's a lie. He can't hurt someone with lies made up by his own insecurities, he won't. That's true weakness.

"I-I-" he's cut off.

"You seem to think that just because I like to stick it on I'm a threat to your alpha title don't you?!" Taehyung says crossing his arms. "You need to get it through your head that whoever tops during sex doesn't decide anything, your rank is not of influence on that! I'm a fucking omega and I love being cuddled, I love getting absolutely fucking spoiled, I think it's fucking sexy when alpha's protect me!"

He listens in silence, not sure what to say.

"If you, an alpha, were to bottom for me you could still knock out someone with one punch, your position in sex doesn't define your strength." With that he grabs his bag, not even bothering to change, and turn away, ready to leave the alpha on his own. Done with the behaviour the man had been displaying over the past weeks.

But he's halted when he sees the alpha's face.

Jungkook surprises himself by tearing up. He feels utterly terrified and his mind is a chaos. He doesn't know what to do, say, think. He just feels too much for him to get everything straight.

"A-are you okay?"

The alpha picks up his bag, shaking his head before nodding. "I'm sorry?" The words are said like a question.

Taehyung sighs. "What for? I shouldn't have been mad. It's how you were raised, you can't help it."

"It's not."


Jungkook frowns. "It's not at all how I've been raised." He mumbles, staring down at the floor, thinking about his parents and how they raised him, how they always encouraged him to stay true to himself, how they raised him to have an open mind. He wasn't raised like this, he became this.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asks carefully, unsure of what is going on in the taller's head.

Jungkook's head snaps up.

"Do you want to meet my parents?"

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