64 - S.H.M.

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Draco drove his hands exasperatedly through his hair as he frantically looked around for answers; his heart racing furiously in his chest. He just couldn't cope.

Machines were beeping wildly as Healers stormed in and out of the operating theatre where Ivy was receiving urgent surgery.

"Stand clear!" he heard a stern male voice bark authoritatively from within as the beeping now turned into one long terrifying noise.

No, no, no, no, Draco sobbed, the thought of losing her now completely tearing him up inside.

And then the male voice spoke again; words that Draco could dare not believe.

"She's back, we've got her folks! Cancel the hearse; this one isn't going anywhere today."

Thank fuck.


Everything hurt so much, the pain was unbearable.

But it was pain; and pain could only mean one thing.

I was alive.

Well, either that or I was in hell.

But when I blinked open my eyes and saw a certain white-blond haired boy looking down at me with such love in his silver grey eyes; I knew for certain that this could not be hell.

And every inch of pain I'd ever endured was worth it just to be here next to him.

"Morning, beautiful," he murmured huskily in exactly the same way he used to greet me when I woke up in his arms in those last days, "glad you could finally join us."

"Draco," I breathed, automatically reaching out to him; but as I did so, a horrific searing pain made me cry out in agony.

"Hey, take it easy," he said at once, his brow furrowing in concern as he reached out to gently touch my arm, "you've just had some major surgery."

"The baby," I rasped, trying to lift my head, desperate to see. "Is he... is he-?"

"Shhh, our boy is fine," Draco soothed, bringing a hand up to tenderly brush the back of his fingers against my cheek, "perfect, in fact."

I closed my eyes; releasing a contented sigh. I'd missed his touch so much and I could scarcely believe any of this was real.

"It is real," Draco answered without me asking, "fuck, Ivy, you gave me such a scare yesterday. I thought you'd... I thought you'd-"

He stopped as his voice started to break, I was horrified to see tears swimming in his eyes as he looked down at me with such intense emotion. I wanted so much to reach up and cup his face; to kiss away his pain.

"I'm here, Draco," I assured him instead, "I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you," he said, his voice strangled and full of remorse, "I'm sorry for what he did to you after everything."

"It wasn't your fault, Draco," I said with as much earnest as I could, willing him to believe me, "if anything, you saved me. You made me see what it is to be loved. And now you've given me a child, our child,"

"I do love you, Ivy," he said, his grey eyes flashing fiercely, "and you don't know how fucking glad I am that I behaved so irresponsibly with you that night. And I don't normally- I mean... I don't usually-" he paused to clear his throat as a slight tinge rose to cheeks, "What I'm trying to say is that I'm not usually so careless."

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