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Jungkook sighs as they enter the dining room where his mother has set out a lunch, seeing his brother's boyfriend and father discussing something with too much enthusiasm. He almost makes a u-turn a goes home but it's already too late, he's been spotted.

"Son!" His father immediately gets up to hug him tight. "Have you grown since I've last seen you?!"

He sighs. "No dad."

He immediately gets smacked up the head. "It feels like it! You never visit! My heart is not made of stone, your good old pop's needs some love as well!"

With a groan he nods his head. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just busy with school."

"Yeah he wants to be a 'businessman', gross." Namjoon makes a fake gagging noise only to be smacked by his boyfriend, to which he immediately pouts.

"Oh this is Taehyung, a classmate." Jungkook sighs tiredly while his mother guides the omega to a chair.

"Hello Taehyung, call me Junio." His dad says.

Jungkook just stares at his plate as Hoseok introduces himself as Namjoon's boyfriend. Though he does look up to see Taehyung's curiosity when he realises they both are alpha's.

"Oh Seokie, Jungkook said they're not fucking, maybe we can—"

"No." Jungkook buts in, surprising himself with the quick and rather firm interruption.

Hoseok grins. "Oh so you're not fucking? Yet?"

Koa perks up. "Don't bottle up sexual frustrations Kook, it's important—"

"Oh my god." He drops his face against the hardwood of the table, wishing he could disappear right there and then.

"Jungkook doesn't want to have sex with me." Taehyung says casually, surprising the entire family with the blunt statement.

"Oh, that's surprising but also completely okay." Junio says with a smile.

"Well, it's not that I don't want to." Jungkook sighs, feeling like he sounds like a dick when it's said bluntly like that. "We just have different preferences."

"Oh! It's like that? Getting used to one another's kinks is a normal process, it takes a while but—"

"Oh my god the food is getting cold." Hoseok buts in, knowing the Jeon family well enough to know, they have no boundaries whatsoever and usually keep ranting on for too long.

"Oh I forgot to say, I made a new painting today! It's not done yet but its theme is nature's gift." Koa tells, Jungkook is relieved that it's a normal topic for once. His family really tires him out, though he's surprised that Taehyung doesn't seem scared off by them.

"Let me guess, green." Junio says but gets a head shake in return.

"Black and white."

"Oh I'm curious." Hoseok says before tapping his knife against the plate. "Koa! I think you just inspired me for a dance!"

"Really show us!" Junio says and while Jungkook and Taehyung silently eat they watch as Hoseok swiftly dances a few moves that apparently are inspired by the words 'nature's gift'

"Wonderful!" Koa applauds. "Your talent never fails to amaze me!"

It'a true Hoseok is a great dancer but Jungkook has seem the man dance a million times, he is no longer surprised. Taehyung however is as amazed as Koa.

"Wow! You're amazing maybe you can help me! I'm not doing great in class." Taehyung says and the dancer immediately smiles brightly. "Of course! I'd love to help!"

Namjoon wraps an arm around his boyfriend. "You can pay him in a very natural way." He winks. "Yeah, we miss a little omega in our presence." Hoseok adds while Jungkook feels like stabbing the two lovers.

For some reason he doesn't like them flirting with Taehyung. He didn't come here to drop of a new play thing for them. Why the hell he did bring Taehyung here is also a mystery to him, maybe because part of him knows that the brunette might be whatever helps him get over his fear of weakness. But who knows.

"If you don't mind bottoming."

The table falls dead silent, all of them staring at Taehyung who awkwardly shifts in his chair.

"You top?" Koa asks shamelessly.

"Uh, yeah."

Immediately she drops her cutlery. "How incredibly inspiring!" She says excitedly before grabbing her husband and dragging him off his chair. "I need to paint! Now!"

"Now I understand the difference in preference." Namjoon mumbles. "Never met an omega who tops, that's epic."

"Don't say epic, you sound like a nerd." Jungkook sighs as he just continues eating as if whatever his family is is normal.

"Fuck I'm horny." Hoseok groans, sending his boyfriend a look and after some arguing over who tops they walk off leaving them alone.

They eat in silence until the omega decides to speak up. "Should I not have said that? Or the you not wanting to have sex with me part?"

"No it's fine, they're one of the few people in the world that I don't ever feel weak around." He says with a little shrug. "I guess it's cause everything is accepted here, I could come home covered in piercings and tattoo's with pink hair and a new name and all my mom would wonder is if I were hungry, or she'd paint."

Taehyung chuckles. "Your family is very sexual, you are not."

"It's cause the majority of my mother's paintings are based around sex, my father is a wildly popular sex toy manufacturer and my brother and his boyfriend are horny all the time." He explains before sighing. "Oh and my brother works as one of those sex therapy things, Hoseok is normal, a dancer. So yeah, sex is a regular topic at our dining table."

After finishing his plate he looks up.

Taehyung frowns. "You said you don't feel weak around them, do you feel weak around other people?"

"You mean you, do I feel weak around you." He says, knowing that's what the question meant. He think about this.

"It's not necessarily that I feel weak, it's just that certain behaviour is considered 'weak' for an alpha. And whenever I display that behaviour I get so scared of being weak that I act up, I'm not weak." He doesn't know why he feels so free to speak his mind, maybe it's the familiarity of being at home or the fact that Taehyung doesn't seem to view him as weak.

"I often forget that alpha's get pushed into a certain stereo type as well." The omega says. "They're not allowed to be weak, though what society considers weak is even the slightest hint of humanity." He pauses.

"You're not weak Jungkook."

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