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Bend over and crying. That's how he likes his omega's the best. Begging for more as their bodies and minds completely submit to him. He loves the way they turn to mush underneath his touch, watching them moan and cry is the most exciting thing he has ever experienced.

He isn't one to mindlessly have sex but every once in a while he does find himself a pretty omega to toy with. He can't deny that he's a healthy young man with sexual needs, he doesn't deny himself sex. He just doesn't fuck everything in sight. He only allows himself the pleasure when he's worked hard or when the sexual frustration gets to much.

And when he grants himself this little piece of pleasure he goes all out. Teasing the omega until they're begging for release and then overstimulating them until they beg him to stop.

It's all consensual. He does let them know what they get themselves in to and about his sadistic tendencies. They discuss a safe word and limits.

He likes a submissive omega, not a scared one.

His sexual preferences are quite known around school. Stories spread fast but he doesn't mind. Then at least the vanilla's will leave him alone, which only makes things easier for him.

He doesn't mindlessly throw them out either. They can stay the night and he'll even make them breakfast if they haven't taken off before that. He's always considered breakfast and sleeping together— cuddling if they want to, aftercare. He likes to send them off with a positive feeling before they release they'll never find anyone better than him.

Three weeks passed since he's last spoken to Taehyung, the omega's behaviour still bothering him. He's still filled with annoyance and the need to retaliate. He feels like he deserves to get back at him for such disrespectful behaviour. If it were his omega he would've never accepted it, he would've immediately taken him to a private area, maybe not even that.

If an omega feels though enough to challenge an alpha publicly, they should be though enough to accept the consequences, publicly.

But Taehyung isn't his omega, all he can do is yell at him to make clear who's in charge. To his display of dominance weeks ago, the omega didn't respond at all. He didn't even flinch.

"Jungkook!" As if summoned said omega pops up besides him. Not caring for the thought process he's clearly in. Calling him by his first name and not just 'alpha' like other omega's would. It angers him but he refuses to show it. He won't grant the omega the satisfaction of showing his annoyance. Instead he just hums, eyes still focused on his books as he calmly thinks over the possible turns of event.

"We're having a group meeting, for the dance thing after school today. We want to see what everyone's skill set is and if we're compatible with one another." The omega says as he goes to take a seat. "Give me your number and I'll add you to the group chat."

He takes the phone and swiftly types in his number, knowing he'll have to get involved with his group at some point. It's true that he might not have asked for this but it's what it is. He'll just show that he's the bigger person of the two.

"It's all alpha's, so try not to get your ego in the way of our dancing yeah?"

Now there's two options. He could go and try to assert dominance again but there's the option of failure once again. He's realistic enough to know that mindless dominance won't get him what he wants. He needs to play this game, play it well. He can outmatch this omega easily as long as he doesn't make any rash decisions.

"I'll do my best." He says, expecting to see a look surprise but instead he receives a smile.

"That would be a first." And as Taehyung starts to walk off his anger gets the best of him and he grasps the brunette's arm, pulling him back rather harshly. A bit surprised by his own actions he quickly gathers himself.

"Location of the meeting after school?" He asks, not looking up. Knowing his angry eyes will give him away, refusing to let him win.

"I'll message you." The shorter says, tearing his arm away from the strong hold and walking off. Leaving him to dig his nails into his hands. Almost hard enough to draw blood. He needs to be the bigger person, only then can he win whatever this game is. He mustn't give in to the anger, it's clearly what the omega is looking for.

Releasing his hands he massages the crescent marks on his hand. Wondering how one simple omega can get on his nerves like that. He shouldn't respond this way, it shows his lack in self control.

But still his ego is hurt once again and he finds himself scanning the room for a pretty omega to toy with. Just to assure himself that he's still dominant, that he's still the one in charge and that omega's still submit to him despite of what Taehying might think.

Maybe he should find that boy from the other day again, then he doesn't have to go through the drag of explaining what he wants. He can maybe push him even further than last time.

But he does have to meet his group today. He could make him wait but if they'll be dancing he doesn't want to fuck right after. He should wait for tomorrow, no doubts the frustration will stick with him as long as he doesn't release it.

Though, he might be even more annoyed after today. Especially if the other alpha's in their group are all horny for that dumb omega. Which no doubt they are.

Maybe he's looking at the situation all wrong but he has a feeling that he thinks he's playing a different one then they actually are. Taehyung is playing a different angle then he previously thought.

Taking a deep breath he leans back in his chair.

Whatever game they're playing, he's losing.

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