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Four days, four days since the omega had asked that question and there has been zero effort to initiate another interaction. Could it be that he really just wanted help with that one question?

It can't be.

But it seems like it is. It could be that he's wrong. Maybe the omega is smart enough to tell that he isn't up for flirting or a relationship. Or he simply think's he's out of his league.

After all he is a top tier alpha, smart, rich, strong, dominant.

Many don't even try, thinking they're below him. He himself doesn't care about what his omega will be like. He just wants one that's independent, hard working and loyal. They wouldn't have to work, they'd stay home, care for the kids, clean the house and cook dinner. He doesn't want a clingy one, but one that picks up a hobby like learning a new language.

He doubts this Kim Taehyung guys falls into that category. He seems more like the slutty type that ends up working in some bar while trying to manage kids and an unhappy alpha.

He curses under his breath as he catches himself thinking about that dumb omega again. Why is he overthinking this so much? It's pathetic? If he doesn't stop this ridiculous behaviour he'll soon look like those desperate for attention omega's.

He needs to put the omega out of his head, right now. He has done it perfectly fine the last before their little run in, so he'll just go back to that. Shaking his head a little he groans as he opens his laptop. The page in front of him reminding him that for the two semesters after this one they'll have to pick a minor.

Gritting his teeth he remembers the promise he made to his parents. He was allowed to move out, fully payed by them, uni payed by them as well as long as he'd pick a minor that was something completely opposite from what his major was. If he disobeys them they'll immediately pull all the plugs and leave him stranded on his own.

He isn't delusional. His entire life he's been carried by his parents wealth. Without that he's lost. No way he can pay tuition fee's and his apartment for another two years if his parents cut him off.

It's a dumb agreement. He could be learning important things, things he could use later. Things that give him a head start on the next year. Instead he has to pick something dumb.

Scrolling through the options he wonders why his parents care so much. Shouldn't they be happy they have such a serious and hard working son? Yes, he might be opposite from them, but why does that matter? He'll be successful nonetheless, that's all they should care about.

But then again, they're the one's paying. He doesn't have a choice.

He sighs as he leans back, realising there really is only one creative minor he might get accepted into. Balling his hands into fists he glares at the computer screen. Yet he doesn't curse his parents, he knows they just want what's best for him.

Sighing very deeply he shuts his laptop again. Deciding he better start preparing for his minor. He can almost hear the mumbles that will surround him when he'll start. Even thought he'll have to travel to a different building, people will still spread the news very quickly.

'Jeon Jungkook, yeah the big alpha, he chose a dance minor.'

Turning his wrist he stares at his watch. It's late, time to go home and recap years of forced dance practice so he'll get accepted.

Getting up he starts packing his bag before swinging the think over his shoulder as he holds his jackets in his arms. Not many people stay as late as he does.

The majority of the school is already closed. Only the library wing is open twenty-four-seven. It gives students a space to study at all times which he loves. More than once has he found himself pulling an all nighter, emerged in a book or working ahead on his essays.

He decides to stop by the bathroom, only to find it under maintenance. He could of course walk further down, there's another one down the hall, right before the steel doors locking off the rest of the school.

He sighs and makes his way down there, thinking over possibilities of him being rejected for his minor. What will he do them? What will he pick as back up? Would his parents accept a business related minor as back up? He doubts it. They've had plenty of discussions about this in which he was completely powerless due to the fact that they're his one and only source of money.

His thoughts are rudely interrupted by a door swinging open, barely missing him as it slams against the wall. He stands frozen, staring straight into Kim Taehyung's eyes.

He's hit with that delicious mango scent, mixed with an unfamiliar one, the faint smell of sweat and sex equally as evident. A smirk covering the omega's face as he walks past, not making an effort of greeting him or acknowledging him at all. Instead de just takes off, hands buried in his pockets and a certain aura of confidence about him. Maybe it's just the messy hair and cocky look, whatever it is. It seems too confident almost unnatural.

Some else walks past him, the strong alpha scent hitting his nostrils as he takes a step back. Keeping his body from releasing his own scent.

The alpha halts as he sees him, a strange look of panic in his eyes. As if he got caught doing something he shouldn't be doing, something else than just having intercourse in such a highly inappropriate place.

"You didn't see me." The alpha hisses before taking off as well.

He wonders why the boy looks so shaken up. There's no way the omega is that good. Good enough to leave an alpha that shaken up.

He turns away and keeps walking as he thinks the previous event over.

Kim Taehyung isn't just a regular omega.

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