56 - Curiosity Killed the Ferret

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"What do you mean she's gone?"

Draco looked at Blaise; panic making his heart race uncomfortably in his chest.

"I'm sorry, man," Blaise shrugged, "but it looks as though she's sold up and left."

Draco's immediate reaction was turn to the window, his eyes darting down to where the studio stood. An aching sadness ripped through his stomach at the realisation she wasn't there anymore.

It had been four months and it wasn't getting any easier. Draco missed her so much that he was finding it unbearable to get through each day. He found himself drawing her; drawing her from memory. He remembered every single detail about her, and he'd watch in pain and longing as his drawings came to life before his eyes; her face looking back at him, mournful and sad, just like his own.

"Have you any idea where she could have gone?" Draco asked, fearing the worst; he knew Ivy wouldn't have taken the decision to sell up lightly, she loved that place.

But Blaise just shook his head. "Sorry man, it seems no one has seen her in months. That dude Monet said she was refusing to answer the door to anyone until one day she just left without even saying goodbye."

Draco didn't like this one bit. He inwardly cursed himself, realising he should have done more to help her. He should have made Blaise break into the god damned place when she was refusing to answer the door.

"Perhaps it's what you both need," Blaise said carefully, his gaze following Draco's. "It's gotta be driving you both insane knowing you're just across the river like that. It's probably time to move on, you know?"

"I don't want to fucking move on!" Draco bellowed, a sudden anger exploding inside of him as he furiously kicked the nearest chair over so that it clanged noisily to the ground.

Draco turned his attention to the next chair and kicked that one too. It felt good and he suddenly wanted to upend everything in the penthouse, wanting to destroy every piece of materialistic crap he owned, because it all meant nothing to him now. Nothing without Ivy in his life.

"Dude, you need to chill the fuck out," Blaise said firmly, restraining him before he could throw the coffee table smashing through the window. "I know you miss her man, but this is not going to help anyone."

Fuck that, Draco thought, it was helping him. The anger he felt inside of him was coursing furiously through his veins, desperate for some kind of release.

Shrugging himself free of Blaise's grip, he strode over to the lift and made his way out of the building. He needed to get away, to stop himself going crazy with longing from staring at the studio where she no longer was.

He walked and he walked until he found himself quite unexpectedly in front of the Ministry.

He wanted to see Potter, he realised, he just couldn't give up on Ivy and he knew that Potter knew something. He'd beat it out of him if he had to, whatever it took to get out of this hell he was trapped in.

When he turned up to Potter's office, however, he was surprised to see it was deserted. Not even the busty brunette who sat at the desk outside was there to make his life difficult.

So, shrugging, Draco went straight in. He'd just wait for Potter there. He'd wait all fucking day if he had to.

He noticed it instantly. A cabinet with the door open ajar revealing something glowing inside.

Draco didn't hesitate to step over to it and take a look. He had no shame in going through other people's stuff; especially when he suspected they were hiding important information from him.

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