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What happened with Taehyung had been okay.

He hadn't been aroused but he didn't dislike it either. The omega had held back, he could tell that much, his throat hadn't hurt and Taehyung was kind enough to not make him swallow anything.

Currently he's at home, taking care of Kinjo who's currently in heat. The poor omega is now asleep between waves, curled up besides him and snoring a little, it's adorable really.

Though, Jungkook knows when the next wave hits he's back to being a demon's kid again. Omega's really are something when they're in heat. The heat triggered his own rut be he doesn't really mind, he knows better than to have sex with an omega in heat.

Alpha's usually stay away from it, even when they're mated. Having sex during heat or rut creates a bond that takes from two weeks up to a month to go away. In that moment you have to be around your alpha omega a lot or you'll feel really down and depressed.

So now he's here, running to get the omega tea and food whenever he wants. Only to be met with tears when it isn't the right flavour or whatever.

He doesn't mind it, he knows it's rough but it's rough on him too. Fighting his rut and constantly rushing to get Kinjo everything he wants.

Between waves he does get time to think about what happened with Taehyung. He's a bit conflicted. It was a simple blow job, these don't count.

But he did get on his knees for an omega. He did let Taehyung take control, he submitted, not fully but a little. Was it a ome time thing? Will he try and do it again? Push the omega to go a little harder?

No, why is he even thinking this. He can't be weak.

"You're thinking too loud." Kinjo mutters, looking up at him with tired eyes. "I can almost hear the gears in your brain going."

"No, you're just being a brat." He mutters, softly pushing the omega's hair away from his face. "Go back to sleep, you'll need it."

"I've slept enough, tell me what's on your mind." Kinjo asks, yawning a little.

"What makes an alpha a good one?" He asks, he's never heard it from an omega's point of view. Or he never bothered to listen. All these years he'd been so focused on what he thought of himself and what other's would think of him, that he'd completely forgotten who he's trying to be the perfect alpha for, omega's.

"A good alpha?" Kinjo seems to need a second to think about it. "A good alpha..." he pauses before smiling brightly. "Is you!"

He stares down at the excited eyes with a raised eyebrow. Him? How is he a good alpha?

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you're becoming one. You used to be really stuck up you know, but lately you've been more relaxed and laid back, just ask Jimin." Kinjo explains. "But even before that, you helped me even though you didn't need to. You protected an omega, that's what alpha's do. They protect the weaker of the group and work to create a better environment for their 'pack'. Now I know we don't have packs but their friend's and family."

"But I don't do that." He says dryly, it's the truth.

"You do." Kinjo argues. "You let a complete stranger move in, I see how you bite your tongue when Jimin is being annoying once again, how you text your parents every night to tell them you're okay, you're here helping me, you care way more than you think."

He sits frozen, he wasn't aware Kinjo had been paying this much attention.

"You don't know what's inside of my head." He says calmly, it's true.

"I can guess, and I also feel like it's changing. When we met you called me polite and that stuff. I have a pretty good idea on how you think about things, it isn't hard to figure out." The omega grins. "but you're trying to better yourself, I can tell."

He smiles as well. "I hope you're right."

Kinjo shuts his eyes. "What made you wonder about this?"

"Personal things." He says before running his finger's through the short black hair, softly continuing the move until the room is once again filled with soft snores.

Has he been changing? Why? Was it Kinjo? Taehyung? Both? Last semester he wouldn't have gotten on his knees for anyone, and now he's sucked of an omega, let Taehyung take charge.

Could that be called change? Does that make him weak?

Leaning his head back he shuts his eyes. He can't be weak, he won't allow himself to be weak. And being around Taehyung makes him weak. Only weak alpha's submit to anyone. It's the strongest alpha's that lead pack's, that rule over the forest grounds.

He can't be weak. He's been weak before and that ended up disastrous. He can't let that happen again. He's been fooling himself, he can't ever do something like that with Taehyung again. He must suppress the urges, train his body to be stronger.

He was doing so well, working himself up to the top to become rich and powerful and he was about to throw it all away for some dumb experiment.

He's behaving like an omega, putting feelings first instead of thinking rationally.

Kinjo would never call him a good alpha if he knew what had went down between him and Taehyung. He'd be disappointed, disgusted.

He can never tell anyone about what happened, never reveal that he had a moment of weakness.

Looking back down he smiles at his friend, the small omega sleeping in his lap, trusting him to protect him. He needs to be strong, for Kinjo, for his future omega, for all omega's.

Cause a good alpha is strong and protects omega's.

Running his hand through the younger's hair he smiles sadly.

"I'll do better, I promise."

I think this Jungkook is one of the most complicated characters I've ever written

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