63 - The First of September

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The first of September had been a significant date to me for many reasons.

It was the day I was born.

It was the day I first met Draco Malfoy.

It was the day my son was born.

It was the day that I died.


Draco felt relief flood his entire being when he looked down at what was unmistakably his son.

"You did it, Ivy," he breathed, tightening his arms around her and pressing his lips against her head. "Thank you, thank you."

But she didn't respond. Instead, with a sickening horror, he realised that she was in fact, slumped against him; unconscious.

"Ivy!" He said desperately, trying to shake her awake as pure terror engulfed him. "Ivy, don't do this, don't you fucking do this to me!"

"We need to get this girl to theatre immediately!" The abrupt midwife boomed, sprinting into action as she shoved the baby in another Healer's arms.

Draco's heart was in his mouth. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't lose her now, they'd come too far, and too much time had already been taken away from them - all because of that fucking bastard.

"Move aside, boy," the midwife ordered, as a crowd of hospital orderlies moved to the bedside, already wheeling her away from him.

Draco didn't know what to do. He sank to the floor in shock, covering his face in his hands as his whole body convulsed in deep wracking sobs.

"Drac, man, what the fuck is going on?"

"They've taken her," Draco chocked in a strangled voice, slowly lowering his hands from his tear streaked face to look up at his best friend, "she- she wasn't responding and they've taken her."

"What about the baby?" Blaise persisted, his face creasing in a frown. "Did she have it?"

Draco froze, having completely forgotten that's why she was there in the first place. He rose instantly to his feet, looking frantically around the room for his son.

And there he was, being swaddled in a blanket by a Healer in the corner of the room.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked kindly, beckoning to Draco as she clocked him looking at the child.

But Draco didn't know what to do; he just continued to stare numbly at the baby. His head was a mess and he couldn't comprehend what was happening anymore.

The Healer smiled and crossed the room, gently placing the baby into Draco's shaking arms.

"Shit," Blaise muttered, leaning over to glance down at the white-blond haired infant which was now screaming its lungs out. "It's definitely yours then. Cute."

But Draco couldn't do this. He couldn't stand here and coo over a baby when the woman he loved was either dying or dead.

So, he thrust his crying son in an alarmed Blaise's arms and ran from the room.

"Where's Ivy?" He heard Pansy call fretfully after him as he passed her in the corridor. "Where've they taken her?"

"I don't know," Draco yelled back, "but I'm going to find her."

And when he did find her, he thought determinedly, he would not let them take her away from him again; ever again.


There was white, so much white.

I felt free and light; as though a terrible and unbearable pain had recently left me.

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