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Leaning against the wall he watches the alpha's enter the room. His thoughts are confirmed when he recognises every alpha. He's seen then around Taehyung all the time. He wonders how they all got in, or maybe it's that the omega takes a liking to dancers. It could be a coincidence but for some reason he doubts it is.

The group is made up of five. Taehyung, three alpha's and himself. No doubt things were supposed to be like this, this way he'll be forced to do what Taehyung wants him to. There's no way he could join another group with the minor starting soon, and arguing with his fellow teammates won't end well. He's forced into a position in which he can only conceal his anger and pretend nothing gets to him.

No doubt this was the shorter's plan all along.

Jimin would say he's being paranoid, looking for things that aren't there but he doubts he is. There's just something about the omega that tells him something is going on, and things are going the way he wants them to. That smirk is too confident for someone who's losing.

He still hasn't caught up to the omega's plans, how could he not have? What other motives could there be behind his actions? It's clearly not simply sex or attention, the plan is too dragged out for it. Anyone craving just that would've moved on.

So it's personal? Taehyung is looking to get something out if him but what could it possibly be? It's not a relationship, that's for sure. He doesn't hide the fact he hooks up, which is not a thing you'd do if you would want to make someone fall for you. Maybe it's just for fun. Maybe he enjoy's making him feel annoyed, just because he can. After all Jungkook does the same. He loves fucking omega's into oblivion just to show dominance and remind himself of how good of an alpha he is.

Could this be similar? That would mean the shorter thinks he's above all alpha's. That he can control them? It would explain why he didn't flinch when he showed dominance, why he refuses to bow his head and why he continuously tries to get on his nerves.

His eyes snap to the alpha's in the room, surrounding the omega like lost puppies.

Slowly things start connecting, one dot after the other as he catches on to the previous events. There's always the same alpha's hanging around, sometimes one leaves and sometimes one joins but the group of lost puppies stays the same. No one knows why and what for but it could be because the alpha's don't want anyone to know.

Like that one time he ran into Taehyung when he just got done having intercourse in that classroom.

The alpha looked shaken up, panicked to seem him there. Said he wasn't there before rushing off. That alpha looked more fucked out than Taehyung did.

His eyes widen a little. Could it be?

It can't. It's unnatural, wrong. Why would those alpha's involve themselves with someone like that?

It does explain the overly confident aura, how he's so unfazed by any display of dominance, and how to press the right buttons to get an alpha frustrated.

He thinks he's in charge, he thinks he's the dominant one. No doubt those pathetic alpha's around him let him stick it in or dominante them. It's disgusting, unnatural and they do it willingly. How could they be so weak that they'd submit to an omega? Don't they have any pride? Their parents must be disappointed with son's and daughters like that.

Gritting his teeth he comes to a realisation as he finally is understanding the game they're playing.

It angers him. How dare Taehyung think he could get to him? Hurt his ego enough to make him insecure? That's what has been going on and he hates do admit that it's been working.

The omega has been on his mind too much for him to deny it.

"Leave." He barks, glaring at the alpha's in the room. Smirking as they look at both him and the omega, before taking off. They're still more scared of him than they are of that dumb omega.

He wonders how he did it, make alpha's submit. The strongest and most powerful of society kneeling before the weakest.

When the door shuts he pushes himself off the wall, raising his head and releasing his scent a little. This is the moment to show dominance, this is the moment he'll prove once and for all that he's the perfect alpha. He'll show Taehyung how delusional he's being by thinking his actions effect him in anyway.

He must show strength and absolutely no sign of hesitation. He is the alpha, the strongest secondary gender there is, an omega should never have power over him or any alpha there is.

"I see you caught on." Taehyung says, which throws him off a bit. How could he have known? He just figured it out?

"Why else would you be showing how dominant you are if it weren't for feelings of it being challenged?"

Not only is the omega delusional, he's also smart. Very smart. He's catching on to things he himself hasn't even considered.

"You alpha's are so fucking easy." The omega spits, not showing any signs of feeling intimidated. "Crank your big bad ego's and you immediately feel the need to show how strong you are, it's pathetic."

He takes a step forward. "You need to learn that you're not in charge. Those sad alpha's that submit to you are weak, they're not real alpha's. They're failures." He pauses, taking another step closer as he squares his shoulders, making himself look big. "I'm not one of them."

Taehyung quirks up an eyebrow, not even the slightest little impressed by any of the alpha's actions.

"Never said you were." With that he smirks. "But I feel like you're not trying to convince me, you're trying to convince yourself."

"How dare—"

"It's true. I might be an omega but you lowlife alpha's don't have a thing on me." The omega says now stepping closer as well. Eyes filled with a a dangerous look. "They all think they're so cool until you show them how pathetic they really are. Beneath the title of alpha is still a human, when they see I'm not fazed by how strong and scary they are they crumble. They panic and become my little lap dogs." There's a short pause in which he steps closer again, only half a meter between them as the glare at one another. "I must admit they're not all willing to submit, I have to pick carefully but I've learned very quickly that the harder they bark, the easier they fall for me."

Jungkook's eyes narrow, he didn't expect this at all. How could he have?

"Can you imagine Jungkook? Me, an omega making alpha's cry as I make them beg and plead?" Taehyung smirks as he makes his next move.

"Can you imagine me, making you cry as you beg for more?"

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