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"I'm in excruciating pain and it's your fault."

Looking up from his notes his eyes land on Jimin, instantly making him regret telling him he was coming in early. He didn't think the blonde would show up this early. Especially after having trained so hard like yesterday. He had assumed he'd be safe from early morning rants and would have some time to study in peace and quiet.

After all, university is hard work and graduating with perfect grades could really make one stand out. Though his parents don't seem to care about whatever he does, which is opposite of him. He cares about everything he does, which is also the reason he moved out as soon as he could.

Ignoring the shorter's statement he remains focused on his books. Making clear that he didn't come for chitchat, but for studying. He isn't about to waste his time on his fellow students as time is slipping through his fingers.

He needs to get a degree with perfect grades, a job which he'll be amazing at and earn money so that just like his children will have the privilege of being able to choose their own faith as easily as he could. He'll have to care for his parents when they're old and no longer can do it themselves.

"You left bruises." Jimin continues but he's sure the elder knows he isn't going to get a response. Though, that knowledge has never before stopped him from talking on anyway.

It makes him wonder why Jimin keeps hanging around in the first place. It isn't like he jas much to offer as a friend. All he does is tolerate his presence with occasional effort to acknowledge his existence. No doubt there's plenty of people out there who would love to gossip and hang out with him.

It doesn't matter. The blonde isn't of any influence to his decisions and work. So having him around doesn't matter to him, at least he gets occasional rice-ball's every so often. Plus he can discuss anime and manga theories with him, which he finds interesting.

A soft tap on his shoulder startles him a little. He hadn't expected to be talked to let alone touched by anyone but Jimin.

Looking up he finds himself a little displeased to see the omega he bumped into yesterday. He makes no effort hiding it either, he wants to be left alone. He doesn't have time for an omega like him, or any for that matter.

"I heard you're top of the class from Mr. Jui."

He blinks. A class related question isn't what he had expected but it isn't the first time he heard it either. They often ask for tutoring right after, private tutoring in their bedrooms. Which he not so politely declines.

"I am." He says, eyes shifting to Jimin who's obnoxiously inhaling through his nose trying to catch a scent. Why? He won't be able to smell it with his broken sense of smell, so why bother.

"I have this one question, if you don't mind helping me out."

Turning to face him again he thinks this over for a quick second. If he says yes chances are he will be flirted with, though it could just be an innocent question. Should he take the risk?

"Ask." He mutters, watching a book being put down along with a notebook.

"Here, I calculated the inflation in both currencies and the rise in demand for the export product, but then I get this and that can't be right." The omega asks, not showing any signs of flirting, just asking a genuine question. Maybe he got lucky with this one.

"Mh, you need to calculate the differences in transport costs as well and a calculating the rise in demand isn't enough. In a lot of countries there's import costs as well, calculate those as well and then your final number will be much lower. If you follow the formula you'll end up with a lower—"

He's interrupted by the omega's excited voice, which annoys him. Don't ask for an explanation if you're not about to let him finish it.

"Oh! I see!" A short pause. "Thank you, I'll recalculate. Thank you so much." With that he's off, not asking for anything but that one simple home work question. Which surprised him a little. He had expected the always alpha surrounded omega to make a move and try to seduce him.

Why didn't he?

Speaking of those alpha's where are they now?

"I couldn't catch his scent." Jimin mumbles sadly, shaking his head a little.

"You only smell scents when they're really strong or pungent." He comments, wondering why he's telling the shorter facts about himself.

"How will I ever find a mate when I can't even smell them?"

He shouldn't have spoken up, he only encouraged his sulking. He doesn't have time for this, for the alpha's problems or that annoying omega's questions. Annoying? Well, not yet. It must be some sort of plan to get to him, no doubt that's it.

There's no way an attention seeking omega like that doesn't want his. He's the picture perfect alpha, there must be a plan behind it.

No doubt he'll come ask another question soon, maybe then he'll suggest tutoring. He's sure that at some point during the day, he'll be bothered by him again, he has to be.

"Are you listening?"

He's pulled from his thoughts by Jimin's voice. Looking up he finds himself annoyed by the fact that he's even thinking about that dumb omega. He shouldn't spend even a second in his precious time on such a skank.

"I actually have the same question as him, can you walk me through it." His fellow alpha says and he nods. One thing he almost always does is help Jimin. As much as he doesn't like being friends with people, he is friends with the blonde. He wants Jimin to succeed and have a successful life.

"Yes, come sit next to me."

The shorter nods excitedly before moving around.

He's happy they're at least focusing on what's important and not some dumb omega.

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