37 - Dead Man

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The loud, intrusive buzz sounded again. The impatience was clear.

All I could think was Percy, Percy, Percy. He'd found me - I knew it.

"Draco, please!" I begged, jumping to my feet as he moved towards the intercom on the wall. "You can't let him in!"

"If it's him, I'm going to go down there myself and kill him with my bare fucking hands." Draco snarled, furiously jabbing his finger against a button and putting his mouth against the speaker. "What?"

"Malfoy," a brusque, authoritative bodiless voice spoke back. "I'm here on Auror business. I demand you let me up."

It was Harry.

"For fuck's sake, Potter," Draco spat back into the intercom. "It's a fucking Sunday!"

"And don't I bloody know it!" Harry's voice spoke angrily back. "But if you don't let me up right now, Malfoy, then it'll be my Sunday gone filling in a shit load of paperwork explaining why I had to force my way into your shag pad to throw your sorry arse back into Azkaban!"

Draco heaved a heavy, resigned sigh before turning to me; an apologetic look upon his face. "I'm sorry, Ivy."

"It's okay," I assured him, my heart racing wildly as I moved back towards the bedrooms to hide myself from view. "You better see what he wants."

Draco gave a curt, tense nod, his expression already fierce as he prepared himself to face his old school nemesis.

I stood just inside the hallway, out of view, curious as to what Harry wanted with Draco. The tightness in my chest told me that deep down, I knew.

A loud ping announced the arrival of the lift and I held my breath at the sound of the opening doors.

"Malfoy," Harry's stern, sharp voice echoed loudly. "Where is she?"

My heart sank. Percy had obviously gone straight to him.

"If you are referring to my mother, Potter," Draco's snarling voice bit back, "then you know fully well that she's still in Azkaban."

"You know exactly who I'm talking about," Harry said. "I should have known you would come between them, Malfoy - inflicting your miserable pathetic life on others."

"Again," Draco drawled with an air of casual indifference, "I have no idea what you're talking about. Now, if you don't mind-"

"So why are there two plates out then? Feeling a little hungry, are we?"

"Not that it's any of your business, Potter, but I brought a date back last night, and she's currently waiting for me in bed, so if you can kindly piss off."

"Oh, well in that case, you wouldn't mind introducing us, then?" Harry spoke arrogantly, and I could just picture him strutting his chest out, trying to size up to Draco. "I'm sure she'll understand I'm here on highly important Auror business-"

"If you so much as step one fucking toe in my bedroom," Draco spat, his voice suddenly dangerously low, "then I'll be showing you the way out from over the side of the balcony."

"Is that a threat, Malfoy?" Harry puffed haughtily. "Because if it is I-"

It was clear Harry wasn't going to quit, so, sighing resignedly, I stepped out into view before Draco could bicker his way back into Azkaban.

"I'm here, Harry," I said at once, shocked at how alarmingly close their faces were.

Both of them wheeled round to look at me. Harry did not look surprised - if anything, he looked smug at being proved right.

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