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Jungkook doesn't take the bait. Instead he shakes his head. "How do you think people will react if they find out?"

"Who's going to believe you?"

That's right, who would believe him, it's a ridiculous story and if Jimin had told him he wouldn't have believed it either. No doubt the alpha's will deny it, so he's got no solid evidence. They'd declare him insane, possibly see him as desperate for attention. Or jealous of the alpha's that do get to be with the omega.

He shouldn't have started this here and now. He's powerless. He can't do anything to make Taehyung stop trying to get to him and now he has to walk around knowing Taehyung thinks of him as weak. As an... omega. Maybe he should pretend he doesn't care, pretend like this is fine.

But how could he? The omega and his boy toy alpha's are freaks of nature. Going against what is right. He doesn't want anyone to think he's with them, that would mean he's weak and a failure. But he can't get out of this one with just his dominance. The harder he pushes, the harder Taehyung will push back. He doesn't have a choice but to accept it and no doubt that's exactly what Taehyung wants. It's the first step into submission.

But he doesn't have a choice. A good alpha should know when to take a hit and when to fight back.

This hit might be a harsh one bit it's a necessary one.

So he takes the bait. "I'm not much of a talker during sex, doubt you could ever make me beg." He says watching a hint of surprise flash on the omega's face, letting him know he made the right choice. No doubt Taehyung had expected him to get mad, let his anger take over and his ego in the way.

He should realise, Taehyung's view of him isn't who he is. He's the picture perfect alpha and other's might doubt that, that doesn't make it any less true. And even besides the title of alpha, he isn't weak. Not as wolf nor as human. He himself decides who he is and what he'll do, that's how he saves himself from getting captured by such a delusional omega.

"Shame." Taehyung looks genuinely disappointed. "Guess you aren't who I thought you were. In that case I apologise and just forget I ever said anything."

The tension in the room has disappeared.

"Guess it was my fault for letting my ego talk for me." He says, eyes still cold as he still strongly dislikes the omega and his unnatural way of living.

"The ego always talks first, that's the risk. Some are stuck in the world where omega's and alpha's aren't supposed to behave like this. They call it unnatural."

Which it is. Guess his act is convincing enough.

"Other's realise they're more than just the title, even then they sometimes come to me. When you consider yourself more than your secondary gender, doors will open up for you." Taehyung shrugs a little. "It's a shame, you would've been fun to play with."

Jungkook forces a smile on his face. "Doubt it, but A for effort." Someone really should give him an award for the top notch acting he's putting on. He's smart enough to know that this is the only way out and he'll recover his pride by fucking some omega's later this week.

"Let's start this get together. We're not doung anything really, once the minor starts we'll first have the technique part before group dance but it's nice to get a head start." Taehyung says, before going to get the other alpha's back.

Jungkook releases a relived sigh. He's won. Maybe not in the most prideful way, but he's won. Now the omega won't bother him about it any longer. And after the minor they can go back to never speaking again.

Yet, it bugs him. If he's won the game that must mean there was something they were playing for. If not then there wouldn't be a game. What were the stakes of the game? And why was he willing to let his pride dent like that just to win it?

Could it be that he was actually scared the omega would touch a part of him that he doesn't want to see? That he'd show him a side of himself he's trying to hide by being the perfect alpha?

No. It can't be. This was just a dumb plan to test him, to see what he had in store.


Why is he doubting himself? Why is he even considering this? Because part of him knows it's right? Because he knows that if he thinks he won, there's something he could've lost. He curses under his breath as he watches Taehyung.

This wasn't a game. It's never been. He made it one. He became paranoid, angry that he was being challenged meanwhile all Taehyung did was try and figure him out. He could've shown this side from the start, but he didn't. Which is why the omega kept going. He started this, he gave the brunette the feeling that there was more by reacting so strongly.

He looks at his own hands in horror as his thoughts keep racing.

Maybe he cares so much about his status, his dominance and his title because he doesn't want to show people what's underneath.

Maybe that's where his unhealthy obsession with wanting to be the perfect alpha comes from.

He wants to be one, cause he isn't.

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