2 - Mudbloods

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It turned out Harry Potter had flown a car into some sort of important tree.

It was the talk of the school the following morning at breakfast.

"Harry bloody Potter, thinks he's so bloody special, always looking for attention."

I didn't have to look up to know who these mutterings belonged to.

I felt a swirl of excitement when I finally located the raven haired boy with round glasses. From where I sat, I couldn't make out his scar, but it was definitely him. He was sat next to a red haired boy who Pansy informed me was a Weasley.

I'd heard of them before; my father often talked about them being well known blood traitors. I figured he couldn't be that bad if Harry Potter wanted to hang out with him.

"Ugh, you just don't understand, Ivy," Pansy said derisively. "You're a newbie, so I'll let you off. But anyone who Potter deems fit to hang around with makes them just as much of a loser as he is, isn't that right, Drakie?"

And to my horror, she actually fluttered her eyelids up at him.

Before he could answer, however, a loud booming female voice bellowed throughout the hall making me jump out of my skin.

"Weasley's got a Howler!" Pansy's roommate, Daphne Greengrass, screeched.

Indeed, as I looked back over to the Gryffindor table, there was Harry and the boy I now knew was called Ron, both as red as the envelope that was shouting at them.

"Serves bloody Potter right," Draco smirked gleefully. "Won't be so quick to show off in future, will he?"

I was shocked by the vehement dislike coming out in waves from this boy in regards to Harry Potter.

It seemed that, as a Slytherin, I wasn't supposed to like anything to do with Harry Potter either.

But this made me sad, I often found myself watching over at the Gryffindor table during mealtimes, wishing I could join in with whatever conversations they were having.

All the Slytherins ever seemed to talk about was blood purity and their hatred of Harry Potter. It was tiresome.


"No one asked your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood!"

I watched on in a kind of awestruck horror as Draco spat this vicious word at Hermione Granger.

It caused quite the scene.

I had snuck down to the Quidditch pitch after breakfast upon discovering that Draco was going to make his grand appearance as Slytherin's new Seeker.

I was intrigued; eager to see him play the game that I'd loved ever since I could remember. I was desperate to play, although I knew that first years didn't usually get on the house team unless your name was Harry Potter.

But as I waited eagerly to watch, it turned out the Gryffindor team were reluctant to give up their spot.

"Oh hello, Ivy, what's going on down there?"

I turned to see that Luna Lovegood had joined me, a fellow first year who I had become friendly with in Charms class.

My sister, of course, hadn't approved.

"You know the Lovegood's live practically next door to those blood traitors?!" She spat. "Why can't you be friends with Slytherins like the rest of us?"

The problem was, despite being one myself, I hated Slytherins.

Well, all except one particular Slytherin, that is.

"Is that the Malfoy boy?" Luna asked, following my gaze. "I don't like him much. He always calls me Loony and throws bits of food at me during mealtimes."

I nodded, trying to hide the shame flaming in my cheeks; I knew that my sister had been the one egging him on about that.

"And look, Ginny's brother appears to be vomiting up slugs," Luna continued serenely as if she was just commenting on the weather, "I had thought he ate too much lettuce at dinner last night. I knew I should have warned him it was the thirteenth day of the month."

I tore my eyes away from the revolting sight to see Draco laughing maniacally on all fours.

A stirring occurred in my stomach. I wasn't sure if it was disgust or something else.

All I knew is, I was drawn to Draco Malfoy in a way that I knew wasn't healthy.


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