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What Jungkook hates most about going home is leaving. Whenever he's around his family he let's down his guard and turns into a new kind of person. More relaxed and more open about his feelings. It isn't a bad thing but whenever he's on the car ride home he curses himself for allowing himself to be that weak.

He hates himself for not being able to suppress the weak behaviour.

"I had fun." Taehyung says as they leave the home after lunch. "Shouldn't we say bye to your family?"

"No, my brother is fucking and disturbing my mother when she's inspired is dangerous, I'd rather wrestle an alligator." Jungkook mumbles as he opens the car door for Taehyung to get in, carefully shutting it before walking around.

"My mother is probably going to spam me until I bring you over again, I could tell they really liked you." He mutters as he starts the car, wondering what will happen now. He's made his point, he wasn't raised the way Taehyung thought he was, but what now? Nothing will change between them, right?

"I liked them too." The omega leans his head back, a yawn rolling past his lips. "Though, I'm really tired."

Jungkook hums, driving off and through the gates that open automatically. He peeks at the brunette, who's eyes are shut. Somehow he doesn't doubt that if he were to give the omega a piece of his clothing he'd cuddle into it. The alpha scent making him feel warm and safe.

Taehyung had been right, he still was an omega but Jungkook had a hard time seeing past the sex and part. The sex doesn't change anything, it shouldn't change anything, yet to him, it does.

"Why did you take me? And not Kinjo?"

He's caught off guard, he hadn't expected Taehyung to know the fellow's omega name. Let alone know they're close. Guess it makes sense, news travels fast.

"Why would I take Kinjo?" He doesn't even know why exactly he took Taehyung, what reason would he have to take Kinjo. Guess it makes sense if it were his boyfriend, but he's not.

"I don't know, it seems odd you took me. We're not even friends. Not that I disliked it, I just don't get it."

He shrugs. He probably did it because he felt like he had something to prove. What and why he doesn't know. Lately he doesn't know anything anymore and it's all because of the omega. He's changing and he's not sure whether he likes it or not, whether it's good or bad. All he knows is that he thinks if Taehyung as intriguing and terrifying at the same time.

It's silent, more answer than a simple shrug is not given, instead both of them seem to be deep in thought. Equally as confused about the occurring events.

He feels strangely calm, having introduced someone to a part of him he never did before. Well, apart from when he was a kid. No matter what Taehyung likes to do in bed, he's open minded and doesn't judge. Maybe it's because of how he likes to have sex. Being around Taehyung is somehow strangely similar to being around his family.

His power is not questioned, it's not important to them.

He loves that feeling.

"I don't meant to be rude." The brunette hesitates. "But... why are you so different from your family?"

Jungkook grips the steering wheel a little tighter, the feeling of comfort going straight up against the want to push Taehyung away.

But when, when will he meat someone as open minded as Taehyung again? Does he want to tell someone? His parents and brother don't even know, he's always kept it his little secret, he didn't want anyone else to know. Plus they'll be in the car for another two hours, so he might as well fill up that time with his story.

But the memories bring a lot of emotion with them and he shouldn't drive when he feels very emotional, it influences his reaction time and will to live.

He sighs, pulling into a gas station. "You drive."

Taehyung nods. Switching places Jungkook finds himself drowning in questions aimed at himself. Just this morning they were ready to never talk to one another again and now he's sharing his biggest secret. This omega has power over him, but in a good way. He doesn't feel scared to tell, he feels relieved.

They start driving again and he finds himself staring out the window, leaning his arm against the window and his head on his hand.

"I was very different as a kid, I liked different things, I did different things, I was different. Born an alpha I never felt pressure to become strong and powerful, so I didn't focus On becoming strong and powerful, it was when I was eight that things changed. My parents moved homes and suddenly I was going to school in a big city, kids in school shamed me for being weak, for being a shame to my family name." He pauses, feeling strangely calm at memories that usually overwhelmed him. "Which was hurtful but fine, it wasn't until a few months after that they started beating me up. At first I told my parents play fighting went wrong, cause I didn't want them to know their son was getting hurt. Later I learned to protect my face so that my parents couldn't see the bruises."

He's silent, the story isn't finished but the hard part is only now coming.

"Everyday I was harshly reminded of how weak I was, how I was a shame to all alpha's and didn't deserve my rank, how I should go ahead and die because I wasn't strong enough. This went on until I went to high school. It was then that a third year had cornered me, put his hands all over me, tried to go further." He shuts his eyes and for a second he's back in that room, crying and struggling to get away. Not strong enough to fight, not strong enough to resist.

"It would've gone wrong if it weren't for the karate team captain hearing me, he saved me from what could've been way worse. Pleaded me to go to a teacher, the police, my parents but I refused. It would put shame to my families name. He did force me to join the karate team and suddenly I started making friends, growing stronger, fighting back." He opens his eyes, a smile tugging on his lips. "Suddenly I was the strong one, suddenly the bullying stopped, suddenly I was more alpha than any of them."

He smiles again.

"Suddenly I was worth a damn."

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