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Getting out at the new building, where for the next two semester's he'll attend his classes, Jungkook already feels dread fill his bones. He'll be in the same class as Taehyung and no doubt he'll be annoyed by the omega, even if he's left alone.

Something about the brunette has him intrigued and he can't seem to let it go.

Walking into the changing rooms his eyes immediately fall on said omega, who's just about to put on a shirt.

"Oh good morning Jungkook." Again with the name and not the rank.

"Morning." He mutters, tearing his eyes away from the omega's body, cursing the fact that they're the only ones there. He came in early so he'd have at least fifteen minutes to prepare for the day.

"Ready for upcoming semesters?"

He's relieved the brunette is now dressed again. The clothes are loose but stylish and his hair is a bit messy, it could be considered sexy.

"I am." He says, getting undressed and swiftly changing into his dance clothes. Knowing he's being looked at.

He wonder's whether he should ask the question that's been burning in his mind ever since he's found out about the omega's activities. He might as well go ahead and ask, god knows when they'll have a moment together again, there's no way in hell he'll go and seek him out.

"How do you do it?" He asks, feeling strangely nervous. He shouldn't be nervous, he's the alpha of the two. He's in charge.

"Do what?" The tone is innocent but the smug look on the omega's face gives away that he knows exactly what he's talking about. It bugs him that he knows has to go out and ask again.

"Dominate alpha's." He mumbles, sitting down on the bench and leaning his back against the wall. The omega across from him.

"Can't hear you if you're mumbling." It's mean and an easy strategy to make someone feel a little powerless. He either will have to let it go or ask again, which both feel like he's lost.

"How do you dominate alpha's?" He asks, pretending like none of this effects him the way it does. It's obvious that Taehyung likes getting on his nerves and as long as he refuses to let him he'll be fine.

"Easy." The omega gets up a grin on his lips as he walks closer, standing in front of him. "Alpha's are just as much human as anyone, so if you press the right buttons..." he pauses before softly laying his hand on the alpha's neck.

"Want me to show you? See if I can make you submit?"

"We're in a dressing room." Is all je says, not feeling like rejecting. If the omega were to go ahead and try he'd let him.

"I'm not hearing a no."

It's silent, the two staring at one another until Jungkook's chin is grabbed and tilted up. The omega's eyes suddenly a lot less friendly.

"You're being difficult." He growls. "Yes or no?"

How infuriating. "No." He growls, pushing the omega's hand away. If it were a more private setting he might've said yes, just to see what the brunette would do. But anyone could walk in at any moment now, he can't be caught up in something like that.

Taehyung grins. "Shame, I guess most alpha's just get curious and then I dom them." A little shrug shows how confident he is in his own doings, he's used to alpha's giving in to him.

"For some it's just a one time thing, others become my lost little puppies."

Leaning back he shakes his head a little. There's no way Taehyung went through the same educational system as Kinjo did, there's just too much difference between the two.

"Where did you go to school."

Taehyung ignores the question and puts in his headphones, softly humming to the music as he shuts his eyes.

Slowly people start coming in and before he knows it Taehyung is surrounded by his usual alpha's. Staring down at his hands he wonders if the omega is lonely. He's never seen him around anyone but those alpha's. He doubts they're great company, they're not real friends. He's never seen the omega with anyone who could be considered a friend. It's always those horny alpha's.

Maybe he doesn't know how to make friends? Or the other omega's see him as a threat and avoid him all together. There could be countless of reason for him to not have friends, it doesn't change the fact he's lonely.

He should ask Kinjo what he thinks of him, the view of an omega on such behaviour could be what helps him understand the situation a little better.

Getting up he walks to the right room, leaning against the wall as people make small talk with him. He reply's politely but doesn't find any of the conversations interesting.

In a way he's similar to Taehyung. A bit lonely.

"Okay guys, stretching, pair up and get to it." He's surprised by how fast Taehyung pops up in front of him. "Let's pair up."

He nods and follows the omega to an empty spot on the floor. Slowly bending over to stretch a little, hoping he remembered the right things to do. Everyone here has most likely followed a dance class to reach this level off skill, no doubt they know how to stretch well.

"Keep your back straight." Taehyung says, placing a hand on his back and softly pressing down. He groans a little, the last few years of sitting behind a desk all day have made him a little stiff.

"You're not very flexible, are you?" The omega asks, pushing him down a little further only to receive another groan.

"Not anymore." Jungkook mutters, shutting his eyes for a second, only to have them fly open when the omega crouches down right next to him, leaning on close to him. Close enough to feel his breath.


A shiver goes through his body at the words that come next.

"I like my alpha's flexible."

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