Vocab List 1 : 5W+1H

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Happy Wednesday guys! 

大家星期三快乐  Dàjiā xīngqísān kuàilè

In this chapter, I'm going to introduce you to essential vocabulary you might already know/ recognize or perhaps new to you! 

QOTD : Do you think you need a challenge exercises? 

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You guys can do it! 

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E S S E N T I A L     V O C A B U L A R Y      1

1. 什么 Shén me - What

Example :

你要什么 Nǐ yào shénme - What would you like?

你要什么颜色 Nǐ yào shénme yánsè - What color do you want?

什么意思 Shénme yìsi - What do you mean?


#1. 要 yào - want

#2 颜色 yánsè - color

#3 意思 yìsi - mean / meaning

2. 哪里 Nǎlǐ - Where


 哪里有 Nǎ li yǒu - Where?

This is a casual/informal phrase you can use to friends or family, the literal translation "you say it's here and I don't see it anywhere so where it is?"

你住在哪里 Nǐ zhù zài nǎlǐ - Where do you live?


#4 有 yǒu - have /be

#5 住 zhù - live 

#6 在 zài - at/in 

3. 为什么 Wèi shé me - Why


为什么是你?  Wèishéme shì nǐ - Why is it you?

-为什么你要这么做 ?  Wèishéme nǐ yào zhème zuò - Why are you doing this?


#7 是 shì  - is/am/are 

#8 这么 zhème - Like this ; this way 

#9 做 zuò - do ; make 

4. 什么时候 Shénme shíhòu - When (1)


我们什么时候去看电影?  Wǒmen shénme shíhòu qù kàn diànyǐng - When shall we go to movies?

几时 Jǐshí - When (2)


巴士几时到? Bāshì jǐshí dào? - When will the bus arrive?


#10 我们 Wǒmen  - We

#11 时候 shíhòu - time; moment ; length of time 

#12  去 qù  - go ; to 

#13 电影 diànyǐng- movies as in cinema

#14 巴士 Bāshì - bus 

#15 到 dào - arrive 

5. 怎么样 Zěnme yàng - How (1)


你怎么样了Nǐ zěnme yàngle - How are you doing?

Without the "了", the phrase still stands as How are you doing. 

怎么 Zěnme - How (2)


这个怎么做 Zhège zěnme zuò - How to do this?


#16 这个  Zhège  - this 

Happy Learning guys! 


Your reads, votes and comments means so much to me!

Thank you for reading, guys!

Hope the little lessons here help you in learning Chinese!

Lovey, @ScarBeauty

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