61 - Marge

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"It's too soon!"

Blaise immediately flew towards me at my panicked words as Pansy remained rooted to the spot, her face white with shock.

"It'll be okay," he fiercely reassured me, clutching my upper arms and forcing me to look at him, "my mother gave birth to me a month early and it was all fine, I promise you."

The next thing I knew, he was ushering me out the front door, calling back to Pansy to get my hospital bag before Apparating us to St Mungo's.

Pain ripped through my stomach as we stood in the waiting room, waiting to be seen.

"ARGHHHH!" I screamed, grabbing onto Blaise with all my life.

My fuck, it hurt.

"Just breathe, Ivy," Blaise said vehemently in my ear as he held me up against him, "we're going to get you through this, okay?"

I nodded up at him, panting through my pain.

The problem was, more than the pain, I was terrified of the outcome of my situation. Because as much as I believed this baby was Draco's, a huge part of me was dreading it was Percy's.

When Pansy showed up with my bag, she took one look around at all the pregnant women and turned green.

"Merlin, this is too much estrogen for me," she shuddered, wrapping her coat tightly around her, "Do you mind awfully if I go and wait in a different part of the hospital?"

I shook my head, really not caring at this point. I just wanted this to be over.

As she walked away, another wave of pain ripped through me, and I bit down hard onto Blaise's shoulder.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Ivy," Blaise gritted pulling back slightly as he rubbed the place I had bitten, "ease up."

"S-sorry," I gasped as I threw my head back, trying to control the horrific feeling of terror that engulfed me.

Because the pain was bad. It was worse than I'd ever imagined; it was as though someone was literally driving a knife right through me. It crippled me, it made me feel a sickness I never knew existed; it was horrible.

"It's called giving birth," an unsympathetic Healer muttered in bored tones as I was eventually shown to my own room.

The Healer, a bad tempered looking woman whose name tag read 'Call me Marge' ordered me onto the bed so that she could examine me.

"I CANNOT FUCKING DO THIS!" I screamed at Blaise as he held my hand when the terrifying ripping pain engulfed my body once again. "IT'S KILLING ME!"

"They always say that," tutted Marge disdainfully as she forcibly snapped my wrist up to check my pulse.

I wanted to scream at her, to shout that she didn't understand my pain and discomfort, but Blaise got to me first.

"Try to relax, Ivy," he soothed, stroking my fevered brow as his other hand clasped mine through another contraction, "it's all going to be just chill."

"I need drugs, Blaise," I pleaded with him during one of the terrifying interims between contractions, "anything. Please!"

"It says here on your birthing plan that you wish to forgo all pain relief." Marge said matter-of-factly as she tapped the blue booklet I had filled in with Pansy. "Apparently you just want to 'breathe' through it."

She actually chuckled at that point and muttered something about first time mothers under her breath as she continued to flick through my plan. I had the sudden urge to snatch that fucking booklet out of her hand and throw it at her head.

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