12 - The Girl Who Drew Too Much

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"Draco Lucius Malfoy, you have been brought here in front of the Council of Magical Law to answer charges relating to Death Eater activities."

At these words, I licked the nib of my quill, before pressing it shakily down to parchment, and began to draw.

After the war, I immediately started to find work. I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts; I just couldn't face finishing my education in a place I had nightmares about every single time I closed my eyes.

So, I managed to procure a job within the Ministry, working as an artist in the court rooms.

I was fired after my first day.

This had nothing to do with my ability to draw, but everything to do with the subject I had sketched.

Because it was Draco's trial.

I had not been pre-warned; I wouldn't have done it if I knew... maybe.

When the white-blond haired Slytherin was ushered into the room; handcuffed and looking more drained than I'd ever seen him, I knew in that instance that I'd only be drawing one thing.

My hand worked automatically; it was as though I had no control over it.

I watched him; my eyes only tearing away to see the markings I was making on the parchment in front of me.

Despite his tired, gaunt haunted look upon his face; to me, he was utter perfection.

Every tiny little detail of him was etched with painstaking passion through the movement of my hand; I didn't look at anything but him as I replicated his beautiful face over and over again; paper falling by my feet in my frenzied desire to draw more and more.

I was obsessed, not wanting to draw anything but him. He was all I saw, all I thought about, all I needed. It was like an obsession that I couldn't control; why would I draw anyone else if I could draw him?

The last piece was ruined, drenched in my tears as his sentence was read out loud.

Because Draco Malfoy was condemned to two years imprisonment in Azkaban.


"What the fuck is this?!" my boss yelled as he sifted through page after page of Draco Malfoy's face.

I felt my face flame as they scattered down by my feet; literally hundreds of every expression Draco had made through his trial looking back up at me; scowling, fierce, even fearful.

"You were supposed to draw everyone!"

I walked away, leaving my drawings and dignity behind.

And I made a decision that I would move on with my life. Draco had simply been my childhood crush; my first kiss and a fantasy that could never, and would never, happen.

Those drawings had been my way of letting go.

That was, until one day, they came back to haunt me.


Five Years Later

"Cheers!" Percy yelled as he popped the cork before pressing his lips against mine.

"To our Ivy," Molly beamed, raising her glass for Percy to fill. "I always said you could do it, didn't I?"

"Your very own exhibition, huh?" Arthur said, his face already glowing red just by being in the same room as alcohol. "Is there a particular subject involved?"

"Umm," I said, pondering as to how I was going to put this to my soon to be father in law.

Completely out of the blue, I had been contacted by a very excitable man who claimed to be an art dealer named Bertie Monet, a man who very much reminded me of our old Professor Slughorn.

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