17 - Where Would You Like Me, Miss Parkinson?

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Even though he was still in the kitchen; having Draco Malfoy there with me somehow calmed my nerves.

The students, I noticed, were mainly women in their twenties and thirties; all looking around hopefully for something. Or someone.

My suspicions were confirmed when, after I introduced myself and asked if there were any questions about the upcoming course, hands flew immediately into the air.

"Yes, Tabitha?" I asked an anxious looking attractive blond witch.

"When do we start drawing Draco Malfoy?"

Every single face looked up at me eagerly and expectantly for an answer.

"Well," I said, slightly flustered as my eyes darted to the still closed kitchen door. "Pretty much as soon as he's ready. Any other questions?"

Once again, all hands eagerly shot up in the air.

"Will he be naked?"

"Umm, no. We're just going to be concentrating on the face."

"Will he be getting out his Dark Mark at all?"

"I- As I said, we're going to be concentrating on the face-"

"Is he single?"

"I- I think so. I... don't know."

Great. I thought as more questions about Draco were fired at me. I was pretty sure none of them were here to actually learn about the art of drawing.

Trying to give Draco more time, I started to attempt to engage them in the subject of famous portraits, particularly of those lining the walls of Hogwarts castle.

But I could tell no one was really listening and they were all becoming fidgety; everyone craning their necks to look at the door, obviously hoping for Draco to suddenly appear.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore and excused myself as I went straight to the little kitchenette.

Draco was sat lazily sipping a mug of coffee; his feet up on the table, a wide cocky smirk plastered across his face.

"They're all here for me, aren't they?" he drawled smugly. "Can't wait to get their hands on the main attraction."

"You can not sleep with the students." I snapped, feeling a spark of irritation in my stomach; hating his self satisfied manner.

"Why not?" he shrugged, chortling at my expression. "This is going to be the easiest lay of my life. Those poor desperate bitches are all gagging for it."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I hissed; this was not going how I expected it to at all. "You'll ruin me; I'll have no students left by the end of the term if you screw them all over like that!"

"Hey, who says I'm not looking for a serious relationship?" he pouted in a mock hurt voice. "It's not my fault they all want to hop on an ex Death Eater's cock. Not everyone wants to settle with a boring pompous Ministry stiff, you know."

His eyes flashed as they glanced pointedly down at my left hand. For some reason, I felt the need to swiftly hide it behind my back; my cheeks flaming furiously, causing Draco's smirk to widen.

"This was a mistake," I said at once, horrendously aware of the waiting class on the other side of the door. "I should never have agreed to this!"

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